Political Prisoner In Canada


~ I love Canada. I really do. Some of my pre-Loyalist ancestors arrived here in the 1760s as pioneers and settlers, in what was then Nova Scotia, but what is now New Brunswick.

Loving the kind of globalist Gulag which Trudeau & minions (and many predecessors) are creating? Not loving that, no not a bit.

Meet Jeremy MacKenzie

He’s a YouTuber, blogger, Canadian combat veteran (combat injured, PTSD) who is irritated and outspoken on the state of Canada, C0VID, the world. He names names and researches the rest of the story. He can be a bit rough & ready, but no more so than a lot of other people online. He made up a joke/ meme about a country called Diagolon, stretching from Alaska to Florida– for this, he’s on a no-fly list as a terrorist, and one of the greatest current threats to Canada.

Examples Must Be Made!

Corrupt cruel official Canada is conducting it’s own secretive Jan6-style political persecution/ imprisonment of dissenters and loud protesters & critics of the Trudeau regime. Legal, political, and police harassment is out of control in this country– but only if you’re of the wrong political stripe.

The Canadian government is dogpiling Mr. MacKenzie with legal wrangling & “experts”, leaving him to rot in prison without bail because… uh… #Wrongthink #BigLies #CorruptTrudeau #FreedomConvoy #MemeCountryDiagolon.

That Canadian AntiFa-guy who tried to run over and kill Freedom Convoy people in his truck? Out on bail 4 days after.

Just for posting this information, your humble host may be surveilled by the RCMP, CISIS, CSEC, the Liberal Party of Canada, and be considered a Very Dangerous Threat to Canada.. maybe deserving of harassment & jail. Well, truth must be told, and it’s MY Canada, and OUR Canada, not just THEIR Canada.

Learn Up

Please repost, and pass this along. Some links to learn up about his situation:

Who Is Jeremy Mackenzie, and Why Is He In Jail Right Now?

The Truth About Jeremy Mackenzie– “The facts are just so much more complicated than they seemed. For his sake and ours, I really think they need correction.”

Live with Jeremy Mackenzie, Founder of Diagolon – Memeist, or Extremist? Viva Frei Live!

Official Jeremy news & links: https://t.me/s/ragingdissidentII

Support Jeremy & his children: https://www.givesendgo.com/jeremymackenzie

Grumpily yours,

Binks, Elf Of Web

T R A N S Horror Show, Canada




~ THIS HEROIC Canadian woman is risking her finances, her future– even possibly her freedom– to make sure the story of the t r a n s horror-show in Canada gets told.

What’s at stake? Permanent mutilation & hormonal mistreatment of children & youth, denial of parental rights, & legal & media harassment is being used to silence critics, questioners, journalists, and people asking why this bizarre activity is being allowed across the country.

SHARE this video & links, write your MLA, MP, the PMO, and cc: the letter to your local newspaper & TV news outlets.

It’s time to stand up, face the bullies & crazy ideologues, and to say “THIS far, and no farther!”


Intro Video

Her forbidden video:


Use the following link to download & save (in case it’s deleted): jsut copy the BitChute link above, drop it into the url spot, and save as mp3.



“You People”– Who People?


~ LINK–  Kate @ Small Dead Animals Blog: Hockey Night In Wokestan; and Because Pleasing Your Enemies Does Not Turn Them Into Friends; plus “Forget it, downtown Toronto? Nobody wears a poppy.” Finally, Hockey Night In Deplorable Land

~ LINK–  Twitter Search: Don Cherry

~ LINK–  One Godless Woman Nails It. MUST WATCH.


~ WELL NOW, THAT was a Remembrance day to remember.. or forget.

Vet-supporter and charity-booster Don Cherry gets fired over faux outrage over what some people imagine, wish, or suspect he said & meant (which he did not). What I want to know is: WHO & HOW MANY COMPLAINED ABOUT DON CHERRY? 1? 100? 1,000? 37,000,000?

Name names, or show tweets or e-mails. Was it all blue-haired weirdo women? Racist racism agitators? SJW special snowflakes?

