Steynian 457rd


Trudeapian mandate fails desperate Shafia girls

~ ITEM: Shafia case was affected by English-French snafu: youth protection officials

“When the Shafia girls went looking for help from youth-protection officials three years ago, their case was hampered by a uniquely Canadian bureaucratic snafu. Some of their pleas were lost in translation. Or, more precisely, their different complaints were handled by separate English- and French-language agencies that failed to share case information.”

~ ITEM: Death and dishonour: Shafia murders the latest sad chapter in war on Muslim women; Shafia girls needed a voice before they died, not after

~ ITEM: “Honor Killing” is Absolutely Islamic!, by Syed Kamran Mirza

Ezra Levant Rips Political Correctness
& CBC”s Coverage Of The Shafia Honour Killing

~ ASIDE FROM THAT & THE POLITICALLY CORRECT droning that all cultures & their practices are equally good, does Modern free-for-all youth culture fail immigrants and their children?

Our sometimes anarchic manners and morals, restless materialism, and absolute insistance on being ‘free, free, free’ would shame most of our own forebearers, let alone a newcomer from the cultural & religious 10th century. It’s a rarefied environment.

The moral and religious tide of Western societies go in and out.. and the results can be alarming to those who belong to the older tradition. Mind you, for Judaeo-Christianity, ‘getting back to basics’ comes via moral renewal, individual transformation, spiritual awakening, mass movements and accompanying political actions. For a Muslim immigrant ‘getting back to the basics’ means Koran, Jihad, Sharia, and the dirty family secret (as Muhammed taught) of murdering your kids/ family if they are tempted away from the faith– whether that’s by the spiritual rebirth of Christianity, or the siren-song of materialism, moral relativism, and dressing/ acting like a party girl.

Our Unintended Consequences

The simple fact is that no man– or society– is an Island. We can all think of people and ways of life to admire and inspire– and the opposite is true. For us to pretend that preventing and/ or ditching our unborn and replacing them with immigrants– some of whom will be profoundly confused and dislocated by what seems to us a normal way of life, is to misrepresent ourselves to them, and to pretend that our accumulated actions and choices make no difference, and our current way of life is perfect and everybody should immediatley like & understand it. That’s a form of Leftist self-congratulation, just like exporting Feminism, the pill, and busy-body NGOs to go and bring the new progressive way to the heathen darkies.

What is brightest and best in us is not merely sexual and moral “freedom”, but our first things– love of truth, of law and fairness, of justice, our art and higher culture, literature and music and so very much more. The Christians transformed Rome and Greece not because they cheered on paganism, but because they replaced the enticements of mere power and pleasure with a higher love found in Christ, the Son of God, and thus drawing attention away from all that degraded, exploited, or ruined souls.

Higher, Better, More Gooder

St. Paul put it clearly to the Christians in Philippi:

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” [ Php. 4:8 ]

You can’t replace something with nothing. Asking immigrants to replace their spiritual lives with a secular vacuum doesn’t work.. or it works for a generation or so until folks start looking for roots & traditions.

We have hidden our Western glories under commercialism, an ever more crass pop culture, and a profound loss of confidence and understanding about who we are, and why. Immigrants come, take the oaths, and find us mumblers, afraid to speak truth and goodness, or to challenge their home-cultures in any way. Ghetto arise of like-minded folks, where the old ways live on, for lack of anything better. Child-marriage, concubinage, honour killings? That’s good old-fashioned Muhammedanism.. at least it stands for something, however evil or wrong-headed.

Apportioning Blame

Mr. Shafia failed his family. Mohammed & the sick cultures he helped bring into birth are partly to blame. But these girls died because of our way of life too, as in Bilingualism, government failure, a hands-off policy towards newcomers, and (perhaps) the idea that party-girlism is the way to be– as represented in youth culture and on TV. ~

Binky Opting Out of “Non-Opt-Out” Google

~ ITEM: Google announces privacy changes across products; Users can’t opt out; Google stirs up privacy hornet’s nest

~ ITEM: GOOGLE Privacy Changes won’t Affect Govt Users

~ ITEM: A list of all GOOGLE products; the Criticism of Google (WikiPedia)

~ ITEM: GOOGLEWatch website

~ ITEM: Obama Signs ACTA: A Global Internet Treaty Worse Than SOPA

~ ITEM: TWITTER’s new censorship plan rouses global furor (TWITTER plans to allow country-specific censorship of tweets that might break local laws); Twitter’s country-specific blocking brings hazards and hope

~ ITEM: Twitter Censorship And The Future Of Authoritarianism In A High-Tech World

~ ITEM: U.S falls to 47th in press freedom rankings after Occupy crackdown

~ AS NOTED CULTURAL philosopher Uncle Ben Parker put it, “With great power comes great responsibility.” GoogleCorp likes the former, not the latter.

In an evil move that must concern freespeechers, privacy activists, and anybody who doesn’t like powerful software & websites all up in their bizniss, Google is going to mind your online activities via their sites, and you have no privacy-opt-out choice. GoogleCorp had already slid this modus operandi under the radar with their popular Chrome Browser, assinging individual IDs to users, and recording their online activity. Now, the Google search-engine, Youtube, GMail, AdWords, and the many-tentacled mass of other Google products and sites will all be collecting data on you, personally. Via ComputerWorld:

“What has the blogosphere and some users in an uproar is that Google isn’t offering users an opt-out option. If you don’t want your information from Gmail, YouTube and Google searches combined into one personal data store that can paint a detailed picture of you, the only option is to stop using Google’s services.”

It all starts March 1st.

Already Evilling

GoogleCorp is a corporation with inappropriate & cosy ties to the radical Obama administration; it has in the past helped with the Great Firewall of China (blocking traffic & content into & out of China); Google Earth data-catching was sweeping up passwords, private info, and illegal content; Google Corp has also been fined $500 million by the U.S. Government for criminal activity connected with the online drug market. That is, despite the founders’ motto “Don’t Be Evil”, the temptations of money, political power, and collaboration with repressive regimes has been a sweet, sweet opportunity for evil.

Now, it’s ‘No Opt Out’. Well, if you want to use their products, that is. All freedom-loving Netizens should respond by refusing to use Google (except via anonymizer websites like Scroogle), cancel Gmail (I’m moving over to Yahoo), use SRWare’s spyware-free Chrome-copy Iron browser instead of Chrome (yes, it supports Angry Birds), use Bing or any other engine for searches, and off-dump any browser or desktop-intrusive Google products for free substitutes available everywhere online. And yes, the snooping also includes the new Google+.

But Binky!, You Say

“But Binky,” you say, “you’re an international elf of mystery– we’re just using FaceBook and GMail and sending e-mails and browsing Amazon and eBay and kitten-picture sites. What’s the big?”

The big? One company not only wants to be your gateway to the web, but install itself all over your computer– and watch you. And that’s only what we know about, or what GoogleCorp haven’t been charged and convicted and fined for. Power used irresponsibly is a great evil, but even greater is the indifference to such evils, whether here or abroad. Like Van Rompuy the unelected Obergruppenfuhrer of the EU, or rogue-POTUS Mr. Teleprompter in the U.S., such absolute power is not a tool for freedom, or due process, nor does “trust us, we’re the good guys” relieve us of vigilance and responsibility for our generation, and generations to come.

In some Anglican parishes, I sometimes met old conservative folks who loved the non-radicalized Bok of Common Prayer, but who missed the point when they said “I just want it around long enough to get my funeral properly done.” Hmm. ‘Well, thanks’, I thought to myself, ‘and too darned bad for the rest of us, is it?’

Muzzling The World

Google or SOPA & PIPA or the even worse international ACTA treaty are part of the wars by national and world establishments not just to curb alleged ‘piracy’ (we need digital content licenses, NOW), but to curb the very unpredictable, fast, and democracy-enabling flow of ideas, information, commentary, and activism (the good sort) which the web enabled in the mid-1990s.

Slaving the web? “Put the genie back in the bottle, he’s messing up our masterplans and skewing the official narrative.” Don’t confuse our would-be masters with the facts.

Imagine if something like the internet had been around in the 1930s. No Hitler. Imagine what Obama or the EUcracy would be like if ther were no internet today– or one that only gave us games, advertisments, and highly santitized pre-web-style network “news” tidbits, with little right of swift fact-checking fisk-making responds and the rest of the story?

GoogleCorp stands over the digital world like Big Brother, and should toatalitarian times arrive, they’ve already cheerfully cooperated with repression and web-crippling in the past. What’s to stop them from going 1984 all over us and the world? Little or next to nothing, if everybody just shrugs.

Replacing GoogleCorp

Don’t use the GOOGLE search engine directly. Use Scroogle. Or Try anonymized search-engines.

Don’t use Chrome– use the free Firefox or SRWare Iron if you like Chrome features & functionality, but don’t want Google watching you. It even has an anonymous surf mode.

Uninstall all the Google desktop ‘Freeware’, and find online alternatives.

Get rid of Gmail, unless only for innocuous stuff, and use Yahoo, or onboard MS-Outlook, or FireFox/ Thunderbird e-mail clients on your computer. Online mail is easy, but it’s very hackable, and in the case of Google after March 1st, very trackable and snoopable.

ITYS, Folks

The new Google No Opt-Out policy? Take back your freedom, and opt-out from Google like Binks is doing.

The future depends on it. ~

Stupid Old Obama? Whoa There!

~ ITEM: Google- 2008 voter regret

~ ITEM: Obama in Foreign Policy Hell

~ AFTER HE’S GONE, and the Dems finally start blaming him for stuff, Obama’s toxic legacy will live on. So will that of his voters, and enablers, apologists, and political cronies.

Obama is a kind of cipher, an untalented political hack and opportunist serving the agendae of anybody who can pay him or push him. He bears repsonsibility, but should not serve as a handy scapegoat for all the other players in the current very ugly American politico-economic sideshow.

Taking Names

Democrats? Yes, he’s yours. OK, so Soros, the Clintons, and others radicalized your party– you went socialist with them, and American political and social radicals pulled you into the big intoxicating campaign, unlocking the keys to power and loot. Sweet, sweet ambrosia– and you screwed over your own Party principles, and helped sell America down the river.

