WHOA, there Nelly.

~ SO ANYWAY, is it true that the great divide in Christianity is between “Just The Bible” groups and “all those human traditions” churches?

As even Luther had to admit (he who invented the 5 Solas), the idea of Sola Scriptura (The Bible Alone) quickly became SOLO Scriptura, as the radical “reformation” and countless sects, groups, split-off preachers and a doctrinal & Biblical chaos ensued. EACH ONE (as today) proclaimed themselves as the true interpreters of the Bible, including those who deny that “Sola Scriptura does not mean that Scripture is the only authority.”

Ask each Christian group what “This is my body” means, or “Those whom you forgive are forgiven in heaven”, or any other contested point of post AD 1500s interpretation of the Bible. My question is always “By what (final) authority?” Pretending that the protestant groups don’t have their own replacement magisteria & interpretations, “Just The Bible“? Misinformed & possibly disingenuous.

In 1600s Scotland, the Calvinists engaged in the brutal civil war against King and non-Covenanters cried “Jesus and No Quarter“, interpreting their opposition (especially Scots Anglicans, or Scots & Irish Catholics) as not just wrong, but evil– Amalekites, Canaanites, Babylonish sub-humans to be arrested, mistreated, executed, and exterminated at will.



Teh Binks

T R A N S Horror Show, Canada




~ THIS HEROIC Canadian woman is risking her finances, her future– even possibly her freedom– to make sure the story of the t r a n s horror-show in Canada gets told.

What’s at stake? Permanent mutilation & hormonal mistreatment of children & youth, denial of parental rights, & legal & media harassment is being used to silence critics, questioners, journalists, and people asking why this bizarre activity is being allowed across the country.

SHARE this video & links, write your MLA, MP, the PMO, and cc: the letter to your local newspaper & TV news outlets.

It’s time to stand up, face the bullies & crazy ideologues, and to say “THIS far, and no farther!”


Intro Video

Her forbidden video:


Use the following link to download & save (in case it’s deleted): jsut copy the BitChute link above, drop it into the url spot, and save as mp3.



Fair’s Fair? BANNED AGAIN!


~ I’VE BEEN USING the elite’s evil control platforms to yell loud and long from the rooftops against the elites, the Promethean/ Luciferian Cabal, the Globalits, the Faux-Con fail, the creepers, pervs, liars & mutaters of our church, society, & world. Been doing so online since 1995-6.

Once in a while, they catch on, and you get the BanBat. THWACK! You know, for doing something right.

This time, it was most likely a link like the one below which tripped their trap, and rendered me a ban for.. well, they haven’t told me yet, nor how long. Might even be permanent….


Yeah, I’m pretty much incorrigible. I simply will not knowingly obey immoral rules & laws, for in such situations I will obey God, not man. So now, in addition to the FOURTEEN weeks of banning in 2019, I’m now rounding off The Year Of FB Banhammer as I spent a lot of it.. banned. Silenced. No recourse, trial, mercy, or exception.

Oddly enough, this sort of digital censorship is– in theory– supposed to let you cool your heels, think again, and come out of FaceBook Jail all meek, politically corrected, and obedient to the invisible constraints crushing our societies into silence & compliance.


Over the previous 14 weeks of 2019 silencing, I actually went looking about online, on YouTube, blogs, journals, and the like, and woke up a lot more politically, started watching outside the “Conservative Inc.” ghetto I’ve been in since 2007. I learned up a lot, made new friends & connections, and broadened my mind. Ironically, FaceBook helped wake me up even more, all via their abusive policies.

Further, this new embannening should remind us that there are MILLIONS of people forbidden from FaceBook, perma-banned, in and out of FaceBook jail over and over for not bending the knee to our Digital Overlords. This will not do.  These electronic tyrants and front-men for the elite cabal, these fake news purveyors & real news preventers, these false prophets of utopia & Globalist tyranny, these God-hating truth-hating would-be omnipotent moral busybodies are the past, not the future.


Not sure if I will be back on FaceBook, if ever. I might even just take up the news aggregation again, given the massive push against the spreading of facts, ideas, and truth on social media. WordPress may object at some point, so I’ll just migrate elsewhere.

You can’t stop the signal. You can’t silence God. You can’t erase the truth by an avalanche of lies, and you can’t kill faith, hope, and love implanted by God in the human heart. THAT is what Advent Christmas is Really All About™.

