Steynianism 173

Bullies In Big-Boy Land

Reporter Paul Willcocks recently covered the Free Speech mess here, and worried there was something of a dogpile going on: the various BCHRCT folks look hapless, indefensible, and– for a certain kind of Canadian fairness– bullied-upon.

“The critics of the process are right; it is a threat to free speech. And the issues are important…. But the rhetoric and the casting of the case as the last battleground in defence of Western civilization has been over the top. By time the hearing concluded, the public battering of the Muslim complainants started to look a lot like a one-sided schoolyard brawl.”

That’s called democracy, and the ruled responding loudly and clearly to misrule and abuse. The institution and officials under critique has the power of law, official funding, and the power to be used by wrong-headed people to smash other people who generally speaking are just saying what they think out loud. And Khurrum? Well, he lied and lied and lied and then sploded himself in public. He’s a big-boy.

If Warman or Elmasry or Lund or McNaughton have used the HRCs like an Incredible Hulk, smashing people and remaking society– well, it’s their reponsibility, and they deserve ever dogpiling they get, until the overweening power of such ridiculous tribunals are wound waaaaaaaay back, and section 13.i repealed. Until the system is tightened up so that it cannot be easily abused by every Jew-hater, soft-totalitarian, or legal bully, here we come.

The alternative is the individual-destroying SLAAP lawsuits dogpiling of the HRCs, backed by the courts, police, and implicit government sanction. One by one, people risking their life-savings, reputations, their time and souls fighting against the likes of Elmasry and Warman and Lund– none of whom face any penalty or cost, even if their accusations are dismissed or found frivilous; and in a system which is not legally fair or accountable.

It’s a good article– read the whole thing at Willcocks’ blog.



~ The Binks™ just had an oddly cheering experience: I recently bought one of my own t-shirts (‘Portable Free Speech Zone‘) for the first time; and today, the first commission-cheque came in for the tee-sales via $104.03 for the Freedom-6. That means you folks (a) are wearing stuff I put together (sometimes with the help of others), (2) are advertising free speechiness in a defiantly public way, (iii) have donated to your fellow Canadians who are fighting for their full and proper freedom, and ours. How cool is that? Well done; thank you; keep it up! ~

~ Are you covering some aspect of the topics we do, but not getting any links from here? Let us know about your blog! ~

~ For the love of heaven, go buy Shaidle’s fine e-book, will you? Saith her tiny self: “Miss me? Then download my book, dammit! I’m outta here until next Friday” getting married in Vegas! w00t! ~

The Jew Steyn

~ MARK DUBOWITZ— “Welcome to a world where criticism of militant Islam could land you in court or worse. In Vancouver, Canada’s venerable Maclean’s magazine awaits a hate-speech verdict from a human-rights tribunal for publishing a chapter from syndicated columnist Mark Steyn’s best-selling book “America Alone.” The accusers charge the author and publisher with “Islamophobia.” …. (

~ ON MARK STEYN— “a hilarious process… if it was not so important for free speech” …. (vorzheva)

~ STEYN FAN JEFF ROBSON, The Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Ontario– “Steyn is against environmentalism, against multiculturalism, wholeheartedly supported the invasion and occupation of Iraq, and is clearly Islamophobic. His writing and his ideas don’t even belong on a hastily-scribbled dinner napkin, much less in a national magazine.” …. (

~ FIRST THINGS ponders The Population Bust …. (

~ BABY-PREVENTION— Birth Control Busting Canada. Not only that, but the 3-5% chance of chemical abortion with the regular pill means that nobody’s hands are clean. In other venues, “UK: Record Number of Abortions in 2007, Again Tops 200,000 Mark” …. (, Wz)

Being Legally Bullied? Innocent? Join Ezra’s Crew Now!


~ EZRA LEVANT ON The Conservative government’s reaction to Jennifer Lynch’s stunt …. (

~ PEN CANADA is mightier than the sword …. (

~ CATFUR HAS AN Ezrant Roundup; and Ezra on the Michael Coren show – with special guest Elmo the “Jew-Baiter”….. “I like the Elmasry replay, they should do it in “Super Slo Mo” next time” …. (

~ A VIDEO on conspiracies, via Ed Driscoll — New Silicon Graffiti Video: “Paranoia Strikes Deep” …. (



Cups at…/5322629

and more,




That HRC & Internet Policing Thing?

