Steynian 226

~ SAYS A BLOGGER… “‘Course I contend Binks isn’t one elf but like a platoon of em.” Muwhahaha. Countless elf-cadres beavering away in our massive top-secret black ops facility. Top Secret? Hah! Those weenies at Area 51 only wish they had the quiet cool (and heated pool) of Area 52; The ElfZone. Don’t MAKE us go all Black Helicopter on your sorry selves! ~

~ THE BINKS weighs in ‘On Aliens and the Vatican‘. Just to let you know, Here at Binks HQ, the matter is also settled. If God exists, and loves life as He appears to do, then under all possible life-sustaining circumastances (and those are far wider than we imagine), life will exist. Somewhere, that probably includes intelligent life, since it has already arisen at least once (on Earth). Whether any of that is close to us, or communicative, or is a race of ill-tempered orcs with big lasers looking for a free supply of man-flesh, is another matter. Only Star Trek Federation types assume it’s all unicorns and alien bunnies. That there is other intelligent life in existence is also a theological question: if God exists, then it is within his power to create non-embodied intelligences (otherwise known as angels, fallen or otherwise). So there: a few mysteries of the universe wrapped up for ya. You’re welcome. Cute & mostly harmless WebElves are NOT, in fact, aliens. ~

Tasty Earthling Man-Flesh!

Now In Convenient Snack-Sized Servings!

Mark Steyn

~ ZZzzzzZzzzzZZz


~ ZzzzzzzzzZZz

~ EN FRANCAIS— Liberté d’expression. Caricatures de Mahomet : La saga Ezra Levant (la suite, mais c’est loin d’être la fin) “L’imam Soharwardy et le Edmonton Council of Muslims ont réussi à mettre une agence gouvernementale au service de la poursuite de leur fatwa radicale contre moi. Leurs plaintes ont été rejetées après 900 jours d’enquête par 15 bureaucrates, au coût de un demi million $ pour les contribuables. Mes frais légaux s’élèvent à 100 000$. Il est cependant inexact de dire qu’ils ont perdu. Le processus auquel j’ai été soumis est un châtiment en soi et un avertissement à tout journaliste qui oserait défier l’islam radical. De plus, la commission des droits est maintenant le rédacteur en chef de la province.” …. (

Being Legally Bullied? Innocent? Join Ezra’s Crew Now!


~ JUST CAN’T WAIT! “The Tyranny of Nice”: a sneak preview of our book (sorta) …. (fivefeetoffury)

~ THE CULTURE OF CORRUPTION at the Canadian Human Rights Commission …. (

~ PETE VERE ON “The Tyranny of Nice” …. (sootoday)

~ MR. WARMAN’S conduct to be refered to the disciplinary committee of the Law Society of Upper Canada! …. (MaD)

~ GYAPONG– JOHN MCCAIN religious freedom; Getting religion out of medicine? Another freedom of speech fight to keep track of; A new front opens in the war to protect fundamental freedoms …. (

~ ONTARIO QUEEN OF HRC: Some Antisemitism is fine in “human rights” Canada …. (stoptheaclu)

~ THE FARBER mounts crusade against “Left Wing”, “Real out there” Homeless magazine– as always ahead of the curve, he takes aim at Street News, a paper sold by the homeless in Toronto …. (

~ ARM-TWISTING THE DOCTORS = Forced Abortion Coming To Canada? Consequences to ensue: “Once a professional is forced to breach his conscience in servitude to the State and its putative, arbitrary, and redefined common good, the road to forcing the regular citizenry to do the same is all but guaranteed. In other words, once a professional is forced to break his conscience in order to fulfill some perverse and twisted public policy ideal, the same rule, the same principle will be applied to force the average citizen to do the same thing” …. (

~ BUFFOONERY Reaches New Heights at CHRC …. (

~ HMMMMM…. It argued “the boy’s speech was barred solely because it was religious, in violation of the Free Speech Clause.” …. (MaD)

~ PERSECUTING Pro-Life Doctors In The Name Of “Human Rights”; Ontario Plan: Professional Misconduct when Doctors Fail to Refer for Abortion …. (, lsn)

~ QUICK! “Somebody table a law against “Christie Pits” denial! ” …. (fivefeetoffury)

~ NOW THIS KIND OF Racism Is “Progressive”! “Canada’s top bureaucrat has ordered departments to target visible minorities in his latest recruitment drive to hire another 4,000 new university and college graduates by the end of March” …. (

~ THE LAST AMAZON is blogging in support of Howard Rotberg …. (

~ NOW IF IN A democracy we do not need immigration or want it, should we have it? …. (MaD)

~ CATFUR: “Pity poor Howard Rotberg” …. (

~ HUMAN RIGHTSCommission Seeks to Gut Health Care; “Note that there is no reference to this on key pages on the College’s website”.. Key Sections of draft policy …. (, sda)