All you rich foundations and illegal donors and Sorosiac busy-bodies: America has become your experimental rat-cage. Real people are suffering, the real world economy is choking, the chance for chaos and triple, quadruple and quintuple dip recessions may become a new way of life. What’s that? You thought the free-money flow would fund the socialism, just like it did in Europe? Duh. America funded post-war European social statism– nanny got the loot, whilst Europe didn’t pay for military defence.

Who Pays Now?

Who pays now? What? Exactly.

This turkey-POTUS is a fail in every way: at home, abroad, geopolitically, economically, and even in terms of his own promises and policies. He has succeeded in adding 5 trillion to the debt; shutting down Main Street and cooling investment & expansion in corporate America. The vultures of Wall Street are glutted with stimulus and pay-offs, but the economy and markets are not strong for all that.

Hey, progressives: too bad your ‘Occutard’ movement is so full of stoners, nitwits, cowards, diaper-wearers and incompetents– hardly the unstoppable cadres of the Bolshevik revolution overthrowing the old regime, despite all the backing from the White House & Soros-machine. How will Obama get to further subvert the political process now? By main force, if at all.

One More Slap

Most of all to blame?– all you voters. He. Is. Your. Fault. You drank the Kool-Aid, swallowed the codswallop, believed the fumes and illusions– even though part of you knew bloody well that it was for show, and impossible. Hope & Change: I hope you will never vote for Obama again.

Yes, the Republicans deserve plenty of blame, but it is unlikely that anybody could have taken Obama in 2008. Not so now– don’t muff it up. ~

Fraud: How Radicals Work

“One of the most ubiquitous tactics of the Global Muslim Brotherhood is the establishment of a dizzying number of organizations and initiatives and which create the impression of broad based support when, in reality, the sponsors are the same individuals and groups whose leaders have not changed in many year.”

~ ITEM: U.K. Muslim Brotherhood Forms Yet Another Coalition; Latest Effort To Investigate U.K. Media

~ ITEM: A Communist front organization

~ ITEM: Ezra Levant exposes b.s. at Northern Gateway hearings; is banned

~ ITEM: Welcome to Discover the Networks. This website describes the networks and agendas of the political Left

~ OK, SO YOU got a Cause– You find seed money (sources depending on if you’re a Prog or a Jihadi), an office, website, small staff, and a name.Out go offers for interviews, press releases, and PR. You act as if you represent your community, or a wide base of concerned persons. You achieve legitimacy, since in normal situations, only legitimate causes get groups going– the rest of us write irate letters to politicians or newspapers.

Like-minded folks set up three or four or twenty more copy-groups. All of a sudden, you have all sorts of apparent ‘political push’.

In the case of the Muslim Brotherhood, you get people to start up CAIR, ISNA, MSA, and an alphabet-soup of loosely related groups all pushing in the same direction, with various degrees of friendly or political correctness or victim-spin.

Or in the case of U.S.-funded Eco-groups in Canada pushing against national oil policy, you do the same, and clog up the legitimate process because you think oil is evil and the “Tar Sands” are Mordor, and even pumping oil-money to dictatorships and theocracies is better than that.

Faking It Bigtime

This faux-loading is a way of subverting the democratic process– the Soviet Communists operating worldwide taught us all about how to create such front-groups (or do a take-over of existing groups), and inflate a false political perception of a mass-movement concealing subversive reality.

That, of course, is why David Horowitz’s highly irritating site Discover The Networks got so many Leftist people so mad so fast when it debuted in the U.S.– as a former radical, Horowitz knew the game, the usual suspects, and how it all connected.

Once you know the scam, it’s easy to spot. That’s what the radicals of all stripes hate.


It’s much harder to get the populace and political class to see and recognize such fraud, and to boil down such groups as over-inflated unrepresentative ideological prybars for breaking other people’s stuff. If it ain’t fixed, break it.

This modus operandi has spread since the 1930s, and took on it’s own after the radicalizing 1960s. A handful of radicals can have an exponentially disproportionate influence on society, its’ insitutions, and on whole societies and nations.

It’s otherwise called hijacking. ~

On Cuddling The Ugly

~ ITEM: HATING WHOLESOMENESS– Exclusive: Patrice Lewis reports on grandmas who try to corrupt homeschooled grandkids

~ MUCH OF WHAT PASSES FOR modern culture is a rancid stew. And lots of us paddle in it. Nudity, horrific violence, glorified or cuddlified evil or depravity.. a gentle road down into being entertained by sewage.

The other day, The Binklings wanted to watch the series Dexter on NetFlix. It’s about a forensic blood-spatter analyst who is also a mass-murdering vigilante. See, he’s doing good! By being evil! Ooh, so complicated and tasty and– entertaining?

Quote, Unquote

Sorry, guys– mass-murdering and vigilantism is illegal and morally evil. True Blood? Vampires are evil. Glee? Gay-bullies High School, without reality or consequences. The Tudors? Sexy & uglified faux-history. Patrice Lewis comments:

“… the primary characteristic of this hatred of wholesomeness is its irrationality. How can someone object to decency? Why do people obsess over the efforts of others to achieve a moral life? Critics will often descend into crass personal attacks in an effort to malign or belittle someone’s integrity. Admittedly, a moral lifestyle sets a standard to which many others fall short, but that behavior isn’t forced on anyone else. It’s a personal choice. Could it be that purity shines light into dark and uncomfortable corners?”

Watching such evil as entertainment? How did we get to this place?

Monkey See, Monkey Do?

Prime time profanity, partial nudity, the mocking of virtue, faith, fidelity, the glorification of mere depravity and unrestricted libertinism– the TV is less entertainment that a sewer, telling our kids how to live, what is supposedly admirable and what false freedom looks like.

All of this in the name of ‘tolerance’, harmless tittilation, and the degading of human culture to things that pollute your soul, help shred families and relationships, and make us hunger for more of the same.

Garbage in, garbage out. You can’t unsee video-evil, or pretend it has no effect on your thoughts, attitudes, and actions. If the Binklings decide to watch such things when they are older, that is within their adult freedom– but just because we can do something, doesn’t mean we should. We cancelled our cable a few months ago, because so much of what passes for popular fare is time-killing, ugly, or stupid.

Better Fare

If you like decent shows, then buy them online. Castle, NCIS, Chuck, Firefly, or even older and enduring TV classics. Yes life is ugly and often depraved– but there are two attitudes to respond to that fact. First, we can recall that truth, goodness, and morality exist, and recognize that all fall short of the standard, but that there is a right and wrong. Or second, we simply lower the bar, and say that all things, behaviours, beliefs are simply good and equal and kumbayah.

Are we good? Happy? Holy? What happens in Vegas decays inside you. ~


~ ITEM: Halifax salon offers women-only day for Muslims; Vlad tepes weighs in

Tarek Fatah discusses the Burka

~ SO: SHOULD SALONS close their doors to offer Muslima-only service? The Multicults versus opponents fill the comments with mostly the usual comments.

A few things: (1) Muslim teaching that women are giant sexual organs, and less than men originates with Mohammed. This is not Canadian law, or tradition. Thus, the swimming or mosque or other segregations which Muslimas engage in according to homeland custom or a sense of Muslim modesty? Moe uber alles over Canadian laws. Sharia law supreme.

(2) Why not offer this service at a Mosque basement? Hairdressers go to various senior’s homes all the time to lovelify the ladies– if Christ had taught that women were walking vaginas, surely the churches would figure something out.

(3) That said, how do we support Muslimas get a less slavish mindset? The salon took the wrong approach in closing during regular businees hours– how about doing such treatments during off-hours? Or closing on Sundays?

(4) Special accomodationism & privileges lend themselves to sharia submissionism. Just because these women want their heair pretty doesn’t mean they aren’t also supremacists. Canada doesn’t have separation of church & state– it’s a Christian country, founded as such. thus, even our secularists assume a lot in common with Christianity and Western Civ, because that’s where laws & freedoms and individual dignity comes from.

We’ve Seen This Before, & Elsewheres

What next– making sure Jews and dogs and homosexuals are segregated from delicate Muslim sensibilities? No Christmas decoration or hymns & carols on the mall music? Silencing church-bells as offensive announcers of the resurrection, and infidel worship? It’s a long list.

You know, because throught the Muslim world non-Muslims are always catered to in every way and aspect of life.. oh, wait. ~

Dem Target Number One? A Black Guy

Allen West Wraps Up C.P.A.C. on Feb 12, 2011

~ ITEM: Allen West ‘not going to say no’ if asked to run for vice president

Allen West for Gingrich VP?

~ ITEM: Allen West To Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Wasserman Schultz: “Get The Hell Out Of The United States of America

~ ITEM: Allen West being redistricted out of existence in effort led by Romney Florida spokesman

~ I’VE BEEN WATCHING THE U.S. election (though not in fanatical detail), and note that new Congressman Allen West is Quite The Thing. Former military, principled, a balanced social and fiscal and small-government conservative, and– once he gets his political props under him– a real candidate for the 2016 Republican ticket.

He has no patience for the liberal press, the Muslim Brotherhood, or politics as usual. He seeks an American renewal. Time will tell if he has horrible character-flaws or ugly skeletons in the closet. So far, despite a lot of Dem/ Mainscream Press character assassination, nothing has emerged yet. If he’s not a faker, I would support him.

Given his words, the ever-trimming Republican Establishment in DC,–seeking to keep the lobbying and big-government and corrupt habits of the past in place, with a show-election every 4 years– may not like an apparently straight-thinking, straight-talking and hard-driving Allen West.

Choose Wisely

America is on a precipice: business as usual just won’t do; radical progressive revolution just won’t do; the establishment and/ or political messianism just won’t do.

Rumour has it that West is up for a possible Gingrich VP-slot, along with Marco Rubio and others.. if the Romney hit-squad doesn’t re-distribute his district out of existence, and thus kick him out of office. It may already be too late.

Dear U.S.A.: Choose wisely. ~

A Hard-Hitting Website

~ ITEM: DALROCK Thoughts from a happily married father on a post feminist world

~ ARE LOT OF WESTERN youth gone slutty and marriage-averse? Has feminizm & the laws thereof wreckified matrimony, betrayed and punished men, built the super nanny-state, and promoted female sluttery and male date-gaming as a result?

DalRock asks:

  • Why should men get married anymore, exactly? Why are so many women wondering ‘Where Are All The Men?’?
  • Why, exactly, ‘Women & Children First’ in an equalitarian society that punishes men for manliness and distinctiveness at every other turn?