“Hopefully the first thing they will do is address the propensity of staff members of the various HRCs to post hate messages on the Internet. After that, they will presumably move into making the world (read: American bloggers) safe for free speech opponents, Islamic jihadis, and gay rights activists who can’t rest until all people acknowledge the gloriousness of homosexuality. I, for one, as an Internet writer, would like to send the Canadian Human Rights Commission a message: go jump in a lake. I hope that the backlash against the kangaroo court persecution of Ezra Levant, Mark Steyn, Kathy Shaidle, Kate at Small Dead Animals, the Rev. Steve Boissoin, the Rev. Alphonse de Valk, Bishop Frederick Henry, and Catholic Insight magazine puts you out of business, and that a stake will be driven through the heart of politically correct free speech oppression in Canada and on the Internet as a result.”

~ The Reformed Pastor ~

~ THE ROOTS OF THINGS: “Enemies of the Permanent Things”.. Writes Anthony Esolen: “I’m reading the book above by Russell Kirk, an erudite and tightly reasoned set of essays on what he calls the recurrent Gnostic heresy: the frankly fanatical belief, mingled with a hunger for power, that one can build a society from the abstract ideals spun out of one’s own spidery mind”. He’s also the author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization, amongst other books …. (merecomments,

~ THE UPPITY NATIONAL POST— “The Post editorial board: Here’s hoping Professor Moon reins in the Canadian Human Rights Commission.” Instapundit: “Maple-leaf fascism? Just remember, there are plenty of people who’d like to see this happen in America, too” …. (np, insta)

~ THIS IS HOW WE DO IT! “Independent” Study: Unelected Official Hires Another Unelected Official To Examine Her Office paid for by your cash, with the hopes of changing your laws. Hey, who needs elections, anyway? …. (downwitheverybody)

~ A FREESPEECHER under fire from way back, Gerry Hunter, on “The Road to Scoundrelism”, via his blog, Letters From Behind The Lines …. (

~ ACTION DINO— I’ve never noticed so many hits as from the House of commons or dept of justice as there is now …. (MaD)

~ BLOG DIVA KATHY SHAIDLE is interviewed about Canadian Human Rights Commission Madness on Pajamas Media XM’s POTUS ’08 channel, 6 PM EST Thursday June 19th …. (

~ ON THAT HRC REVIEWER— “Since Dr. Moon is reading comprehensively, I’ve got 4 questions he should read and think about” …. (

~ THOUGHTS ON A Criminal Act dressed as Remedial Process …. (

~ RELIGION CLAUSE BLOG— Canada’s Human Rights Commission Studying Approaches To Internet Hate Speech; Reformed Pastor: “More Threats From Canadian HRC” …. (, reformedpastor)

~ PROF. MARK MERCER— “We need not fear words”, Ottawa Citizen …. (

~ THE QUEEN-CENSOR: Canada’s Alice In Wonderland …. (

~ THE ADVOCATE Strikes Back; Republish the Letter! And “Red Deer Advocate to Alberta HRC: We’re Not Your Propaganda Organ” …. (am770chqr,,

~ TERROR-HAVEN? WE’RE ALSO A SPY-HAVEN! Canadian Engineer Xiaodong Sheldon Meng was sentenced two years for stealing US fighter pilot training simulation software and trying to sell it to the ChiComs …. (

~ TIME IMMORTAL— Velocity? That’s an interesting way to put it, Ms. Lynch …. (

~ BLAZING CATSPAW— “Will Harper Apologize to Canadians for the Crimes of the Human Rights Commissions? ” …. (

~ COMPLAINERS Wanted, Nothing But Hurt Feelings Necessary! “What could be worse than a government department which does nothing except giving out generous paychecks for themselves? A department that must get others in legal and financial troubles to show its importance – so the stream of paychecks and lucrative business trips never stops. And since “human rights” complaints are down 15% year over year in Alberta, the province’s freedom snatching committee began targeting immigrants.” …. (

~ DOWN WITH EVERYBODY— “You Can’t Deny My Right To Be A Paid Journalist” …. (downwitheverybody)

~ HARRISON SCOTT KEY: “Speech and debate: One Christian vs. Several Muslims” …. (

~ EN FRANÇAIS— Multiculturalisme: Histoire d’une série de viols collectifs racistes en Australie – un procès de la bien-pensance. “Il y a quelques années, une affaire retentissante de dizaines de viols collectifs par des musulmans a secoué une société australienne pour laquelle, jusque-là, l’intégration des immigrés semblait aller de soi. Ce qui a également choqué les habitants de Sydney, c’est que ces viols étaient motivés par la haine raciale. Il aura fallu toute la ténacité d’une jeune australienne de 17 ans pour que cet aspect sordide de l’affaire soit reconnu, quand nombreux étaient ceux qui auraient préféré faire silence sur cette réalité.” 17 juin, par Annie Lessard, Marc Lebuis …. (