Still, I will genuinely miss my hundreds of FB minions, your jokes, comments, gifts & charitable donations, your stories to repost, and daily back and forth which means so much to a sick person at home. Pray for me.


Over the years, I’ve shown you all how to do this. Where to look, what sites to look at, and which to ignore. Go forth, be a pain-in-the-butt Junior Binks. Head over to Vox Day’s Blog, sign up for his Unauthorized.tv, and watch his near-daily YouTube videos. Yes, he’s an acquired taste, but he’s a seeker, a truth-teller, and a weapon in God’s hand.

Be brave, take risks, rise up and let your light so shine before men, that they see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in heaven. Rejoice in victories, learn from defeats. Work out your salvation with fear & trembling, for it is God that works in you to establish His good will and purpose.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks

Once More Doing Hard Time in FB Jail


What Did Jesus Mean, Exactly?


~ THE NEWS is out there about things which have apparently been said by the Pope. Even if he was somehow misunderstood, the verse in question is still a big deal.

When you’re a baby-Christian, verses like the one of Jesus on the cross crying out in Aramaic “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” can really unsettle you. “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” But how can the man Jesus, one person with God’s Incarnate Son, be forsaken by… Himself?!

Here’s The Thing

  • Maybe Jesus isn’t divine?
  • Maybe he was divine before he was made incarnate by the Holy Ghost in the womb of the Virgin Mary, and then again after He rose again?
  • What is that about, verse, anyway?

OK, let’s back up. Way up.


After His crucifixion, death, and resurrection, the risen Jesus speaks with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus:

Then He said to them, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.” [Luke 24:44]

That is, the teaching of Jesus is that He is the true subject and the fulfillment of the whole of Israel’s history, her longing in the Prophets, and her Scriptures and holy writings. Even the ancient hymns called Psalms are prophetic, pointing to Him; they are His prayer-book, revealing the inner life & meaning of His mission, death, and resurrection.


So when we find out that “My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?” is a quotation from the Psalms (22), it helps to understand that Psalm verse– spoken from the cross– is a window into the mind & heart of the dying King Jesus, Saviour of humanity.

Go and read the Psalm. Slowly.

Note that it is a very specific 1000+ year-old prophecy of the suffering & crucifixion of the Messiah of Israel, even down to the details. It’s amazing, and heartbreaking, and a testimony to the mercy of God.

The sufferings are real, even down to Jesus feeling that He is somehow cut off, forsaken, in the darkness with no obvious light. Although He is the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world: yet that black avalanche of everything in us that cuts us off from God and one another falls on Him.

After the sorrowful verses, this Psalm is a great dawning glow of hope, faith, and trust in the Lord shines through Psalm 22. After the suffering comes joy. After death is hope. God hears the cry of His Son, the suffering servant (read Isaiah 53), and does not abandon or reject Him, or us as found in Him.

Feelings Are Not Facts

So Jesus felt cut off from God, yet quotes the Psalm to say what His crucifixion & death means, to preach from the Cross, to share with us what it is like to feel far from God.

But feelings are not facts. Jesus was still the man divine, the only-begotten Son incarnate in the man Jesus Christ, one person & two natures. The Word made flesh. God in a man like us.

In some crisis we might say “It’s totally hopeless! We’re doomed!” even as our help is about to arrive, unexpectedly, out of the blue, at the very last minute, or otherwise in time to save & help us. In that case, how  truly accurate were our feelings, versus the facts? Feelings must follow facts, else we get lost in a swamp of ever-shifting mirages.

Therefore, to wrongly imagine that “My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?” somehow means that Jesus isn’t God (or some other complicated bad idea) shows an ignorance of Jesus, who He was, what he lived & taught, and how the whole of the Hebrew Scriptures & holy writings were ultimately about Him.


There is no deep where God is not, be the night never so dark. There is no fear or sorrow or sense of abandonment which Jesus our High Priest has not taken into Himself, and burnt up in the fire of infinite love in the offering of Himself to atone for our sins, once and for all.

And beyond that forsakenness, even beyond what seems to earthly a final ending of death, Jesus has conquered sin, and death, and hell, and shared with us the eternal & holy life of God, that we might rejoice in Him who is the Lord of the living and the dead, who went on a head to prepare a place for us, that where He is, we might be also, and that as He is in God the Father, we may be in God the Son, sharing the eternal life & Joy of the blessed Trinity in all the saints, in the unity of God the Holy Spirit, forever in heaven.

