ALL The Things.

A generic rant sent my way about SECRET PAGANIZZMS! Crismus are EEEEVIL! Sigh.

@SqueakySqueakSqueak — Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”

What things? How many? Some? A few?

ALL includes redeeming/ making new and FULFILLING (Remember the pagan Wise Men) all things which may be redeemed. Art, music, architecture, culture, writing, poetry, literature, urban planning, education, medicine, public health.. ALL of it.

When the pagans of Europe were first evangelized, the preachers didn’t come and start wrecking and changing and condemning things. They took what was, and redeemed it, and gave it a totally new meaning in Christ.

So Germanic pagans sacrificed people on or under trees at the Winter Solstice (Dec 21-22). Do you start yelling at them and telling them how wrong & stupid they are?

The missionaries said: you know of blood sacrifice.. I will tell you of the One Sacrifice Once for All, and His name was Jesus. You put a precious thing under the tree to satisfy the gods? I will tell you of the Wise Men who were led by a star to Holy Bethlehem, where the Holy God-Man from heaven was born, sent from the Father to save us all. You have a holy place? God’s Son Jesus has come to make us holy, by obeying and serving Him, who died upon the Cross and Rose Again to give us eternal life. Let us remove your wooden idols, and put up a wooden cross, that we may glorify Him.

I must insist that there’s no such thing as “Pagan Cooties” which stick to everything pagans ever said or did, unless you’re literally talking a place of human sacrifice, magic, or the like. Pagans used knives.. shoes.. words.. fire.. buildings.. they ate food, they sang songs and told stories.. are these all forever poisoned by pagan cooties? Or else is Jesus Christ the Lord of All so weak and flawed that He cannot redeem all the things, and make all things new? ALL.

And contrary to your comment, I am a Christian, a Pureblood, and remain unconvinced by your rhetoric.

God bless you, and a very Merry Christmas.

NewCanada Sucks: M-103 Edition

>> BACKGROUNDERS: Rex Murphy: M-103 has passed. And what today has changed for the better?; also MPs pass M-103 Thursday even as new poll says most Canadians would vote down anti-Islamophobia motion

>> Vagueness of ‘Islamophobia’ is what makes it troublingly all-inclusive, by Farzana Hassan

>> Canada: Muslim judge jails man for 5 months for “no more Muslims” scrawl on bench – Geller Report

Muslim Judge makes sure everybody sees bench scrawl. Idiot. No doubt millions of Muslims to die in Canada, due to heinous bench scrawl.

~ OY, CANADA! With Bill M-103 now passed (and the “after-process” of defining crimes, punishments, and all the rest, in the newly unfree Shariafied Canadia), there is:

(1) What they double-pinky-swear will never happen, nothing to see here, all is well, it’s all harmless, you sillies;

(2) what they plan will happen, NOT the same as (1);

(3) What will develop from what they did & planned, and:

(4) how it will be all abusively mis-applied in the real world.

Progressives are stupid like that– there are no unintended consequences, human nature, sin or Satan or God in their carefully planned magical utopias. That’s why their schemes fail, get horrible, and why they never learn, or care to learn from any mistaks, reality-checks, or reflection. They say X, some magic happens, thus, it is so. Ta-da!

How We Got Here

Here’s how. Oil!! The West fiddled in the Middle East in the last century, after the Turkish Empire fell apart (WWI), for oil & suchlike. The Progressive Left hates the West, and serious Christianity; the newly aggravated Middle East hates the West, and serious Christianity.

Her is a match made in hell, kills two birds with one stone, to crush & divide nations using smelly little progressive pieties and manipulative politics, aided and abetted by soft-Jihad, squishy liberalized churches, with smiles all ’round. Because? Tolerance (enslavement to novel or toxic ideology & religion, for subversive purposes)! This is all subversion.

Militant cultural supremacist Muslims love such useful idiocy, and talk all pretty about rights & freedoms and burning issues and unity and fellowship (watch Iqra Khalid in vid). Liberal Party voters mostly, useful idiots all. ~


BOHIC, 2017

Bend over, cuz here it comes. The all-but open Sharia (Islamic Law on Blasphemy* = anti-Islamic statements, even based on truth & facts, and statements by Muslims) has officially become law in stupid Canada. Let’s give a big welcome to the ridiculous & unjust New UnFreeSpeech Sharia-police Kangaroo Kourts, even worse than the old ridiculous & unjust Human Rights Commission Gestapo Kangaroo Kourts.

This is progress, suicidal Leftist-style. The process will be the punishment, O kuffar infidels! Let the chill, the silencing, the mutual surveillance and tattling and untold suffering and injustice begin!!

Come and get me, Ya damned Islamo-Supremacist faerie fucksticks!

So saith.

Teh Binks**



* Logically, one can only blaspheme (religiously insult) one’s own particular faith. Islam claims to be the one true faith whether you like it or not, with universal insultability by atheists, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, and whoever else, so shut up, they explained, and cough up $$$. “Logic”, truth, evidence, applicability are not Muslim Supremacist essentials. In a different time and place, this would be “Insulting the Fuhrer”, or “Counter-Revolutionary activity” under Mao, Stalin, or the North Korean or Cambodian or current Chinese regimes. Guilty until  the fair trial, then imprisoned, or shot.

** Just FYI: It was for blogging on such topics that my own dear sainted NDP-Is-Kinda-Right-Wing hyper-Progressive Mother used to call me a racist Nazi, amongst other things. 

Dominion Day ’17


~ AS THE RAIN pours showers of blessings on the Eastern part of this Royal Dominion, I cannot but give thanks for this land– though the last 50 years have been sub-optimal under the progressitopian Trudeau Cult.

Above all, in The Year Of Our Lord 2017, Christians in Canada need to pray for our country, for we have wandered into deep and deadly waters of life and death, sin and evil, and our elected officials and robed rulers wish to command that sweet is bitter and bitter is sweet.

This was founded as and is still a Christian land, founded on truth, faith, virtue, and Christian principles– we have no legal fiction of the separation of church and state, as if citizens could somehow divide themselves inwardly to ultimately serve God and Caesar both. Our due earthly obedience has proper limits, which we forget at our eternal peril.

Here we have no abiding city.. but the lines have fallen unto us in pleasant places; indeed, we have a beautiful inheritance (Ps. 16). Thank you, O Lord.




O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love thou dost in us command.
We see thee rising fair, dear land,
The True North, strong and free;
And stand on guard, O Canada,

We stand on guard for thee.


O Canada! O Canada!
O Canada! We stand on guard for thee.
O Canada! We stand on guard for thee.

O Canada! Where pines and maples grow,
Great prairies spread and lordly rivers flow,
How dear to us thy broad domain,
From East to Western Sea;
Thou land of hope for all who toil!
Thou True North, strong and free!

O Canada! Beneath thy shining skies
May stalwart sons and gentle maidens rise,
To keep thee steadfast through the years,
From East to Western Sea.
Our own beloved native land,
Our True North, strong and free!

Ruler Supreme, Who hearest humble prayer,
Hold our dominion within Thy loving care.
Help us to find, O God, in Thee,
A lasting, rich reward,
As waiting for the Better Day
We ever stand on guard.