~ THE REDEFINITION OF “DISABILITY” FOR HUMAN RIGHTS PURPOSES— via the BC CUPE unioin website, via. Says another commenter: “The decision makers at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, Canada Post, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers,Lawrence Cannon, & the justice minister Rob Nicholson (I think) have swept something under the carpet Canadians need to know. Not only do these commissions stifle free speech but they are changing labour laws by forever expanding the definitions of disability. Yes,thanks to these entities almost 40% of Canada Post employees are on light duties or permanently partially disabled and cannot be held accountable for their inability to do the job they are being paid for!” …. (

~ BC REPORTER: Free Speech Defenders Correct, But Shouldn’t Batter People …. (downwitheverybody)

~ FREE DOMINION falls victim to an extremist screed …. (

~ CHECK OUT THIS recent e-newsletter. Via Crumply Old Bear …. (sleepyoldbear)

~ WIDESPREAD FEAR of free speech prompts Canadian human rights commissions to criminalize it …. (

~ IN A FREE STATE, Tongues too Should be Free …. (

~ PAMELA GELLER— “Silenciing the Blogs: Pistachio Gone! I do not know what happened but I smell a rat. Liberals! Douglas Gibb over at Political Pistachio, a terrific blog, has gone dark” …. (atlasshrugs2000)

~ FIVE FEET OF FURBY— “Jason Cherniak: too stupid to really be Jewish?” …. (fivefeetoffury)

~ VIA STOP THE ACLU— “To live, we must learn how to hate again. For without the strength of that unmitigated and unquestioned passion, weakened by our own civility, we will most assuredly perish, subsumed in the onrushing tsunami of our enemy’s unanswered rage” …. (

~ WHO DOES WHAT-NOW!?! — “Judge overturns father’s grounding of 12-year-old daughter.” In other news, “School investigates mother of autistic girl based on psychic’s claims.” An Open Letter to Premier McGuinty Re: “Psychics” and the Laws of Ontario. Welcome to the land of Guilty Until Proven Got-Away-With-It. Next up? “Big brother, big mother, and big nanny state know-it-all LIBERALS pass “anti-spanking” bill”. Big Daddy vs. real daddy …. (Various)

~ BACK IN THE EUSSR! “Someone once told me that he felt entitled to live in a country governed by some European convention on human rights. He’s welcome to it, for what little it seems to be worth.”; and “Irish Europhiles play the blame game” …. (, telegraph)

~ OBAMA AND INDICTED iSLAMIST TERRORISTS— “Why does Obama thrown in with Islamists? Why isn’t he fighting for secret service protection for Wafa Sultan?” …. (atlasshrugs2000)

Free Giggles In Pajamas

Jihad & Shari’a– The War Against The West

~ A FRESH FATWA FROM THE UN Human Rights Council: Any mention of the word “sharia” is now taboo. Muslims win battle to prevent criticism of Islam at UN Human Rights Council. UNHRC: Islamic Freedom of Religion Trumps Everything Else. Sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia sharia …. (JiWa, GV)

~ CANADIAN TERROR-TRIAL— “The curious case of the recanting Islamist: What’s the deal with Mubin Shaikh? The Crown’s star witness in its case against the Mississauga jihadi laddies, he’s gone from being the snitch who ratted them out to the kafirs, to the guy who now seems determined to subvert the entire prosecution” …. (scaramouche)

~ A DANGEROUS WEAKNESS in a scary time– “Israel Gives Terrorists What They Want, Terrorists Want More” …. (lgf)

~ CANUCKETTE GETS A CLUE? THE U.N.’s resident Canadian liberal Louise Arbour, wakes up and smells the muzzles: “It is very concerning in a Council which should be… the guardian of freedom of expression, to see constraints or taboos, or subjects that become taboo for discussion,” the former Canadian High Court judge told a news conference” …. (downwitheverybody)

~ TERROR-HAVEN! Ohio jihadists connected to Al-Qaeda and jihadists in Chicago, Atlanta, and Toronto— “..the connections suggest there is an active network of support for homegrown radicals looking to do us harm.” Whoa– no way! …. (

Infidel wench..