Here endeth the preachment,

The Binks


The Hour Cometh And Now Is


“If you’re still on Facebook at this point, you will deserve whatever ramifications happen to befall you as a result in the future.”  Vox Day

+ + +

“Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions, he proscribing which political opinions you’re allowed to have.”  Tucker Carlson


~ AFTER ALL THE recent YouGoogTwitFace lies & shenanigans, crimes, and subversive activities, it’s time to dump FaceBook, to hold YouTube & Google at arm’s length, and to be very wary of Twitter. They are dishonest criminal actors.

These companies are international crime syndicates, illegally & immorally data-mining & addicting & brainwashing us for their own profit & nefarious purposes. They are utterly prejudiced against anybody who talks outside The Approved Narrative™.

The digital overlords have made it blindingly clear over the time since the 2016 Trump election, that they are beholden to no law, morality, fair practice, or even their own so-called “Terms Of Service”. Cuz Purging people is fun!

A critic will say “Oh, boo-hoo, Binks– they banned you for 14 weeks this year, and now you’re all butthurt.” No: they’ve targeted me and many thousands of others for saying things they don’t like (outside The Approved Narrative™), the most recent being my critical quoting of an.. uh.. Third Reich Enthusiast.. on the big lie & politics.

Big Digital like FaceBook want thought-control, not friendships or an open forum; they want to profiteer illegally on your pictures & information, preferences and purchases. They would be our new gods & masters. Wake up! Free your mind!

All must love their new digital chains, explained Our Digital Overlords.

Cheer Up, It Gets Worse!

These digital dino-corporations want total control. And now, it gets worse. The next logical step? Why not criminalize all wrong-think?

Thus the Hot news from France— Facebook is turning in those “suspected of hate speech” to law enforcement in France. Read that again. Now, a third time.

“… So far, Facebook has cooperated with French justice on matters related to terrorist attacks and violent acts by transferring the IP addresses and other identification data of suspected individuals to French judges who formally demanded it.

Following a meeting between Nick Clegg, Facebook’s head of global affairs, and O last week, the social media company has extended this cooperation to hate speech…..”

Turning in.. suspected.. “hate speech”. Big Brother is here. Look for something like this in Soviet Canuckistan, if Glorious Leader Trudeau wins a second term come October 2019.

And “Hate speech”?– a huge catch all for pretty much anything that the elites & their brainwashed social media & activist minions find “problematic” and/ or upsetting. In 2019, truth, or a different opinion, or an non-FaceGoogTwitBook approved thought, and reality itself are now “hate speech”.


Don’t Just Sit There

Don’t feed the monsters, and don’t sit on their plate ready to be gobbled up. Here’re some practical suggestions:

Download your FB photos, give thanks for the good that was, and Get The Flaming Fuck Off FaceBook. Get onto Minds.com, Me/We, ditch your Chrome browser & Gmail, sign up for videos on Bitchute, just to name one alternative video platform.

How To Perma-Delete FaceBook in Three Easy Steps

To deactivate your Facebook account, follow these four steps:

>> Click the account menu down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page in your web browser.
>> Select ‘Settings’
>> Choose ‘General’ in the left column.
>> Click ‘Manage your account’
>> Press ‘Deactivate your account’, and then follow the steps to confirm your decision.

For search-engines, you have DuckDuckGo, Startpage, Swisscows, Search Encrypt, SearX and many other good options. I use the first two.

For other browsers, why not Epic, Opera, Vivaldi, Brave, Tor, Chromian (Chrome minus the spy-ware & sellware), Torch, Maxthon.. just to name a very few. I use Opera, Vivaldi, and Brave.

More Free Advice (worth every penny)

Get off your PSH (SmartPhone, a.k.a. “Personal Surveillance Hub“), and live life in the real world, and towards God. You don’t need to be listened to 24-7, and you don’t need to sit there thumbing your life away, either. SmartPhones are a spy/ grooming device to enslave you to the Digital New World Order. Flip-phones work just fine. Wake up.

As for me, I am sick & tired of being bullied and silenced by Mark Zuckerberg & his minions & algorithms, and their endless round of bannings. Bastards is as bastards does.

This is not 2001. It’s not even 2010. RIGHT NOW a digital noose is being put around freedom, open communication & alternative media in the West, and, increasingly, around individual necks.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks


Rants Are In My Blood


~ SO WHILST I can’t talk on FaceBook since forever, I’ve still been ranting & raving here and there, not only on Vox Day’s blog & Darkstream, but more on Google’s YouTube platform.

