Steynianism 60.0

Steyn News

~ GO BUY DEB’S BOOK now, please: “Eeeek. My book’s Amazon numbers are plummeting” …. (, Amazon)


~ UPCOMING EVENT— The Canadian Journalism Foundation presents Michael Geist: E-Publishing & The Law …. (

~ DARTMOUTH GETS STEYNED: “I was fortunate enough to get to hear a presentation by Mark Steyn at Dartmouth College last night, an experience you really ought to avail yourself of if the opportunity ever presents itself” …. (brothersjuddblog)

~ DAMIAN PENNY— Hate speech for me, but not for thee: “I think the Canadian Arab Federation should have every right to promote this garbage. Heck, I’m glad they’re making so little effort to hide their beliefs. It’s too bad they don’t feel so strongly about freedom of speech for the rest of us, though. But it’s not surprising.” …. (damianpenny)

~ DEB GYAPONG— Another Catholic Register editorial on freedom of speech; Kidnapped and held hostage— yet finds spiritual freedom …. (

~ SOCON.CA— Friends don’t let friends go to Osgoode; New Star Chamber Memeber (sic) Appointed- Edward Peter Lustig; A Christian Response to Islam. You’ll take your medicine and like it! …. (

~ PUNDITA— Marc Lemire gives Pundita a tour of the Section 13 Maze …. (

~ YOU KNOW THE TIDE HAS REALLY TURNED on Section 13 when…; and “I suggest we offer a nod of thanks to the man who has done so much to ensure our cause remained in the public spotlight. Gratitude is owed the man who has sacrificed himself as the Public’s Lightening Rod for the contempt Canadians feel for Section 13 (1)” …. (

~ SOCON.CA— Death Cult & Free Speech. Capitulation to sustain a legal fiction …. (

~ PAGING EGYPTIAN-BORN Mohamed Elmasry: “Egyptian Officials, Press Condemn E.U. Resolution Criticizing Human Rights Situation in Egypt: ‘The Europeans Think They Are the Masters While All Others Are Slaves'” …. (

~ DAILY BAYONET— Censorship the Issue, Not Access …. (

~ SAITH SHAIDLE— I’d “hold the line” if I could find the damn thing– “It’s awfully difficult to ‘hold the line’ against Muslim extremism when there isn’t one. (And I’ve been looking for a while now…)” …. (fivefeetoffury)

~ TIME IMMORTAL— Federal Court of Canada overturns HRC ruling on pay equity …. (

Get the Shirt!

Ezra News

~ EZRA EXPOSES “human rights lawyer” …. (

~ BLAZING CAT FUR— “Free Speech means…. Mocking an Anti-Semite at the Library!” …. (

~ ‘CARTOONIST’, you say? We have no such thing here… Disgraceful: “Danish Mohammed cartoon artist loses police protection, now homeless” …. (5fof)

~ THINGS WHITE PEOPLE LIKE— Di-ver-si-ty: (noun) 1. something old white people pretend to believe in while standing around banquet halls …. (fivefeetoffury)

~ DAMIAN PENNY— “They just can’t help themselves” A Guardian columnist (surprise!) blames the Danish cartoon riots on pretty much everyone except the people doing the rioting …. (damianpenny)

~ JAY CURRIE: Steyn has a list….two actually. Bunch of Nazis …. (jaycurrie)

~ SHOTGUN BLOG— Narveson: Freedom of speech, its meaning and limitations …. (

~ WHEN JIHAD CAME TO AMERICA— Omar Abdel Rahman, a pre-eminent jihadist, arrived in the U.S. in 1990. This is the story of what happened afterward …. (commentarymagazine)

~ “IT IS IMPORTANT NOT TO SILENCE COMMUNICATION on the Internet, but it is just as important not to silence victims of defamation,” writes lawprof Betsy Malloy …. (instapundit)

~ DANISH “Progressives” Get It… so why can’t ours? …. (

~ MORE FUN WITH TOON-WARS— Gaza YMCA Bombed Over Danish Mohammad Cartoons; UN Wants to Clamp Down On (Some) Freedom of Speech…. (

~ IN EURABIA: Now Motoons are verboten even on the Internet …. (JiWa)

~ GATES OF VIENNA: Making the Case for Temperate Speech …. (

Rowan Williams News

~ WILLIAMS’ Clarifications Regarding Sharia Law Don’t Lessen Concerns for Persecuted Christians …. (

~ ARCHBISHOP of Cant: The Anglican Communion shrinks …. (nro)

~ GETTING RELIGIOUS LIBERTY WRONG— The Archbishop of Canterbury’ has taken back what he said about the “inevitability” of accommodating shariah law in Britain …. (

~ CUDDLY-WUDDLY Qaradawi Embraces Rt. Rev. Williams Call for Start of Sharia Law in Britain, By Douglas Farah …. (

~ SMACKIN’ THE FAM— Muslim domestic violence in Australia: “There’s wife beating, there’s children beating. Some of them go to the extent of forbidding the woman to leave the home” …. (JiWa)

~ EYEWITNESS: Sharia in Nigeria – Archbishop Benjamin Kwashi …. (anglican-mainstream)

~ LIES, DECEIT, AND THE SHAME CULTURE— Dr. Sanity: “In this post I discussed in detail some of the key issues inherent in all shame cultures, and Islamic cultures in particular” …. (

~ ACTON BLOG: “Onward, Christian soldiers?” …. (

~ MORE FUN WITH SHARI’A— Saudis set to execute illiterate, beaten woman for “witchcraft”. In other news, “Saudis Behead 13-Year Old Son— Father Finds Out 2 Days Later At Prison Visit” …. (boingboing,

~ THE COUNCIL of the conservative Evangelical group the Church Society has written a letter “To the Primates and faithful Anglicans of the Global South”- Williams ‘false’ says Church Society; Bookmaker offers bets on Canterbury …. (churchtimes)

~ ENGLAND— A future Tory government would consider making forced marriages a criminal offence, David Cameron is to announce. Mind you, here’s some UK Multicultural backtracking at public pools …. (bbc)

~ ON MUSLIM LAWS and Western Society …. (freerep)

~ REAL ROOT-CAUSES— Stifled, Egypt’s Young Turn to Islamic Fervor …. (damianpenny)

~ SATIRE— Anyone seen Cat Stevens lately? The Wittenberg Door has the scoop …. (,


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