~ THE CHRC IS NOW backing off a Section 13 and demanding illegal compensation …. (MaD)

~ ROBERT FULFORD: “We live in the most privacy-obsessed era in history. Yet our belief in the secrecy of private information exists alongside a frenzy of flagrant exhibitionism” …. (nationalpost)

~ GREAT MOMENTS in libel law! …. (fivefeetoffury)

~ LAST AMAZON— “In Canada, we spell ENTITLEMENT as Arts Funding” …. (

~ FIRE. THEM. ALL. Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada …. (sda)

~ BLAZING CATFUR: “Wow! Someone even more dim than Naomi Lakritz! Meet Lea Anderson fearless defender of State Censorship & fan of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn!” …. (

~ IN CANUCKISTAN, Even Pr0n is Regulated; NP: “National Post Editorial Board on Canada’s proposed digital porn channel: Debbie Does Flin Flon” …. (dailybayonet, etc)

~ THE PACKWOOD: “Due to my annoying habit of speaking in paragraphs, I did not quite complete an idea I was trying to advance on the Michael Coren Show” …. (ghostofaflea)

~ HOMELESS AND CLUELESS, TOO? “On hatred, the homeless and HRCs: Even though I’m en vacance, I’ve been ruminating about that piece in the National Post yesterday revealing that homeless people in Toronto have been flogging a newspaper full of antisemitic crapola” …. (scaramouche)

~ YUPPERS.. Guess Everything’s Going Well In Myanmar …. (downwitheverybody)

~ NO MORE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS— A Letter to the Editor …. (marginalizedactiondinosaur)

~ BC-GOV? Always Gets Paid …. (

~ WELCOME to your future…. H/T Poetency & Apoetasy …. (

~ WIN $2,500 from Privacy Commissioner for Essay …. (lawiscool)

~ THE LONG-AWAITED “An American Carol” trailer. Wow. Just wow. Could this film maybe, just maybe, help McCain with the election? Could this film maybe, just maybe, help McCain with the election? …. (fivefeetoffury)

~ HUMAN FREEDOM, 21C— Feds Plan Against Smuggling of Sex Slaves for 2010 Olympics …. (dustmybroom)

~ SURVEILLANCE SOCIETY: Average Briton being recorded 3,000 times — a week! …. (telegraph)

~ RECOGNIZING Man’s Innate Capacity for Evil, by Michael Ledeen: “To deny it is to render ourselves incapable of defending freedom” …. (pajamasmedia)

~ ARMANDO VALLADARES: Twenty-Two Years in Castro’s Gulag (which were invented by that guy on all the t-shirts, apparently) …. (pajamasmedia)

~ RAINBOW FASCISM & GOODTHINK— Gay Bomb Explosion… McCain Donor & Gay Website Chairman Forced to Step Down …. (

~ THE AGE OF Authoritarianism? …. (commentarymagazine)

~ McRAINBOW FASCIST Happy Meal– Ronnie’s Rainbow Adventure …. (

~ GEORGE JONAS: From Ottawa to Nuremberg — by way of Vienna and Beijing …. (np)

~ THE UK BP– The Gentle Creep Of Fascism. “Hail Spode!” …. (sigmundcarlandalfred)

~ THOUGHT-CONTROL: There is Protest, then there is “Protest” By George Koukeas. All radical leftist groups tend to violate the rights of others under the guise of “free speech” …. (canadafreepress)

~ RUSSIAN HATE Crimes on the Rise? …. (blogfreeworld)

~ FOLLOW THE LOOT— Al Gore’s $100 million carbon empire …. (shotgun)

~ THE REALITY behind the Beijing spectacle …. (americanthinker)

~ LAURA Rosen Cohen: Who’s the real ‘retard’? …. (

Fascism Vs. Georgia

~ WORLD VISION: Georgian Humanitarian Relief and more details here; The Russian aggression in Georgia should be met by an instant and total boycott of Russian goods, especially the obvious ones, by Western consumers and of Russian tourism by the same …. (Various)

~ DAVID WARREN— “As I write this, I have just read a short account — an admirable piece by a BBC correspondent in the Black Sea port of Poti, Georgia, writing without their permission right under their noses — of the Russians “in control and on the move.” …. (davidwarrenonline)

~ RUSSIANS Launch Cyber War Against Georgia …. (dustmybroom)

~ WARSAW, Poland: Poland’s president criticized the way France and Germany have handled the crisis between Russia and Georgia, accusing them Saturday of being too soft on Moscow due to their commercial ties with Russia. In other news, “Russia has threatened to nuke Poland” …. (classicalvalues)