I think our digital overlords will allow me back on FaceBook on June 26th. You know, for a few days, then probably off again. Lovely people, really.

Here are three recent rants, with links to the video/ blog commented upon, for your delectation and discernment. The comments are exactly as I posted them. Needless to say, the channels are worth subbing to, for enhancing your braining and learn.

Thus Saith,

Teh Binks


Google Schemes

Amazing Polly– Digital Democracy? One Company Controls it All. Google.

Saith Binks:

“NO to gmail. NO to the Google browser Chrome.

There are many good non-corporate browsers out there– Opera, Brave, Vivaldi, Epic, just to name a few, likewise with e-mail clients.

Lots of good non-Google search engines: Duck Duck Go, StartPage, and more: https://searchenginewatch.com/2016/02/25/say-goodbye-to-google-14-alternative-search-engines/

Google is a component of Big Brother, as are smartphones, and the digital marketing of your data.

Books. Movies. Art. Poetry. Classic literature. History. Turn off, tune in, turn on. Get God-pilled.” ~



Spiritual Darkness

Return to Tradition Channel

Saith Teh Binks:

“Aside from the evils of modernism & attendant heresies, Communism, the Masonic inroads, and now sex magic, it’s clear that the Church of the 20th century was very deeply compromised & infiltrated.

Malachi Martin warned us; he very slightly changed the names in ‘A Windswept House’ (there are ID keys online for who the main evil characters were), and yet most of the faithful clergy & laity just bumbled along, because “We’d never do anything like that, let alone imagine it.”

This is war: flesh & blood, and demonic powers. Sadly, in the “Everything Is Beautiful” naive liberalism of the last century and more, the evil folks have been able to operate freely, because nobody knew or wanted to know about treachery, undermining, Satanism, child sacrifice, assassinations, dirty money & dirty banking, and cabals of satanic & magical monks, nuns, laypeople, and clergy.

Awaken, people of the Lord, and pray & fight back!

Read ‘A Windswept House’, available online here:


Read Fr. Heilman’s Catholic Man blog.


Learn about spiritual warfare from online talks by Fr. Ripperger.

Spiritual Warfare Prayers

Not all are called to spiritual warfare, but you should know what’s up, and pray for exorcists & spiritual warriors, and be aware that prayer is always the work of a Christian. Also, get confessed regularly, so the devil has no foothold in you.” ~

Google Of Evil

Vox Day’s Blog


The lovable moral superiority & surveillance crowd at GoogTube hit with fresh trouble:

Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Cam

Google Just Got EXPOSED In Hidden Camera Footage

Looks like maybe GoogTube shouldn’t have slapped down Project Veritas over that Pinterest Blacklist story, IMHO.


• Insider: Google “is bent on never letting somebody like Donald Trump come to power again.”
• Google Exec Says Don’t Break Us Up: “smaller companies don’t have the resources” to “prevent next Trump situation”
• Google Head of Responsible Innovation Says Elizabeth Warren “misguided” on “breaking up Google”
• Insider Says PragerU And Dave Rubin Content Suppressed, Targeted As “Right-Wing”
• LEAKED Documents Highlight “Machine Learning Fairness” and Google’s Practices to Make Search Results “fair and equitable”
• Documents Appear to Show “Editorial” Policies That Determine How Google Publishes News
• Insider: Google Violates “letter of the law” and “spirit of the law” on Section 230

Back-up Vid, doc caps & details: Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Cam



The Simple New Math


“Get off Twitter and get off Facebook now. Because the goalposts are going to move until you’re a Nazi too.” 
~ Vox Day ~



~ WELL WELL, and what did Binks go and do this time to get himself re-kicked off FaceBook (14 weeks so far in 2019)? You see, I forgot the new math.

In the simple new math of 2019, there’s only ones and zeros. You are either right-thinking, or you are a Nazzy and racist and white nationalist and all that bad stuff.

Go On And On

Here in Canada, our corrupt globalist government likes an old tactic made new– yell, bluster and stay “on message” until the opposition gives up, forgets, or moves on. That is, just keep repeating the same BS until you win.

As a historian of the 2 world wars (44 years and running with this interest), thse Canucki elite hijinks reminded me of a certain German idea– which, together with Bernays on Madison Avenue– helped shape modern political tricks. But I forgot the new math, when I posted a graphic of said fellow on FaceBook, with one of the  phrases often attributed to him (which actually was written by Hitler*, but whatever).


