Steynianism 10.0

“Maclean’s magazine? Well, we all know what a hotbed
of radical bigotry and vile prejudice
Maclean’s magazine has been.”

Rex Murphy, Canadian Commentator

~ OUR OTHER GIG: WebElf Blogroll News, January 6, 2008. Happy Epiphany (12th Day of Christmas) …. (webelf)

~ MARK STEYN: Here’s what offends this writer. “Why should free-born Canadians require the permission of the state to read my columns?” And Wise and the ways of the world …. (, steynonline)

~ FRESH STEYN— Vivat Rex. The original link & video (and many comments); our copy of the transcript …. (steynonline)

~ OUTING THE CHRC— Monty Python Material; CHRC Stats; International Business and the CHRC …. (

~ MICHAEL Coren on that witless bully, Mohammed Elmasry …. (fivefeetoffury)

~ NATIONAL POST— It’s a human right to be an idiot, says Geroge Jonas. Our copy …. (nationalpost)

~ REUTERS: Muslims test press freedom limits in Canadian case …. (
~ COMPLAINTS AGAINST against Maclean’s raise censorship concerns, By Deborah Gyapong of Canadian Catholic News. comments …. (canadianchristianity)

~ MARK STEYN: It’s the secular Left vs. the Christian Left …. (ocregister)

~ OTTAWA-WATCH: Free speech and diversified mosquitos, By Lloyd Mackey …. (

~ OUTSTANDING article on the Mark Steyn case …. (fivefeetoffury)

~ CANADA: The New Banana Republic …. (

~ RACIST ISLAMOPHOBIC Canadian Muslim speaks out …. (fivefeetoffury)

~ MARK STEYN IS AN IMPERIALIST CRYBABY, or something like that. “A Conquered Continent: The True Relationship Between Europe and America” …. (

~ PETER JACKSON— Step back, take breath: “Those looking for a common theme to the year just past may find it in signs of a grassroots pushback against Islam” …. (thetelegram)

~ WHY, IT LOOKS LIKE A REBUTTAL: Tarek Fatah and Farzana Hassan– Mark Steyn has a right to be wrong– Muslims who try to censor him only prove his point. Muslims who debate him disprove it …. (

~ SHAIDLE— Rex Murphy on Mark Steyn: “we all know what a hotbed of radical bigotry and vile prejudice Maclean’s magazine has been.” …. (fivefeetoffury)

~ CANADA FREE PRESS— Free Speech and Islam. Steyn strikes back: Squashing debate like mosquitoes …. (canadafreepress)

~ THE ALMIGHTY UN: ‘Don’t Criticize Islam’ …. (hyscience)

~ AN COMMENT: “It is clear that the so-called Canadian Human Rights Commission is totally out of control and has become an organization employing undemocratic radicals, with fascist tendencies, who disparage the Canadian Constitution and openly demand the suspension of the most basic rights in legal proceedings. The Federal Government cannot constantly rely on the Tribunal to suppress the ghastly totalitarian outlook and practices of the Commission, any more than the regular judicial system can suppress an out of control police system. The grotesque so-called Human Rights Commission has obviously been subverted and must be eliminated from our Government!” …. (

Word from the Binks: Grateful for this blog?.. Then spread the word, subscribe to Macleans, and buy Steyn stuff through his website or Kathy Shaidle’s Amazon conduit. Oh, and she has a new e-book. Every litle bit helps.

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