Controversial Manosphere blogger Dalrock is asking these and many other questions, along with a number of other like bloggers. Warning: If you are in any way an ideological feminist who loves putting men in their place, these blogs may cause heeadache, heart-attack, or fatal blood vessel burstage in the brainpan.

A lot of western males are mad as hell, and just aren’t taking it any more. Thus the massive societal opt-out from college, husbandhood, and fatherhood. Are we aware? Do we care? ~

Prove It, Please

~ ITEM: Climate Skeptics— “Imagine if everything you knew about the environment was wrong”

~ ITEM: Superseded scientific theories

~ ITEM: Leading Scientists: No Need To Panic About Global Warming

~ ITEM: 16 Scientists Have a Message for Elected Officials on Global Warming: ‘Drastic Action’ Unnecessary

~ ITEM: The climate system may be less sensitive to greenhouse-gas warming than many models have predicted

~ MODERN SECULARITY wants you to ditch stupid old religion, but then to believe every last thing the elites tell you. Sorry, I’m a natural skeptic: who said so? Is this true?

That is, when it comes to truth-claims (religion or science of politics) I ask hard questions, because evidence and info leads to thoughts leads to principles, and then to action.

One Theoretical Topic

Global Warmism has the status of an apocalyptic secular faith for many politicians, scientists, eco-activists, and members of the public.

  • WHAT– Is there actual global warming/ climate change? What sorts?
  • WHY?– What are the possible causes? End results?
  • THEREFORE– Can anything be done about it, or not?

How do we adjust our actions based on evidence, and properly peer-reviewed science? How do we integrate criticisms or alternate theories

What A Working Theory Is

Anthropogenic (human-caused) Global Warming (increase in the base temperature of the planet by degrees, due to increased amounts of atmospheric “pollutant” Carbon Dioxide) is a working theory some people have to explain observed climate change over the past few decades. Theories are working models based on evidence, and supported by models interpreting the data into a working theory of reality.

However, like the 1970s Ice Age Cometh scare, Global Warming– along with big-eco– have become centre-pieces of national and international policy, taxation, and societal change. This is often in spite of dissenting scientific theories by legitimate climate experts. Then the political games start, the politics of personal destruction, and the demonizing of those who dare question the new absolute scientific orthodoxy, and the vested interests promoting one theory over others. Plus the climate skeptics, whose doubts can take on the force of a final consensus.

You know, like medical experts “Knew” that excess acid and not bacterial infections caused peptic ulcers. Or any of these superseded theories which once ruled as the final word in their fields.

How I Roll

When I am pressured by government or eco-groups or the bandwagon-media to take one view of a phenomena like climate change, I smell a rat. Prove it. Account for discrepancies and contrary theories. Show me how the theory (and related proposed solutions) change to take account of new data. Don’t trash legitimate doubt, because to do so is bad science & ideology.

I like music, and bands. However, bandwagons are all well and good, but they are not necessarily right and good and true. Let the unrestricted debate be over theories, AND facts, however ‘inconvenient’.

Jumping To Conclusions

Further debt-burdening already cash-strapped and debt-ridden nations with expensive and/ or industry & economy killing taxes and requirements? Spending loads of taxes on inflammable electric cars, bird-killing wind-turbines, pricey solar energy schemes? Seems like a mix of good will and scammery, especially with untested new technology. To redirect science & technology in one direction, leading to the forbidding, say, of ye olde incandescent light-bulbs (and in favour of a polluting monopoly by a sleazy Military-Indistrial Complex corporation like General Electric?? Shutting down oil & gas exploration throughout the U.S. and offshore, and then saying we’re facing the end of oil?

You get the picture. Bad business, bad science, bad technology, bad politics– and a stupid and blind way to do things.

Chicken Littleism is a poor way to run a farm, let alone a planet. ~

Random Binky Linkies

If 2012’s Oscar-nominated Movie Posters Told the Truth

~ AMERICAN DIGEST— Redwing: More on the Makeover of Favorite Shoes; Everyday Miracles – “At The Fruit Stand.”; Loreena McKennitt — Nights from the Alhambra; San Francisco, the nation’s leading open air exhibition of failed social policies; The Power of Words; Van Gogh’s Inspiration; Another Alan Taylor First Rate Photoessay; Gingrich the Traveler. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms(americandigest)

Longbow and me

Kid Goes Beast Mode During Wrestling Match

Idumea (Black Ships Ate The Sky)

~ THE GOLDEN-TONGUED John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople, A.D. 407. Via(Saints)


~ DAILY BAYONET— Warmists are having a tough time of things these days; Greens in the money; Global Warming Weekly Round-Up, Jan. 26th 2012; ForestEthics “an enemy of the people of Canada”; Global warming fades away; A split in the ranks of organized labor has followed in the wake of President Obama’s decision to kill the Keystone XL pipeline(dailybayonet)

Newt Rips Gore’s Global Warming ‘Facts’ To Pieces

~ SPAIN STOPS Green Energy Subsidies … (canadafreepress)

~ WARMIST bullsh*t increasing as solar activity decreases: “No slow down in global warming” … (

~ WHEREAS, the United Nations Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of extreme environmentalism, social engineering, and global political control … (

~ MISTAKS WUR MAID: Just when you thought it was safe to go our without your mittens: “Forget global warming….” … (americandigest)

~ GREEN GURUS choose Abu Dhabi to “Green” World Tourism … (canadafreepress)

~ PLANET GORE— NRO eco-loony linky riches … (NRO)

~ CRACKED.COM— The 6 Most Half Assed Attempts at Corporate Green Washing … (

Mark Steyn

“The State of our Union is broke, heading for bankrupt, and total collapse shortly thereafter. Thank you and goodnight! You’ve been a terrific crowd!”

~ Steyn’s Proposed SOTU ~

~ THE STATE OF OUR UNION Is Broke: Obama calls for more of the unaffordable same … (NRO)

~ FIDEL While Rome Burns … (NRO)

~ THE PROBLEM with Prescriptions and Newt’s Moon Race; Sorry, Newt. Only the debt ceiling will reach the moon(hughhewitt, ocregister)

~ NRO ARCHIVE— Mark Steyn, 2001-2012 … (nationalreview)

Ezra Levant

“The Khadrs were once upon a time considered among the most reviled, most dangerous people ever to make this country their home. Thanks to years of hard cheerleading on our campuses, in our political movements, and in our newsrooms for the family’s most favoured son, Canada will soon become Omar Khadr’s country. The rest of us will just be forced to live in it.”

~ AN EXCERPT from The Enemy Within: Terror, Lies and the Whitewashing of Omar Khadr … (

~ WHITEWASHING Omar Khadr– Confessed terrorist will soon walk free in Canada … (

~ UPCOMING EVENT— Sun News Freedom Weekend Feb. 24-26, 2012 … (ezralevant)

~ THE CANUCKI CBC is trying to compete against iTunes? … (sunnewsnetwork)

~ LEVANT: Toe-to-toe with Greenpeace … (facebook)

Welcome Home Khadr

Ezra’s Hate Mail


~ DEBORAH GYAPONG— Do you believe in Mom?; The doves that would not go home!; Some of my faves from my evangelical days; He’s Brother Robert Mercer now; I am besotted with the Angel Gabriel; A great meaty Binks post full of fresh links awaits; The Holy Father’s reflections on Christian Unity; Help get Rick Santorum get his proper place(

~ SHAIDLE— Breast cancer has become the poster child of corporate cause marketing; Talk Radio Watch: weekly recap of audio highlights; ‘Lots of descendants of those Tuskegee Airmen like big butts. It ain’t whitey doing this…’; U of T ‘diversity office’ bans comedy poster(fivefeetoffury)

~ ONTARIO TAXPAYERS puts $5M toward Winnipeg HUMAN RIGHTS museum … (

~ BLAZING CATBOX— Sentenced to death & 10 years for blasphemy; Call honour crimes what they are; The Clay & Water Podcast; Where Human Rights Go To Be Buried; It’s A Miracle Of Allah! Atheist To Embrace Islam… After Being Beaten Up; Charles Adler & Raj Sharma Discuss The Shafia Honour Murders; Syed Soharwardy Threatened 9 Times For Support Of Shafia Verdict; Government Gives Your Tax Dollars To Hamas Fundraisers; Michael Coren On The Shafia Honour Killings; The Nazi Roots of Sustainable Development; Vic Toews, You Can Block Omar Khadr!; Egypt- No Chopping Off Of Hands For 1st 5 Years!; Sandmonkey vs. the Salafists; Omar Khadr’s Sweetheart Deal.. and Much, Much More! … (

~ ISLAMO HONOUR-MURDER— Shafia family found guilty in honour-killings trial, three dead filthy whores -daughters- butchered in name of Islam … (, networkedblogs)

Renegade Christer Haunts Mall, Pesters Shoppers

~ BIG BLUE WAVE— There’s a population explosion in Quebec!; Feminism is liberalism applied to the lives of women; It feels like our health ministry is run by the Keystone cops; There are no possible comparisons between the Holocaust and Abortion what-so-ever; Deb Matthews to delist abortion from OHIP; The culture of death rides on; I can’t believe people who are supposedly pro-choice are for this; Social Justice Tribunals of Ontario; It does take a special kind of priest to do this(

~ THE LYNCH LIST— The OHRT believes that some words are so offensive they should never be uttered, and those who do should be fined $5,000 … (missnixon)

~ A NEW BOOK— What ended Roman civilization and brought about the Dark Ages?” … (smalldeadanimals)

~ MAKING UN-ICRATS MAD— “Earlier this week Canada kicked out a Rwandan man accused of helping instigate the genocide in his homeland almost 20 years ago” … (

~ THE MIGHTY ANCHORESS— How to understand the Culture of Life; Lotsa guest-bloggers; You have been given three talents!; Prayers For Greta; 77 years later, woman finds child conceived in rape(theanchoress)

~ BIG-GOV WANTS YOUR PENSIONS! More Elderly Find They Cannot Afford Not to Work. Working Into the Grave. Obama, EUROcrats want all that ‘surplus loot’ to pay for bankrupt government … (canadafreepress)

~ CLAY & WATER— Banned Commercial Week; Californy is Nuting Futz and Liberal; What the Tudors Did For Us; Fox News Bubbleheads Skirt Rampant Muslim Gang Rape Issue; Holocaust Remembrance Day; A reminder that Obama has been employing these politics; Islamic students pray at public school Redux; You Film Me Again And I’m Going To Kill You(