Do you see my terrible, terrible error? There is only One, and Zero. You are either good, or a Nazzy white nationalist bigot Nazzy. Only a certifiable Nazzy would quote an actual Nazi for any reason whatsoever. Silly Binks.

So, teh effing Banhammer falls again. I am cut off from easy access to my friends & acquaintance. I cannot comment on their news, post new items, or even use Messenger. All because FaceBook’s algorithm and merciless computer Nazi-detectors detected that I must be, in fact, a hatespeeching Nazi. Not an academically trained historian drawing a comparison between corrupt political tricks in the 1940s, with similar corrupt tricks & ideology in 2019 Canada.

This is the state of FaceGoogTwitTube in 2019, and I hope their downfall is unpleasant and messy. Sadly, the collapse of Canadian political and social institutions will very likely be unpleasant and messy, even if the softer progressives boot Gauleiter Herr Jüstin Trudeaü out of office in October 2019. Let’s give Neo-Canada another 15 years, shall we?

Things are speeding along in that direction more and more, these days.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks

Horrible Bad Forbidden Hate Person of Hate


* Actually from “War Propaganda”, in volume 1, chapter 6 of Mein Kampf (1925), by Adolf Hitler







Dystopia Now!


~ IN THE BEFORE-TIME, there once was a cynical snarky nihilistic little show called Seinfeld. I never could stand to watch it regularly, but it filled the air with certain humourous ideas.

One of these was promoted by a secondary character, George Constanza’s father Frank, played by actor Ben Stiller’s actual father, Jerry Stiller. As Wiki notes: “Frank Costanza is advised to say “serenity now” every time he gets angry in order to keep his blood pressure down”. He ends up saying it a lot, given his temperament.


As I surf the news & social media, I sometimes find my blood-pressure rising. Often. There is a lot of crazy in the world, being shoved down a lot of throats.

Instead of having a stroke, or tuning out– or bellowing “Serenity Now!”– a wiser course is to realize that we are already in a nightmarish and evil dystopia. Accept it. “Dystopia Now!” Because frustration, outrage, despair, and various kinds of throwing up our hands is just not Christian, nor helpful.

More Youtube Comments

As I commented on Daisy Cousen’s Youtube video about the horrid UK media onslaught against blogger and now political candidate Carl Benjamin (a.k.a. Sargon of Akkad), I wrote:

We are in the dystopia NOW. Everything is upside-down, good is bad, true is false, and journalism/ social media is whatever you can get away with. Because woke utopianism justifies any crime, slander, and dirty tricks.

I’m not counselling despair, but waking up and looking around at the wreckage of all the social institutions defiled & twisted by the revolution: government, church, schools & colleges, movies, journalism, family & gender, male & female– in short, REALITY. We are in the midst of a long-term War On Reality.

Give up? Black pill/ clown pill? Nope. Read, pray, preserve & restore, speak out, educate others, covert souls. Above all, take the God Pill:

What’s All this, Then?

The Amazing Polly inspired my mulling over this idea, as did author & polymath Vox Day, via his YouTube Darkstream, a daily treat for me. See? I’m using my time in Facebook jail to improve myself, to learn up and get back to more blogging, and to enjoy many fine online folks who are part of the awakening going on around the world, that we are in a dystopia, now.

Please check out, subscribe & support the bloggers & vloggers above. You won’t regret it.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks



In That Day

All Soul’s Day: Dies Irae

For to this end Christ died, and lived again, that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living.” Romans 14. 8, 9.


~ FOR MODERN MEN & WOMEN, losing any sense of Death, Judgment, Heaven Or Hell leads inevitably & directly to man acting as a self-judging mini-god. That leads to warfare, supremacism, mercilessness, and getting away with things. Thence madness, violence, lies, and 2018.

As I’ve been reading about our Western cultural elites, I’m shocked/ not shocked by what the rich & powerful do behind the scenes. Many ordinary people likewise.

But what if there IS a right & wrong? Good & evil? What if we are accountable? Much of ordinary human life is all about distracting us, crushing silence and unsettling thoughts and questions.

What if all desires are known, and no secrets truly hidden? What if our old unrepented forgotten hidden sins have not just dissolved with time? What if the evil whispers shall be shouted from the rooftops in That Day?

What if God is as the Church has taught, and we are a few missed heartbeats & breaths from standing naked & defenceless before His perfect infinite goodness.. and love?

Pray this day for those who have gone before us through the veil, especially our friends & enemies, family & benefactors, and all those who died with nobody to pray for them and with them.