..totally had it coming

~ BETRAYAL: “The scale of violent crime white people are being subject to in countries such as Sweden resembles warfare. Not only does the state not protect people against this racist violence, it actively sides with the attackers. Which means that the social contract is now dead and buried in most Western countries. The state is either expensive and irrelevant or it is an outright enemy” …. (

~ NO SPEECH FOR YOU! “UN: Muslim States Win Battle to Prevent Islam From Being Criticized During Debates”; Cliff May @ nrotc: “Islamists want to put an end to free speech, “to use judicial power to silence critics of militant Islam,” and not just in the countries where they now rule but everywhere (N.B. Canada and the prosecution/persecution of Mark Steyn). In this effort, they are finding the U.N. most helpful to them. They now dominate that organization – we Americans just pay the bulk of the bills” …. (Wz, nrotc)

~ JUDEN RAUS! Red on Red or Censor v Censor! Layton v the CJC on Durban 2. Layton faces caucus revolt over position on ‘Durban 2’ …. (

~ GIRL IN BLUE— This just in: “Saskatchewan to implement Islam-based schools.” …I would say “it begins,” but really, it just creeps on …. (

~ DON’T WANNA HURT THE FEELINGS OF POOR WIDDLE TYRANTS— BBC: Report on Blogger Arrests Obscures Most Arrests Are in Non-Democratic Nations …. (

~ IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE! “The United Nations Human Rights Council isn’t really a UN bureaucracy. It’s actually a training ground for stand-up comedians. That’s the only explanation I can think of for stuff like this” …. (reformedpastor)

~ U.S. COMPANY ASKS Florida court to judge case by Islamic law, not American law. The stealth jihad of short-sightedness and expediency …. (

~ THE FAR-LEFT ACLU Files Suit Against Government on Behalf of Radical Islamist Front Groups …. (Wz)

~ JIHAD? A GOOD THING! Needed more of it! Refuting the book ‘God’s Crucible’– “Briefly summed up, God’s Crucible laments the fact that Charles Martel, “the Hammer,” halted the advancing Islamic Jihad at the Battle of Tours or, Battle of Poitiers, in 732″ …. (

~ SHAIDLE NOTES— “Another day, another beligerent Muslim troublemaker.” The victim is a Canadian …. (Various)

~ $$$$$$ FOR NOTHING— “BILE-spewing al-Qaeda lieutenant Abu Qatada was last night living in the lap of luxury – paid for by the country he HATES. British taxpayers face a £1million-a-year bill to keep the hate preacher under “house arrest” after he was freed from jail”; in other news, UK: Abu Qatada Celebrates his Release From Jail by Releasing new Book Urging Muslims to “Terrorize and Fight the Enemies of Allah” …. (Wz)
Thousands of Deadly Islamic Terror Attacks Since 9/11

~ SOCON.CA— “It is not a coincidence that the West is faced with two choices today: Taliban repression or Deviant Sexuality” …. (

~ SCARAMOUCHE— “Hamas, the Holocaust and HRCs: Even as the latest “hudna” with Hamas takes effect and Jews are encouraged to “dialogue” with jihadis, Caroline Glick poses a timely question: Why can’t Israelis see that the Palestinians harbour the same genocidal ambitions as the Nazis?” …. (scaramouche)

~ THE NEXT OLYMPIC SPORT? — Hamas TV Broadcasting Clips Teaching Youths how to Kidnap Israeli Soldiers …. (Wz)

~ GETTING IT: “Why We Won’t Talk To Sudan’s Islamo-Fascists”; and “‘A society that turns a blind eye to terror at home or abroad will soon find their streets overrun with beasts’” …. (sigmundcarlandalfred)

~ DUST MY BROOM: “Canadian intelligence cites possible attack by Hezbollah” …. (

Iran/ Hizbie Scum On The March, Calgary

~ PAKISTAN COURT Imposes Death Sentence For Blasphemy, But Execution Unlikely …. (

~ DISPATCHES investigates the spread of Islamic extremism throughout British prisons and asks if today’s prisoners will become tomorrow’s terrorists. 5-part YouTube vid series …. (Wz)

~ PARALLEL KIVES— Frederick Douglass, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and the flight to freedom …. (weeklystandard)

~ THE MYTHS OF MOHAMMED— “As a service to Muslims and non-Muslims alike, we hope to refute the contemporary mythology of Muhammad (popular in the West) by referring to the earliest and most reliable Muslim historians, who based their writings on the narrations of those who actually knew him” …. (thereligionofpeace)

~ DEMONIC EVIL— Al-Qaeda in Iraq: Video Shows Elderly Man Being Beheaded for ‘not Cooperating’ …. (Wz)

~ RELIGION OF PEACE: “Is the Qur’an Hate Propaganda?” …. (thereligionofpeace)

~ DANISH COURT Rejects Muslim Lawsuit Against Newspaper That Published Mohammed Cartoons …. (Wz)

2 thoughts on “Steynianism 173

  1. Thanks for the link. And thanks for the blog: it’s soooo necessary to follow what’s happening in Canada with freedom of speech.


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