~ SEXTRADE101: Public Awareness & Education’s photo … (facebook)

~ WALKERISM— Cops Behaving Badly, January 26th; Andrew Phillips: The Iron Curtain; On Liberals and Libertarianism(walkersunknownthoughts)

Klavan– MultiCult Explained

~ MITCHIEVILLE— Music to Commute By; Horoscope for the week of January 29, 2012; Gluten Badwulf is my nephew; Those Are Some Nice Looking Tits; Hairline? Spelling Bee Jeanyus; Having A Great Time, Wish You Were Here; Canadian Stereotype.. Sorry(mitchieville)

~ FORGIVENESS Is a Kind of Wild Justice, by Theodore Dalrymple … (newenglishreview)

~ CLOSETCON— Celebrate Afghani Culture; Obama is one of the most pro-abortion politicians on the planet; The “Israel” First Smear; closetCon on The Shafia Verdict; Adam Carolla offers advice on overcoming depression; The Right Not To Commit Suicide(

~ ILLIBERAL UNDIVERSITY— Why Do We Need Student Unions? For Censorship; and, Public Schools – Keep Failing One Generation After Another(

~ WINTER THAW: OCCUPY PLOTTING SPRING CHAOS– Protests to target NATO, G8 summits, Democratic convention … (

~ BIG EDDIE DRISCOLL— And the Role of John McCain and Bob Dole Will Be Played By…; Gray Lady Down: Has the London Daily Mail Overtaken the NY Times?; People could not imagine how the future would play out; Money for Nothing; Lapdog Media Infantilizing Obama; The Arab Spring: Emmanuel Goldstein Approved!; Jerry Brown has not given up on big dreams; Two– Two Networks In One!; I love it when complex things are simplified so that we can all understand; Greenfail Part Deux: Obama Makes for a Terrible VC; Other than the Private Plane, the Money, and the Groupies(

~ OVERSEAS CHINESE CHRISTIAN Businesswoman Who Visited House Churches in China is Kidnapped, Tortured … (canadafreepress)<

~ SOCONVIVIUM— GOP politics & 39 years of Roe; Pro-choice is a misnomer; Following the science … to the pro-life position(soconvivium)

~ THE SOPA may appear to be officially dead, but that does not mean that the lobbyists will not try to convince legislators to sneak SOPA-style provisions into other legislation … (xanthippa)

~ U.S. JUDGE orders a person to divulge her password … (xanthippa)

~ GHOST OF FLEAS— Rest in the arms of the dragon; How to find out who Google thinks you are; A boy communicates telepathically with his dog as they scavenge for food and sex; Neanderthals were producing and using red ochre up to 250,000 years ago; In dog years I’m dead; I let them use you for their own ends; Archery – Fast Shooting; Scandinavian 102: Trolls, Trolldom and the Uses of Tradition(ghostofaflea)

~ WRITES ONE BINKIAN— “This is appalling. This is a marginalization and dismissal of the Christian converts from Islam who have risked their lives to be Christians — Christians who believe in the Fatherhood of God, and in Jesus, the Son of God. Please sign this petition and indicate to our friends in the mission community that cultural sensitivity has gone to the level of dhimmitude!” … (

~ ROGUE LESBIAN OFF PLANTATION! Leftists outraged– Actress’ claim to be gay by choice riles activists … (

~ SMALL DEAD ANIMALS— Verdict Reached in Kingston; Dirty Jobs: The War On Work; The rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997; Myopic Liberals Don’t Really Care About Canada’s Future; Pity The Victimized President; Arizona Earlier This Week: An Important Lesson for GOP Leaders; Losing The Peace In France’s War For Oil; Adam Carolla isn’t buying into the class warfare schtick; What Constitutes “Amazing” in the Minds of Young Leftists These Days; The Sound Of Settled Science(smalldeadanimals)

Nocturne in Black and Gold: The Falling Rocket, by Whistler

~ ON NATURE & ART: Out of the Shadow of God, by David Hamilton … (newenglishreview)

~ VERBOTEN THOUGHTS! — David Lemmy, MP for Tottenham, says his constituents blame the Labour Government’s 2004 anti-smacking law for loss of control of their children … (telegraph, bbc)

~ REVEALED: the movies, TV shows, news agencies that most promoted homosexuality in 2011; more LifeSite here(lifesitenews)

~ BILL WHATCOTT— The University of Calgary Campus Security have orders to no longer arrest pro-family activists … (

The Unspeakable Mark Shea

~ THE HATEFUL Mark Shea– If you are outraged by the Obama Assault on Religious Liberty; Love and Frozen Bananas; The GOP Freak Show; Would I have written it had my own wife been a survivor of rape?; Everything is just fine. We aren’t becoming a police state or anything. Look! Snooki is on TV! Go back to sleep!; Manufacturing Consent: Leftist Edition; Death! Mortal Sin! Moral conundrums!; Postmodernity = Chaos; a sense of the scale of reality; Our God King Manages to lose the vote; watch Drudge pull out the stops to manufacture consent among his readers; They Don’t Call it “Lunacy” for Nothing(

~ PROPAGANDIST Roundup. Hunger Strike in Cuba, Threats to Freedom, Hamas and Human Rights … (propagandistmag)

~ EVIL NARROW-MINDED Glenn Beck Staff Threatened by Enlightened Soros Operatives… (canadafreepress)

“Brian enters a conversation I’ve been lately encouraging sensible Canadians to have about the implications of Prime Minister Harper’s unexplained and sudden embrace of a corporate entity run by the Chinese Communist Party that serves as the guarantor of Omar al-Bashir’s regime in Khartoum, the bottomless overdraft in Bashar al-Assad’s bank account in Damascus, and the specific means by which Tehran’s Khomeinists are evading the West’s sanctions and double-daring us into a war.”

~ 3Ds Blogger ~

~ TERRY GLAVINn – A Welcome Addition to The Conversation About China … (

~ END-GAMING— The logical conclusion to the Occupy Movement: The Great Collective … (

~ THE MELANIE Phillips– something seems to have gone very badly wrong with the culture of British policing; The World Turned Upside Down; Why Iran will not ‘come to its senses’; You’ve got to be a few sequins short of a tutu(

~ OIL-HUNGRY China snapping up contracts in Afghanistan that should have gone to the USA… (

~ TEOTWAWKI— The End of the Win-Win World: Why China’s rise really is bad for America — and other dark forces at work… (

~ THE LEFT’S FLEXIBLE ATTITUDE Toward ‘Rights’, by Rand Simberg– Selective outrage over abortion restrictions and none over curtailing gun right … (


~ THE AWESOME Salim Mansur is an immigrant who questions open immigration; a member of a visible minority who’s a fierce critic of multiculturalism, and a Muslim who’s pained by criticism of his prophet but who would never contemplate penalizing someone for their words … (

~ HATING WHOLESOMENESS— Exclusive: Patrice Lewis reports on grandmas who try to corrupt homeschooled grandkids … (

~ MERE COMMENTS— Is Europe More Pro-Life Than America?; Quebec’s Five-Year Action Plan for Homophobia; Mere Links 01.30.12; Is “Pagan” Europe More Pro-Life Than “Christian” America?; A Review of Troll Valley by Lars Walker; Newt Gingrich and The Problem of Character(merecomments)

~ PIERRE TRUDEAU was a dilettante — but a successful one … (

~ CANADIAN COAST GUARD’S 50th Anniversary – the Future: Not Necessarily All That Bright … (

~ AD 2012 to Be a ‘Nightmare’ for China’s Underground Churches? … (christianpost)

~ ALTERNATIVE classrooms may not be as inclusive as they claim … (nationalpost)

~ MCJ: CLUELESSIANITY— In a way, it’s actually kind of sad watching them wildly flail about like this; The USS Thoroughly Corrupt Slimebag; Once again we see that when it comes to The Issue, there is only one right answer; Barack Obama. Bringing people together since 2008; Our idiot president on the most evil Supreme Court decision since Scott v. Sanford(

~ REREAD— On The Rise of Microfascism in the Western Democracies … (williamgairdner)

~ HARPERPHOBIA— Gerry calls it sillyland. The Queen of Sillyland … (networkedblogs)

~ DAN GARDNER, the Media Party, and the Disintegration of Modern Journalism … (nexusofassholery)

Via, and t-shirts here

~ MOOSE & SQUIRREL— SOPA and “Hollywood’s long war on technology”; From the “My culture is better than your culture” file; Verdict reached in Shafia family “honor” killing; “California Goes Full Batsh*t With Zero Gas Car Rule” … (

~ ILLEGAL BIBLES to be Smuggled Into Persecuted Nations Using MicroSD Cards … (christianpost)

~ WERNER PATELS— After same-sex snafu, lefties looking rather dumb … (wernerpatels)

~ ORWELL’S PICNIC— “Big Society” meets “Real World”; Ocean very large, filled with water says new study; I try to encourage people to think of my blog as my sitting room; Now I know how you all feel; Someone’s mad at me for being… well… me; Oh dear.. Mammogram huh? … (

~ CITIZENS SPEAKING OUT about politics is not a travesty, it is what freedom of speech is all about … (princearthurherald)

~ CRANMER BLOG— Sermon an incitement to hatred, at least according to ‘leading humanist’ John Colgan; Labour was wrong to ban smacking; Sentamu pitches for Canterbury; UK PM Dave in Davos; We need more Tory bishops; Abortion ads on TV – courtesy of the taxpayer; Nadine Dorries’ quest for sexual abstinence(

~ PROPAGANDA— George Soros “tells us his plans for 2012”.. a.k.a., What He Wants You To Think He’s Thinking … (

~ TERRY GLAVIN— It’s Not Funny Anymore: “Just how Sinopec became co-author of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s new foreign policy and energy strategy isn’t a question any of us are supposed to be asking” … (

Strictly Right Radio – Episode 152

~ OBEY, OR ELSE! — Conservative commentator attacked by delightful Multicultural Muslim mob in Toronto … (landmarkreport)

~ THE PROPHET Rex Murphy: On with the seal hunt! … (nationalpost)

~ SCARAMOUCHED— I Hereby Nominate the ‘Mosqueteria’; Canadian Muslims Have a Mixed Reaction to Shafia Verdict; Convicted Mass Murderer Papa (Mohammad) Shafia Played the Islam Card– and Lost; For the Gazilionth Time, There Are No Jokes In Islam; Islamists to Davos Movers and Shakers: We’re Open for Business(

~ BBC AND WYD: support for the violent anti-Catholic so-called “indignados” … (teaandpolitics)

~ OCCUPY OAKLAND Protesters Storm City Hall, Burn American Flag … (weaselzippers)

~ THE BAD-DEBT CONTEST Why Wasn’t France Downgraded Sooner? … (

~ RIGHT GIRL— I have a friend who cuts herself; This never happens in opera; RightGirl slays a dragon, and other stories; Canada tops the list of countries with inflammatory bowel disease(girlontheright)

~ FORBES: The Breathtaking Hypocrisy of Julian Assange, Kremlin Pawn … (

~ WHERE WE ARE— UK heading for first double-dip recession since 1975. Binky says “Let’s Get Ready for a Triple-Dipper!” … (instapundit)

~ CHIVALRY— What Became of “Real Men”? … (templeofmut)

~ HUMAN PESTICIDE— Should the ‘Morning After’ Pill Be Available to All Ages?, by Theodore Dalrymple … (pjmedia)

~ IN MARYLAND, a tax on blogs? … (quintonreport)


Smuggo The Clown

“Let me be clear, O is and always has been an ordinary political hack who was picked up by a brilliant campaign because he happened to be in the right place at the right time. This brilliant campaign ran him, and ever since he’s been trying and failing to lead the country. He’s been a failure from the beginning because he’s been a fraud from the beginning.”