O FATHER of all, we pray to thee for those whom we love but see no longer. Grant them thy peace; and in thy loving wisdom and almighty power, work in them the good purpose of thy perfect will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

REST eternal grant unto him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him. Amen.

Thus saith

Teh Binks



Dies Irae/Day of Wrath
DIES irae, dies illa,

solvet saeculum in favilla,

teste David cum Sibylla.

Day of wrath and doom impending,

David’s word with Sibyl’s blending,

Heaven and earth in ashes ending.

Quantus tremor est futurus,

quando iudex est venturus,

cuncta stricte discussurus!

O what fear man’s bosom rendeth,

When from heaven the Judge descendeth,

On whose sentence all dependeth.

Continue reading “In That Day”

Tommy Robinson: The Conspiracy


~ YOU’LL NEVER guess what? Not only was Tommy Robinson just released from prison, but he also has been TOTALLY vindicated in the summary of the judgment by the Lord Chief Justice of England & Wales. Huzzah!

Such raging conspiratorial injustice really rustles my jimmies. Rustles.

The Judgment Is Damning

The reality of the matter? Tommy Robinson was vindicated, and proven right. His supporters & supporting commentators were proven right. His opponents were proven wrong, and in the case of the deliberate & constant political & legal establishment interference in his case, it seems they were also careless, malicious, and conspiratorial in their rush to judgment & imprisonment.

>> Robinson WAS unjustly & wrongly tried, rushed to judgment, and very hastily imprisoned. In prison, he was abused.

>> He was NOT given proper time or access to his lawyers to make a fair defence.

>> He was cruelly kept from seeing his children by an arbitrary prison policy.

>> The exact charges & reasons for such a long sentence were a muddle.

But Wait, It Gets Much Worse!

Further, he was moved from a “safer” prison, to one where (1) he was daily threatened with death, yelled at, spat upon, had feces pushed through his cell window, and  physically psychologically abused, (2) Where there was a powerful Muslim inmate component, who made it clear they would try to kill him. (3) They also threatened his family. (4) In the last two months he was all but starved, losing 42 pounds.

He spent 2 months in solitary confinement, in order to avoid being murdered by Muslim prison gangs. Unspeakable abuse & mistreatment in a demon-clown failing political system out to get him. Clearly, Tommy Robinson was never supposed to be a problem again– murder by inmates would have silenced the pest. It’s happened before in the UK.






In the modern anarcho-terror state, the perps run free, and the innocent & those seeking justice will be punished, abused, and– as in Britain in 2017-2018, possibly even held as a political prisoner, like Tommy was. “Justice”– yeah, just like the show–trials in the Soviet Union, Nazi German, Communist China. “Fair” trial, then the execution-squad.

The First Link

It’s pretty obvious this was a political hit by the Establishment, acting through the courts. Who contacted the Judge in Leeds? Who told the prison-system to move Robinson into a more dire situation? There’s so many questions, and answers begging to be found.

This judge in Leeds [ Geoffrey Marson QC ] who did all this to Tommy & his family? A bad judge, serving the anarcho-terrorists in the English Establishment, who wanted to silence an embarrassing whistle-blower and provocateur. He should step down, and be formally reprimanded, IMHO. Dirty dirty dirty.


Remember: there are multiple layers to this fetid swamp-cake. Part of the reason the Muslim rape-groomers were ignored for three decades and more? The UK establishment itself is rotten with sex-abuse, cover-ups, and unspeakable deeds.

People such as Prince Andrew, and former British PM Tony Blair– amongst many other notable political and celebrity British & North American names– were  visitors to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s “Satanic-cult Pedo Island” in the Caribbean.

I’m sure it was all perfectly innocent. Both Epstein’s flight-logs to the Island and his ‘Little Black Book‘ were quite eye-opening. A veritable who’s-whom.

This Brought Tears To My Eyes

Below, Ezra & Tommy meet, for the first time after Tommy’s release. Wow. Ezra’s not perfect, but he is a Canadian hero, who refused to see this good man forgotten, or dead. Bravo to my friend Ezra.*


Oh, and.. yet again, TRUMP was on the case.

Tommy is not totally free yet. Please keep praying, that justice is finally done.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks

* Full disclosure: I am a friend of Ezra Levant. Briefly, I blogged over on Rebel.ca for no remuneration or benefits/ gifts, no signing over of my soul, no worldly glory and power whatsoever. A bunch of other Canadian bloggers did likewise, before the experiment was concluded.