~ I REMEMBER When I Was Little… my mother never left for church without her best Sunday cleaver tucked into her handbag …. (sda)

~ GEORGIA ON MY MIND: “Michael Totten, currently in Azerbaijan, is heading over to where the action is. Hit his tip jar” …. (damianpenny)

~ VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The recent actions of Russia, China and Obama remind us that little has changed when man is unbound and pampered. “Human Nature Being What It Is” …. (victorhanson)

~ CLASSICAL VALUES: “having a bit of fun, the swines”– “In an earlier post about the Georgia situation, I agreed with Victor Davis Hanson’s characterization of the moral bankruptcy of the Western Left”…. (cv)

~ MORONIC MANIACS: “Those trying to justify Russia’s actions come off looking like morons or maniacs — or both” …. (pajamasmedia)

Russians Loot Gori

~ LIE, DISSEMBLE, PREVARICATE— “Despite the “ceasefire” between Russia and Georgia, Russian forces have cut the country in half. Even if Russia actually kept its troops in place without mischievously moving them around, they would effectively disrupt Georgian national life and relegate its remnants to a kind of rump state. The chief problem facing Saakashvili is that he has no practical short-term way to rid himself of the Russians” …. (richardfernandez)

~ WHAT RONALD REAGAN KNEW About Old Russia Knew And Jimmy Carter Didn’t …. (sigmundcarlandalfred)

~ WHAT HATH PUTIN WROUGHT? Germany Offers Support for Georgia’s NATO Bid …. (pajamasmedia)

~ THE CRISIS in Georgia has focused minds on the supply of oil to western Europe via lines that cross – and avoid – Russia. Russell Hotten considers the prospects for the embattled democracy …. (sigmundcarlandalfred)

~ GEORGIANS in forced labour gangs to clean South Ossetia streets …. (dustmybroom)

~ DANIEL HANNAN: “Don’t let the EU speak for Britain in the Caucasus” …. (telegraph)

~ THE GLOBE’S BLOOD LIBEL: “I meant to post this one the day I saw it, but never got around to it. It’s a Glib and Mewl editorial ‘toon showing Iran–you know, the nation that is in the process of enriching the uranium that will enable it to, as promised, fulfill Hitler’s Final Solution–morphing into a delectable pear, and teensy Israel, cannibalistically, taking a big bite out of it” …. (scaramouche)

~ VIA GHOST FLEES— Sopho Khalvashi: Visionary dream …. (ghostofaflea)

~ MEMO TO A LINGERING Conservative: “Today we are all Georgians.” …. (hughhewitt)

~ BAD NEWS: Imperial fleet invades San Francisco …. (

~ IOWAHAWK: “Diplomatic Breakthru in Georgia: Red-Faced Russian Party Crashers Retreat” …. (iowahawk)

~ SHOTGUN ‘TOON— Filibuster: Putin’s Friend …. (shotgun)


~ JIHAD WATCH— Raymond Ibrahim: Today in History, Constantinople saves Western Civilization from Islam …. (creepingsharia)

~ TALIBAN WARNS of more attacks on Canadians …. (nationalpost)

~ AN EXPORT MARKET in Hatred: Exploring Saudi Textbooks– “Saudi Arabia’s refusal to grant religious liberty and human rights to their own citizens and their determination to export intolerance and hatred to schoolchildren across the globe can no longer be ignored or explained away” …. (

~ THE HECKLER’S VETO: “A brouhaha in the publishing world is raising the spectre that violence seen in protests to Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed, or in reaction to a fatwa against author Salman Rushdie, could take place in the United States” …. (investigativeproject)

~ WHITEWASH! Sanitizing the Textbooks for Islam …. (

~ JUST LOOK AWAY: “A primary characteristic of Islam is its bestial treatment of women. One of the notable dogs-that-did-not-bark is Western feminism, which has remained largely silent about brutality against women in the the Muslim subcultures of the West” …. (

~ THE BLASPHEMY of Danish journalists and Bridget Bardot …. (MaD)

~ UK MUSLIM GROUP condemns Julie Burchill as a “Zionist Islamophobe” — not to mention “fat” …. (fivefeetoffury)

~ SPONSOR OF NYC MUSLIM subway ads plan 2nd promotion …. (creepingsharia)

~ ANTI-SEMITIC graffiti prompts Sarkozy’s son to take legal action …. (blogfreeworld)

~ SKIRTING the Law: A Mosque for Montreuil …. (brusselsjournal)

~ HONOUR-KILLING DROPPED from Weinstein Movie at Iranian-American Group’s Insistence …. (creepingsharia)

~ THE FRENCH CLAIM they feel alienated from armed rioting Immigrants, Paris Riots part XVIII …. (MaD)

~ SENEGAL: Beggar’s father takes on abusive Quranic teacher …. (creepingsharia)



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