~ Dan In Philly ~

~ SOTU TRANSLATION— State of Disunion, by Daniel Greenfield … (atlasshrugs2000)

~ GROVEL— The United States recently has been talking about a truce with the Taliban … (

~ LOSING THE VEGGIE VOTERS— Obama’s War on Vegan Shops: Sell Beef or Else! … (theanchoress)

~ REP. ALLEN WEST tells Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and Wasserman Schultz to “get the hell out” of the USA … (

~ A NEW CLASS OF “CRIPPLES”— “Employers are facing more uncertainty in the wake of a letter from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission warning them that requiring a high school diploma from a job applicant might violate the Americans with Disabilities Act” … (

~ JUNIOR HI POTUS! Barack Obama’s SOTUs Have All Been Written At An 8th Grade Level … (republicaninthearts)

~ OBAMA-EPA Moving Quietly to Impose Gas Tax… (canadafreepress)

~ MULTI-MILLIONAIRE Obama Has Nothing In Common With The 99% Who Still Adore Him … (republicaninthearts)

The Obama Generation = The Debt Generation

~ IMAGINE THAT— “The Daily Beast, Lefty-retardoblog par excellence, has “discovered” something that Conservatives have been raging about since Clinton first got elected: Cops in America are seriously over-armed” … (

~ AS OBAMA BUGGERED AROUND, Turkey’s transformation into an Islamist foe of the United States … (princearthurherald)

~ DOUG GILES— Obama Calls It Fairness. The GOP Calls It Class Warfare. Scripture Calls It Envy(boldcolors)

~ BLOGMOCRACY— The True Obama Doctrine, And Its Chilling Result … (theblogmocracy)

~ URGENT ADVICE for State: Warn Obama to stop pushing the envelope … (

~ I’VE NEVER HEARD the word “disgusting” used to describe a State of the Union speech until this week … (

~ WHY ARE BARACK Obama’s critics so smart? … (blogs.telegraph)

“… he is going to run a very decisive campaign for political gain and he has this concept of fairness and equality where he uses the kind of rhetoric we use, but the policies he’s producing will result in crony capitalism will result in more power in the government to supervise our lives, to give us a stagnant economy where the rich and the powerful are the ones who are picking it. So what I’m trying to say is he is giving us a future of debt, doubt, and decline.”

~ PAUL RYAN talks about the flaws of Obama’s upcoming campaign … (fox)

~ TERROR-LOVING IDIOTS— The Obama administration has decided to engage Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef as a conduit to the Taliban in order to peacefully resolve the conflict … (legalinsurrection)

~ REALLY, are people like Obama, Romney and Gingrich the best leaders this country can produce? … (pjmedia)

~ OBAMA all about ‘divide and conquer’ … (wernerpatels)

~ ZO’S AUDIO BOOK— Weapon Of A.S.S. Destruction … (christianconservativepolitics)

~ MARK LEVIN— “If this is what the conservative movement has become, then count me out” … (legalinsurrection)

~ PISSING AWAY the War on Terror, by Andrew Klavan: Good job, Barack! … (pjmedia)

~ KEYSTONE PIPELINE decision proves Obama is anti-American and anti-West … (

~ THE TOP 100 Statistics About the Collapse of the Economy … (

~ CHOPPITY CHOP CHOP— Where the US Defence Budget Axe is Falling … (

~ SMEARING Newt: Taking Names for 2016 … (pjmedia)

~ NEWSWEEK Cover: Obama’s New Clothes Thrill Media Elites … (thepeoplescube)

~ ENTER STAGE LEFT, another fictitious character in Obama’s world of make-believe and marxist campaign rhetoric … (atlasshrugs2000)

~ REPORTS IGNORE first time Obama ineligibility evidence entered into court record; Exclusive: Joseph Farah notes, after 4 long years ‘justice may yet prevail‘ … (

~ SOTU BREAKDOWN: Obama’s Ignorance, Inexperience, Character, and Incompetence, by Barry Rubin … (barryrubin)

~ NO WHITE HOUSE RESPONSE— U.S. outrage as Egypt bars Americans from leaving … (atlasshrugs2000)

~ THE BETTERS— 36 Obama aides owe $833,000 in back taxes. Well, as Tim Geithner demonstrated, taxes are for the little people … (

~ A MERE $118 MIL in Stimubucks down the drain: Obama-backed electric car battery-maker files for bankruptcy … (atlasshrugs2000)

~ CLUELESS: Obama Still Trying To ‘Reset’ with Russia … (

~ SCHTICK WEARING THIN: Jon Stewart on Obama– ‘You Opened With I Killed Bin Laden?!’ … (instapundit)

~ A PETITION FOR CANADIANS— I Support Property Rights in the Charter… “I support Scott Reid and Randy Hillier’s Motion M-646 and demand that Parliament vote to enshrine property rights for Ontario into the Charter of Rights and Freedoms!” … (networkedblogs)

~ CANUCKI Property rights entrenchment debate heats up… (

~ MEDIA COMMANDMENT: Thou Shalt Not Write Bad Things About Obama! … (weeklystandard)

~ THE 2012 Election Circus — The Acts, The Players, The Hype … (victordavishanson)

~ LAWLESSNESS and Racialism Run Rampant in Obama’s Justice Department; plus, INTERVIEW: J. Christian Adams, author of “Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department” … (familysecuritymatters)


Uppity Wench Bugs Marxists

~ THE MARXIST MISSION to Destroy Ayaan Hirsi Ali, By Phyllis Chesler. A new book endorsed by the New York Times compares the Dutch feminist with convicted terrorist “Lady Al Qaeda” Aafiya Siddiqui … (pjmedia)


Dougga, Tunisia

~ THE FATE OF ROMAN CITIES of the Near East and North Africa, by Emmet Scott. Having read the start o this book, I’d remind the author that The Emperor Justinian’s Excellent Western Imperial Adventures ground much of North Africa & Italy into the ground before Islam attacked … (newenglishreview)

~ CREEPY SHARIA— Leader of Bosnian Wahabi movement arrested in Sarajevo US embassy shooting; Muslim Pleads Guilty in Plot to Bomb Maryland Armed Forces Recruiting Center; Muslim gets $465K over alleged name calling; “Honour crimes” in Canada since 2005; Canada: Father, mother, son guilty in Islamic ‘honor killing’; Court Awards Attorneys’ Fees Against Dearborn, Michigan for Violating Christian Pastor’s Right to Freedom of Speech; 3,000+ Muslims Attack Christian Homes and Shops in Egypt(creepingsharia)

~ TUNISIANS Take To The Streets To Protest Conservative Islam … (republicaninthearts)

~ THE BLOODSOAKED Shafia family murderers — with political correctness as the accomplice … (

~ SALMAN RUSHDIE Bashes Indian Government For Not Protecting Free Speech At Literary Fest … (republicaninthearts)


~ HOLLYWOOD SCIENTOLOGY? OLD SCHOOL– Moe Cult? New Hotness! Probably just a publicity stunt: Irish actor Liam Neeson has confirmed he is considering converting from Catholicism to Islam … (

~ BUSY BUSY Muslims Converting Empty European Churches into Mosques … (williamgairdner)

~ SHEIK YER MAMI— Erdogan knows how to kill Kurds; 17 years after the Bosnian war progress has come to the Balkans.. ENDLESS NEW MOSQUES!; Electronic Jihad Against the Devices of the Evil JooOOz; Gitmo, Fitna, Jihad, Interfaith Jockeys and the Peace of France; Pal-Authority TV Airs Show Praising ‘Hero’ Murderers of Fogel Family; Muselmaniacs Demand Control of the NYPD; Malaysian Headbangers Severely Afflicted by Christianophobia(

~ THE UGLY REALITY— “..if you are born a Christian or Jew in a Muslim-majority country, you are likely to endure great oppression at the hands of your neighbors who regard you as the low cost target of hostility and frustration. To make matters worse, there is a good chance your suffering will be ignored” … (newenglishreview)

~ SURVEY SAYS— “Jews remain the faith group most likely to be targeted in hate crimes”.. cry-baby Islamists claim cry-baby Islamists most strongly hit … (atlasshrugs2000)

~ COMMON SENSE ISN’T— On Denying Islamists Federal Security Clearances … (

~ ‘DIALOGUE’ with Radical Muslims is Dangerous for American Jews, by Jerry Gordon … (newenglishreview)


~ A FAILED REGION— The Arab World’s Endless Failures: Islam, Corruption and Hatred of Women Destroyed a Civilization … (familysecuritymatters)


~ NIGERIAN JIHAD: Boko Haram Leader Say Members Travelled To Saudi Arabia For Training And Funding, Vow To Fight Until Formation of Pure Islamic State … (weaselzippers)

~ HORRIBLY EVIL Ethiopian Christian Prisoners Assaulted, Strip-Searched in Saudi Arabia … (global.christianpost)

~ ANDREW C. McCARTHY: ‘Islam Is Islam, And That’s It’– The tumult indelibly dubbed “the Arab Spring” in the West, by the credulous and the calculating alike, is easier to understand once you grasp two basics … (vladtepesblog)

~ VIA TAREK FATAH— “Guess what, one more death threat by Islamists forces Dutch satirist into abandoning his work”, namely, The Burka Song … (FB)

~ INSTAPUNDIT— The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America … (

~ RELIGION OF PEACE— Islam’s Latest Contributions to Peace … (thereligionofpeace)

~ DYNAMIC EGYPTISTAN: Mob of 3,000 Muslims Led By Salafists Attack Christian Homes And Shops … (weaselzippers)

~ ISRAELLY COOL has come up with a great Buycott poster highlighting companies which do business with Israel and which deserve our support … (legalinsurrection)

~ WORD FROM THE FRONT— Muslim Army, Trained and Funded in Saudi Arabia, Fights Until Nigeria Establishes Sharia Law … (networkedblogs)

~ THE MIGHTY BOSTOM— Aafia Siddiqui Versus Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Sharia Versus Freedom; Tapson on Dhimmitude and Islamic Antisemitism; “Understanding the Islam in Muslim Jew-Hatred”; Krauthammer, Huntington, Islam, and Jihad(


~ HALIFAX SALON offers women-only day for Muslims … (cbc)

~ SHEIKH HUSSEIN— The Mufti of Jerusalem Calls for the Murder of Jews, Then Denies He Did So(familysecuritymatters)

~ JIHADISTS have been engaged in cyber warfare for some time … (atlasshrugs2000)

~ $465,000 Reward for Being a Whiny Muslim Who Quit Moonbattery … (atlasshrugs2000)

~ MICHAEL COREN VID on the recent conviction of Muslim serial rapist in London … (vladtepes)

~ FALTERING AMERICA lost most in ‘Arab Spring’. Sadly, many voters still don’t grasp the extent … (canadafreepress)

~ CHARMING IRAN: Bloggers to be executed for ‘spreading corruption” … (networkedblogs)

~ THE HAPPY NEW EGYPT: Tens of Thousands of Muslim Brotherhood And Secular Protesters Clash In Tahrir Square … (weaselzippers)

~ FAMILY SECURITY— U.S. Universities Closely Tied to Qatar Pro-Islamist Faculty … (

~ BOLD COLORS— So-called “honor killings” contrast with “so-called” war on terror … (boldcolors)

~ JUST LIKE MOE— Islington UK girls forced into marriage at the age of nine … (vladtepesblog)


~ TWEET=EVIL! Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti Warns.. Everyone knows Tweeting is only for infidels … (weaselzippers)

Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11

Steynian 456nd

We Owe Them That Much

~ ITEM: Byzantium 1200; Byzantium 1200 Videos

~ ITEM: The Emperor’s Lost Harbour

~ ITEM: The Byzantine Empire

~ ITEM: Charles Martel

~ ITEM: Mystras

~ ITEM: Iran targets Baha’i cemetery for destruction

~ ITEM: Binks: Finders, Keepers

~ TEH BINKS LOVES many aspects of the Eastern Roman Empire: Byzantium, The Eastern Orthodox Church, and the fact that the Byzantines held back the hateful tide of ruination, murder, destruction and Jihad from swamping Eastern Europe in the AD 600s and after.

On the other end of the Med, it was only the last-minute intervention and skill of Charlie “The Hammer” Martel which stemmed the Jihad-flood from taking France, Flanders and Northwards, Austria, Germany, and the opposite tide meeting them from across the Bosphorus into Central Europe. They did that for us, and for them.

A Response To War

The West began the Crusades as a response to Muslim cruelties and destruction–

“On October 18, 1009, Fatimid caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, has the Church completely destroyed. It is believed that Al-Hakim “was aggrieved by the scale of the Easter pilgrimage to Jerusalem…. everything was razed ‘except those parts which were impossible to destroy or would have been too difficult to carry away’.” The Church’s foundations were hacked down to bedrock. The Edicule and the east and west walls and the roof of the cut-rock tomb it encased were destroyed or damaged (contemporary accounts vary), but the north and south walls were likely protected by rubble from further damage…”

Continue reading “Steynian 456nd”

A Pre-Dead Minion Writes…

Ken Kully helpfully chimes in via FC Comments:

To add to the digital privacy/password-changey goodness, grab yourself a copy of KeePass. It’s a simple but powerful password database application, which includes a random password generator you can control the parameters of.

Whenever you need to register for something, just call up a new entry in KeePass, record your username, and generate a random password. The only password you ever need to remember from then on is the one that unlocks your KeePass database. And if you throw said database (which is heavily encrypted) into a Dropbox, you can access it via different apps on your Android or iOS-based mobile device, just in case.

Oh, and KeePass also lets you assign expiry dates to passwords stored in it, in case you need periodic reminders to change your online security.

Best of all: FREE!

It might be included in the PortableApps suite; I forget. If not:

Steynian 455st

ChinaComs Want Your Stuff

“The servility of Canada’s political leaders (municipal, provincial and federal) to the obvious manipulations of Chinese strategists who flaunt world trade and financial market principles and jail democracy-promoting authors for 10-year terms is a national disgrace.Canada is not a parking lot for Chinese (or American) resources and our complicity with what Glavin rightly describes as “a rigged game” orchestrated by this “increasingly vile regime” in Beijing needs to end…”

~ Anthony Campbell ~

~ ITEM: China has our forests, now we’re sending our oilfields too; also here; and some return fire

~ ITEM: About China: “Canadians need to talk about what’s happening under our noses.”

~ ITEM: The 3-Ds Blog: Diplomacy, Defence, Development — China

~ ITEM: Jean Chretien and the Sidewinder Report; Secret Report Shows China Using Canada To Infiltrate US

~ ITEM: Sidewinder Report — Secret – RCMP-CSIS Joint Review Committee

~ ITEM: Prime Time Crime

~ ITEM: Former diplomat says West has ‘fantasy’ view of China

~ MIGHTY CANADA: Hewer of Wood, Drawer of Water, giant land of endless resources.. but who owns them?

If author & commentator Terry Glavin is right, an awful lot of Canadian stuff, companies & resources belong to Communist China. You know, the people running industrial theft & espionage across the country, and around the world? The folks who own a big stake in Sudanese oil-fields and the resulting genocides? Yup, the People’s Republic of Maoistan.

Continue reading “Steynian 455st”

Pre-News Warning

~ IN HONOUR of SOPA/ PIPA Blackout day (SOPA currently on hold, PIPA not), Teh Binks isn’t posting today. More here.

Um, except for this “posting”. Which, properly speaking is advance notice of a posting, and not a posting itself.

It will be an essay-dump tomorrow, not a link-dump, as I’m still building up stamina & speed.. and am yet again on The [expletives deleted] Antibioticals again for my guts, so don’t wish to overdo it. More prayers for feeb-elf, please.

Cheers until tomorrow,

The Binks

Steynian 454rd

According to WordPress, this is posting # 900 by Teh Binks, big & small. Muwahahahaha!

Prophet Of Doom

~ ITEM: Prophet Of Doom

~ SOME TALENTED PEOPLE are lurking out there on the web. One of them is a Christian guy who has read the whole Koran, plus the Traditions and all the other stuff (a Koran alone is incomplete), and then helpfully put it all on line, in a loving dissection of Moe & his cult, and a biography of Moe in chronological order.

Any time you’ve got serious or militant Muslims spouting off, you can be sure what you are seeing and hearing is pure Koran/Tradition, straight from the false prophet himself. Jews? Infidels? Jihad? Hellfire lovingly described in great detail over and over? That’s pure Moe, in the Koran & Hadith.

Continue reading “Steynian 454rd”

Steynian 453nd

Quit Yer Bitchin’!

~ YES, MY DEAR EVER-growing army of pre-dead minions, 2011 was a sucktastic year for your glorious leader & inspiration, not to mention for the Free Canuckistan blog, and thus the blogging world, the internets, and planet earth more generally.

Fiathful folks have been praying, I’ve been praying, and at least some of my blog-mojo is returning.. in fits and starts.

Link-gathering is still a bit much, but my brain has started to cogitate mini-essays, for what they are worth. I will try to start linkery again, since therein lies my best skill, and much inspiration for essays on The State Of Things According To Binks, and Binks Doesn’t Have Humble Opinions comments on the links.

It’s been a very rough year, and I want to thank Mark & Ezra & Kathy & Arnie & Squirrel & and all kinds of other blog-buddies for keeping in touch, being encouraging, and sweetly lying about the fact that they miss me online and stuff.

Thing is, it’s hard to shut up, because I love life, justice, the dignity of people in need or suffering, and telling the truth in the face of overweening power, lies, ignorance, and evil.

I think I can, I think I can…. ~

Spengler & The Rest Of The Story

10,000’s of Muslims Convert to Christianity in UK.

~ ITEM: It’s Not the End of the World, It’s Just the End of You: The Great Extinction of the Nations

~ JUST FINISHED a very fine book, It’s Not the End of the World, It’s Just the End of You: The Great Extinction of the Nations by David P. Goldman. It’s a re-edited collection of his online essays, written under his nom de web, Spengler.

Fans of Mark Steyn will find his thesis familiar and congenial– societies which lose their faith begin a long suicide by failing to reproduce. The consequences of economic, political, spiritual and cultural wreckage begins to pile up. Death haunts everything.

No Invisible Means OF Support

As in recent essays and his most recent book, Steyn’s recognition of the spiritual dimensions of the current crisis of the West find a fuller explication in Spengler– he asserts the central place of Israel in past and present world history, and our spiritual and historical self-understanding. By articulating the effects of the loss of faith in the West, Spengler also completes the punditry which would only argue economics, clash of civilizations, or the political of the recent past, present, and what lies ahead.

His prescription for America is worth the read– stop clinging to Keynsianism, and stop trying to reproduce the 1980s, because the U.S. is an aging nation, and needs to re-invest in entrepreneurship, savings, and exports to the rest of the world, unless it wants to stay in the mire of endless down-cycles, and profligate government intervention in the economy.

The Muslim World’s In Trouble, Too

Finally, the same birth dearth and aging population afflicts the Muslim world, and Spengler issues a stern warning: most Middle Eastern nations face economic and demographic collapse withing 30-40 years; there is currently a large mass of young men available for warfare, suicide bombings, and other jihadist assertiveness, and they know that it’s now or never (at least in 21st century terms).

Spengler thus warns that the greatest danger to the West is in the next 30 years or so, before Islamic nations are confronted with a massive aging population, and not enough young people to support them, on top of moribund economies, a decline in oil production, and the usual political nightmares. Europe in particular stands at risk, as a self-emptying secularist paradise in a death-spiral of dying economies, and aging/ decreasing populations, and less and less faith in anything, let alone God.

This is a dense book, like cheesecake rather than a Twinkie, and bears close attention, and smallish doses for the ordinary reader. There are many more themes and issues addressed in these essays, and each one is worth the price of admission.

So Finally, And In Conclusion

Must read, Binky rating of 9.0; to be read frutifully alongside Mark Steyn’s latest book, 2011’s After America: Get Ready for Armageddon. ~

Back In The Day

~ MY ESTRANGED UNCLE built plastic models, and taught me to love them, too. A lot of my hard-earned paperboy cash went for models– WW2 ships & aircraft, Star trek, Star Wars, Tanks.. though decent painting & decals were not part of my skill-set.

In the spirit of not ranting about evil, but living life and pointing out real talent, witness predead Binks-minion Warren Zoell, model-maker (plastic, wood, scratch-built) extra-ordinaire. Wow.

Take a look, enjoy, surf his website, and appreciate skills that sadly have faded amongst the young, as the devil XBox and texting and interwebs vaccums up life, leaving little in return.

As a fan of Patrick O’Brian, I especially like the HMS Surprise (wood) finished this Summer; the USS Arizona model (plastic); and a wonderful, whimsical space-train (scratch-built) from Jules Verne’s “From The Earth To The Moon”.

Warren’s commentary on each model, and related history & facts are alone worth the price of admission, plus all the pictures from various angles of each project. Many TV-shows and movies have spawned fine kits, many of which are to be found on his site. He writes:

“Almost everyone at one time or another has built or at least attempted to build a model at least once in their lives. Model building in my view is quite possibly one of the most complex and I believe is one of the most rewarding art forms their is (some people would call it a craft but we’ll just ignore them). To build a model can be easy, to build a model well even from the most simplest kits can be the result of years of study and practice. Basically model building is the art of recreation of reality and fantasy brought down in miniature. The more effort and attention to detail put into building a model the greater the reward, worth all the endless hours put into these works of art.”

But More About Me

Models (and yes, I even did balsa-wood planes) are great tools to teach attention, patience, artistry, step-by-step attention, and a lot of basic life-skills. They are cool, and aid imagination, and remembering stories and history and the like; and the nerd-spazz factor of holding in your hands a reproduction of a famous plane or ship or spacecraft which you made? Priceless.

Not sure if Teh Binks will be getting back into kit-modelling in wood or plastic, but Warren’s projects and talent are an inspiration, and bring back fond memories of many hours spent with a new kit, an x-acto knife, plastic glue, paint, and sometimes inscrutable instructions.

Check him out. ~

Wanna Be A Nazi?

~ ITEM: Who goes Nazi?, By Dorothy Thompson

~ CAPTAIN AMERICA is coming out on fillum (in spiffy DDD)– with teh battle against.. Nazis. Not Jihadists, nor Communists, nor Frankfurt School zombies.. just the ever-dependable Hitlerian uber-mensch.

The Third Reich has a seemingly endless afterlife in movies, video-games, and human-rights dialogue. The only protection against Hitlerian horrors? Big Mama Government, courtesy of tax-supported Steve Harper, The Lynch mob in Ottawa, and Ontario’s Big Babsy Hall.

Who Goes Nazi??

As Dorothy Thompson’s kick-ass August 1941 article notes, the Nazi-thing is partly about circumstance, opportunity, and temperament.

“It’s fun- a macabre sort of fun– this parlor game of “Who Goes Nazi?”… Believe me, nice people don’t go Nazi. Their race, color, creed, or social condition is not the criterion. It is something in them. Those who haven’t anything in them to tell them what they like and what they don’t-whether it is breeding, or happiness, or wisdom, or a code, however old-fashioned or however modern, go Nazi….”

Read the whole thing.. it’s frighteningly relevant.

Obey, Or Else

We gotcher un-nice peoples galore: Richard Warman.. Barbara Hall.. ‘Niffer Lynch.. Krista Daley.. and all their apologists. They squawk about impending Nazism, imagining themselves human rights Indiana Joneses.. whilst playing Gestapo, legal & media bullying, social engineering, and many of the good old maneuvres from the Nazi/ Communist playbook. Heck, Mizz Lynch is famous for travels around the world for hors deuvres with the modern-day equivalents of Nazis from tinpot second and third world regimes– whilst bashing her critics in the semi-free and partly democratic land of Canuckistan. We gots nasty smiley-Nazis.. minus the stylish 1940s Germanic trappings.

Meanwhile, Big Steve has his majority, and we await any sort of action on the crimes & misdemeanors of the human rights regimes across Canada. Free Dominion is getting sued again.. Shaidle & Catfur are still under legal burdens.. former comedian & thought criminal Steve Earle is supposed to now conjure up cash for a Supreme Court appeal of his BC Human rights conviction.

Plus ça change, plus c’est la effing meme chose. ~

And Could It Be?

~ ITEM: The Onion— ‘These Last Two Are Gonna Be Real Turds,’ George R.R. Martin Assures Fans

~ AFTER AN E-SMACK upside the head from Ghost Flea Nick Packwood, Teh Binks went and bought book 1 of the Game of Thrones series. Loved it. Then bought the other 3. Loving them. Better than the HBO TV series, actually.

So.. um– well, er: it may possibly be that mistakes were made, errors took place, and Teh Binks was theoretically wrong about George R.R. Martin. But not terribly, terribly wrong.

Lotsa Style

Martin’s no Tolkien or Lewis.. more in the style of historical fiction about the 1300s, with some captivating fantasy elements and chapters named for the point-of-view character. Lotsa style.

Unlike the HBO series, in the book the naughty bits are here and there, but not nasty HBO-style.. nor is there a prominent gay character (now all but officially required by Hollywood & TV political correctness, to remind the masses “Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That“).

Almost There Yet?

The entire series can be slow, unrewarding, and repetitious– it’s 4500 pages long, after all.. and if I never again read about another graphic de-nippling, or the words “boiled leather”, it will be too soon. Plus, George R.R. Martin seems to enjoy butchering his characters overmuch.. he’s one of those authorial sadists who exercises a nasty power over his hapless cast of people to “up the excitement”. Witty bodice-ripper author Diana Gabaldon is much the same.

The Bink’s-Rating?

A solid B-, but I re-sold the set a few months ago, and will not be re-reading them, or reading the 2 or 3  more needed to complete the story-lines (if Martin lives that long). Why? For me it’s not the kind of series that inspires or abides in my heart and imagination. However, I can see how for others, some of the medieval elements might be inspiring, and find the mushy morality more congenial to current attitudes than the rank Christian & redeemed pagan moral sense of Tolkien or Lewis or Edith Pargeter.

Instead, it’s kinda like the dance of the seven veils, with the endlessly deferred promise of something worth waiting for.. but you begin to get the feeling there’s nobody under the last veil: all style, no substance. ~

A Modest Proposal

~ ITEM: The Girl Who Played with Tax Data: And uncovered the foreign funding of Canadian green groups

~ ITEM: Never before has a Canadian politician challenged the hitherto saintly protectors of the environment in such direct language

~ ITEM: Northern Gateway pipeline hearings sabotaged by Chicago-style politics

~ SINCE THE RECENT oil-wars revelation that a lot of Canadian Green groups are suckling on American greenbacks to oppose Canadian policies and projects like TransCanada’s $7-billion Keystone XL pipeline, I think it only reasonable that they lose their charitable status, and face public exposure to the taxman.

Declares Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver:

“These groups seek to exploit any loophole they can find, stacking public hearings with bodies to ensure that delays kill good projects. They use funding from foreign special interests to undermine Canada’s national economic interest. They attract jet-setting celebrities with some of the largest personal carbon footprints in the world to lecture Canadians not to develop our natural resources.”

After all, they are actually U.S.-funded political lobbying groups working under the guise of charitability, and no way like, say, the Salvation Army or the local Anglican parish or a soup kitchen. Instead, they are rented sockpuppets for the American green agenda, interfering in Canadian domestic business and self-interest. That is, undercutting Canada for pay.

Yum Yum Money

You like that estimated $250 million American so much, and keeping hush-hush about who’s paying for your bills and first-class airline tickets and fru-fru fair trade coffee? Then no cloak of noble charitability for you, and how’s about some full disclosure, you dissembling & smug hirelings?

Eco-greenians: rich, well-funded crazies telling everybody else what to do, and minding your business for you. ~

Under Da Sea

~ ITEM: Possible lost world found in Lake Huron

~ ITEM: hundreds of submerged sites of often megalithic ruins of historical cities


~ ITEM: Archaeologist digs diving?

12,000 Years Old Unexplained Structure

~ ITEM: Underwater Cities, Ruins and Other Urban Archeology: 7 Submerged Wonders of the World

Underwater Roman Village?

David Kennedy: Ancient Ruins

~ OVER THE PAST 25000 years, sea-levels have gone up by abut 500 feet. Thus, a lot of human settlement, archaeology, fossils and artifacts are in the largely ignored world of marine archaeology, a science still in development.

Ancient now submarine river-valleys would be full of old stuff, as would then-coastal areas, hilltops, and elsewhere. The advent of satellite mapping & imaging– with tools like Google Earth– has already helped with shallower archaeology, since many larger ruins & remains are visible from space.

Of course, that includes the Atlantis-seekers and alien conspiracists, but whatcha gonna do? I’m more interested in evidence, ruins, human and fossil remains, submarine caves and settlements and possible older civilizations. Since the undersea is still largely an undiscovered country, it lies open to serious researchers to find what’s hidden, and to rule nothing out.

Of course, we’re talking the time up to the last Ice Age, but also before– how old might human civilization be? Dunno.

It was a smug assumption of the 18th and 19th century that the direction of civilization was always upwards and more complicated– yet ruins throughout the world remind us that nations and civilizations also decline, fall, collapse. A singularly uncomfortable thought for self-congratulating European empires, but come home to roost in the 20th & 21st century.

Hide & Go Seek

If there were past civilizations over the previous 100 000 years or so– local or regional– then it’s a matter of figuring out their particular sea-level, probable location on the ancient landscape (in many cases, near existing settlements & cities), and the likely depth of sedimentation on top, and– voila!

As I say, this need not involve aliens, Atlantis, time-travel, or any other less serious elements. Indeed, the crazier folks paying attention to such discoveries make it all less credible to legitimate archaeology.

It Makes Sense

If humans invented stuff, it may have been invented & re-invented, built and rebuilt over many thousands of years. The fact that such possible evidence is under hundreds of feet of water– imagine a 500 foot increase in our 2012 sea-level, and how little of our current civilization would remain above water for future archaeologists to easily discover– means it’s sitting there, if it’s there, waiting for rediscovery.

Just saying, is all. ~

Hippy Cavemen & Really Bad Ideas

~ ITEM: Karl Heinrich Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883)

~ ITEM: Noble savage – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


~ ITEM: REPORT– US debt now size of entire economy; and Obama to ask for more money ‘in a matter of days’

~ ITEM: Who are the Tasaday?

~ SO ANYWAY, the other day I was reading somewhere about Karl Marx– you know, the noted sponge on his capitalistically rich co-thinker Engels (the family furniture business), like so many other Communist sponges since the 1800s. You know, those copyright-loving, money-collecting live in Western societies but preach them down sorta folks. Like Ernie Guevera’s daughter complaining about her father’s image on the t-shirts and dorm walls of rich idiot university students, violating.. copyright.

It turns out (I absolutely refuse to read turgid bad ideas translated from the German, so I’m taking somebody else’s considered word on the matter) that Mr. Marx dreamed– that in the end– after all the blood and violence and dignification of the poor proletariat and redistribution of everybody’s stuff, that Marx imagined that a primitive kind of campfire caveman happiness and sharing circle would ensue.

Sweet Sweet Crazy Juice

That is: Marx had drunk the crazy juice of English Whiggery, and the idea of the “noble savage”, along with “Man is born free, but everywhere is in chains” from the French Revolution, so tear stuff down and a paradise of noble & generous savages results.. eventually. Why?

“In his evolutionary model of history, he argued that human history began with free, productive and creative work that was over time coerced and dehumanised, a trend most apparent under capitalism.”

Backwards into the future! Yes, Marx was a total frickin’ hippy idiot. Of such nostalgic manure would be fashioned– not in modern states, but backward ones like China and Russia– the worst totalitarian nightmare in human history thusfar. Yay Karl.

Ideas Gots Consequences

Old Karl took on Really Bad Ideas, added his own Really Bad German & Lapsed Jewish Communist ideas, and unleashed 150 years of civilized barbarian hordes, starvation, gulags, destruction, spies & traitors, and betrayal.

Because ancient people were just people– warlike, garbage-prone, sometimes cannibals, utterly identified with nature and tribe and blood. Obviously, they didn’t share in the particular evils or complexities of modern society, since they weren’t moderns. But to then imagine that their sins didn’t exist because they weren’t our sins; that the current evils were somehow permanent, and warrant violent destruction of both the goods and evils of that society? Crazy evil.

After all, we still know stone-agey peoples, as in the highland warrior-tribes of New Guinea. They don’t have industrial disease, ennui, investment-worries, or boring industrial or office-cube jobs.. they make babies, and like life and stuff, but spend most of their time warring, feuding, planning wars & feuds, and occasionally killing each other off (ancient warfare is not exterminative, but more semi-recreational rugby with spears and warpaint for these particular ignoble savages).

Just Makin’ Sh*t Up

That’s Marx’s big idea. Happy hippy cavemen. Hilarity ensues.

Stupid? Yeah, but so ingrained a bad idea that in the 1970s, a made-up “Lost tribe” of peaceful stone-age hippies “found” in the Phillipines became the subject of films, books, many academic papers, and even National Geographic attention.

Called the “Tasadays”, they were a government put-up job to distract from the brutal Marcos regime. They were actually just poor rural folks, paid to act like “a lost stone age tribe”. Gullible Westerners eneamoured of the “noble savage” romantic idea fell over themselves to visit, take pictures, write and show how this proved how civilization was warlike and mean and bad, and these “ancient people” and their primitive state of life were innocent and pure and good, and  that they recycled and stuff.

New-fangled Cavepersons

Something like this mentality lies behind much of the Eco-Green cult, who want to have their cake and eat it, too– you know, construct a modern high-tech way of living naturally off-grid– you know, with all the conveniences of stone age life, like solar power, netbooks & wireless internet, gourmet coffee, recycling chemical toilets, books, greenhouses and the rest.

You’ll not see the wannabe-cavepersons dump modern health care, nutrition, vitamins, modern clothing, nor buying a ticket to get their stone age on with the hillbilly New Guineans, or the upper Amazonians. Too real.

The Bad Idea Club

Our modern neo-savages are often Marxists, too– combining one fairy-tale with another. Only thing is, unlike the Tasadays, real Communism is all too real– bloody, ruthless, ruinous, and utterly wrong. Hence Obama and the Occutards (witness their delightful noble savagery and return to nature) and Soros are wilful believers in a tested failure, and seek to propagate and spread the lie, because as we all know, if you insist enough that something works and is true, it will somehow one day work, and become true.

Indeed, the Occutards have achieved a real resemblance with a lot of stone-age folks– along with defecating outdoors and copulating in public, they leave garbage around in festering heaps, an open invitation to rats and other vermin. Ask an archaeologist. ~

Almost Paradise?

For Such A Time As This

~ I’M OVERJOYED that Ezra on SUN-TV has a huge public platform to speak his mind, and that he’s using it to do good for Canada, the truth, and public discourse.

A sometime commentator and journalist and politician and author, via the free speech wars he took on a different place in Canadian life– one which he has taken up with relish, righteous indignation, hilarity, and an underlying seriousness which nobody should ever underestimate.

Does he love Alberta? Yup. Does he think the Oil Sands are a good idea? You bet. Is he a shill? Nope.. and some ecogroups in Canada are plenty on the take.

I like SUN-TV, though I might wish for a little less FOX-North vibe. Long live Ezra on the small screen, and my he stay firm on the course of defining & defending The True North, Strong And Free. ~

The Giant “Off” Switch, USA

~ ITEM: “the detonation of one or more nuclear weapons at high altitude over the continental U.S. would result in an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that could effectively remove the United States as an actor on the world stage, long-term”

~ ITEM: Facts & Figures– “The EMP Commission was reestablished via the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006″; The Commission has released a Critical National Infrastructures Report (PDF, 7MB) and testified before the House Armed Services Committee (July 10, 2008) –Written Testimony (PDF, 76KB)

~ PEARL HARBOR ON STEROIDS— That’s what would happen if a rogue nation launched only a couple of nukes high into the atmosphere over North America. No, not nuking a city, but frying almost all modern electronics in a matter of seconds. All. Modern. Electronics.

Never mind that some machines & computers would be undamaged by virtue of place or inbuilt protection– power plants would be dead, all post-70s vehicles dead, all food & drug & consumer goods supplies stop; cellphones die; the internet reduced to a tiny military backbone (if that) inaccessable to most; TV & TV-stations, cable companies dead.. the list is endless.

All for the low, low price of a couple of ICBMs. Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, or some handy intermediaries could do it tomorrow. Today.

Warning: Possible Very Bad thing Right Ahead

The worst part? It would cost a lot less than a trillion to make the U.S. EMP-Nuke proof, but nobody has had the political will or foresight to make it a serious issue in the ever silly-making circle of the DC Beltway.

Power plants & transmission infrastructure need to be hardened & protected; the internet backbone & nodes made EMP-proof; the military & emergency responders & hospitals retrofitted. It needs to begin now, to be ready in 5 years.

Empty Shelves Policy: FAIL

More than the above, Western nations & businesses need to ditch the risky ‘just-in-time’ supply chain for food & drugs and essential materials. This is the low-inventory policy whereby suppliers are called every few days for inventory, but drug stores or supermarkets no longer keep several weeks of inventory, but days. As we saw in post-tsunami Japan, the just-in-time model presumes no disasters or interruptions. Emergency? A run on supplies, and suddenly there is nothing left.

Instead, in this world of increased risk and uncertainty, we need a widespread Just-In-Case program for business, manufactory, food & drug supplies, the military, government, and all the rest. Large inventory may cost more, and risk stale-dating, but Just-In-Time is a recipe for utter disaster, whether via EMP, nuke-strike, natural disaster, or any other massive interruption.

Ignoring The Risk

Mind you, the surviving post-EMP U.S. would counter-launch via their ICBM nuke-subs and splash the guilty, but the U.S. would be suddenly in the 1600s, minus all the infra structure to make that world work. Famine. The death of the old, sick, weak, chronically ill, the over-civilized and vulnerable. Gang-rule in some areas, martial law in others. Mass migration of refugees to warmer climes, seeking food & safety. Try this book for a taste.

This is unlike Pearl Harbor because we already know (1) the likely risk and (b) exactly what to do about it, and (iii) that it’s a very attractive option for terrorists or rogue nations who don’t want to fight the U.S. directly.

I Told You So. America, please prove me wrong. ~

Thus Saith

Teh Binksmeister

Steynian 452rd

~ RED ALERT: Toronto-area Jihadi-crime family Death-threat against Blazing Catfur blogger;  Mrs. CatFur comments.. (BCF, FFoF)


Raw Evil Sewage, GTA-Style?

~ ITEM: Toronto Auto Station « Stop Terror Now: A Project on Terrorism Site

~ ITEM: Toronto Auto Station, Toronto, Ontario Complaints & Reviews

~ ITEM: Google of “m***** york regional“; Antisemitic York Regional Police; Murder By York Regional Police

~ RECENTLY, BLOGGER BLAZING Catfood reprinted a bizarre series of death-threats & garble from a certain family-member of a malignant clan of Iranian immigrants. When you go and research said clan, it appears to be a veritable sewer: of the dark side of immigration, jihad-financing, anti-semitism, York Regional Police corruption, murder, aryan supremacism, business fraud, death-threats, and officials looking the other way.

Blazing has gotten tackled online by said jihad/ crime-family members. In his typically brash way, he’s not backed down, or shut up.. despite being a “Zionist garage”, according to one e-screed.

Who knew?

Continue reading “Steynian 452rd”