And “you people”? Really? An American cliche or meme from their long tradition of race & culture & conflict? THIS IS CANADA, you Canucki morons.


“People were upset”? Oh noes! Let’s see who said what, before Rogers-SportsNet fires a man for something he didn’t say and certainly didn’t mean. As blogger Kate McMillan says, this is not only about one man in the media.

“Don’t any of you understand that WE are the Don Cherry’s of that narrative?”

I’ll take it further– WE are the ones the Social Justice Warrior (SJW) bullies want to cancel, silence, block, mock, deplatform, sideline, and falsely accuse until most of Canada is cowed under their power. I.E., the very kind of Hitlerian & Stalinist evils we fought in WW2 and the Cold War, come home to roost by totalitarians in our midst.

SJWs & their pestilential ideas are toxic & cancerous, in a home, business, office, or society. They must be pushed back against, shown no mercy, and put in their place.. or else Don Cherry is just another head they collected, with all the rest of us in line to be  beheaded. Start reading up now, and pass the word.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks


“K. G. McMillan
1 hr

“It’s ironic how many of my friends in the dog world are advancing the narrative of “Don Cherry is a remnant of the past whose views have no place in a modern, progressive society”.

I can understand why — it’s a lot easier to join forces with the like-minded to “cancel” people you disagree with than it is to actually debate their views on the merits (and run the risk of losing the argument.)

Yet, when the same “remnant of the past” narrative is applied to purebred dogs; when foreign rescues are celebrated and breeders blamed for pet overpopulation; when dog shows and horse racing and rodeo are attacked as cruel artifacts of a past that “cannot be tolerated in a modern, progressive society”… we cry foul?

Don’t any of you understand that WE are the Don Cherry’s of that narrative?”


Recent Takes: Unreal Canada, and Evil Mouse


~ IN 2019, Canada IS Clown land. Sad Johnny/ Jessica  kinda proves it, with his demand that strangers Wax His Balls, or else.

If the state can force you so say what it commands– on pain of fines, job-loss, business closure, a permanent criminal record & reputation, even imprisonment– you are no longer a free person living in a free land. Canada is not free. Trudeau & the radical Left have turned it into a land of evil, oppression, and law-enforced unreality.

This did not start with Jonathan, of course– it started with the state redefining homosexuality, then abortion, then saying that a pre-national institution such as marriage was ONLY what the state defined it to be, and that any combination of people was valid.

My wife & I being married & having kids is EXACTLY the same as Jim & Tim, or Betty & Veronica being joined in a same-sex “marriage”. Cuz the state sez so.

After an OK start, our Canadian place in history may end up being a cautionary warning to all other future nations, states, and would-be loony bin associations….

.. And to silly newcomers to the country, who erroneously thought they could just have a business and go about their work in peace & quiet. Nope: malicious lawfare– aided & abetted by government kangaroo kourts– enable broken people to hit you out of the blue, ruin your finances, shut down your company, and make you wish you’d never come here. ~



Devil Mouse & Sterile Stories


~ VOX DAY— “SJWs can be excused if they erroneously believe all is well with the Devil Mouse


~ WOW. JUST wow. They killed it.

It was the biggest movie-related cash-cow ever, and they allowed it to be tortured, then ritually sacrificed in public. Star Wars. The money is not over, but the joy & excitement  & fun is gone.

A built-in audience of 5-55, massive ongoing toy & merch sales, conventions & LARPing and video games and… and after the recent film debacles and actors & directors & such mocking the fandom online, and ruining the movies and… the new Star Wars DisneyLand park is nearly empty. The new lines of toys are remaindered into discount stores almost as soon as they are released, and this crash even helped kill Toys-R-Us.

They slew the cash cow. Cooked the Golden Goose. Punched all the fandom in the nads, and then laughed their sneering faces off. The woke-tards they’ve been pandering to are not the true fans, whose money kept the thing going all these years. Nope, most of the fandom is done.

Lurking Behind Devil Mouse

For Satan is a mocker, a twister, a mutilator, a defiler. Disney has separated itself from the Muses, from the Holy Ghost, from deep-rooted stories– and even biological reality– in order to tell lies & woke tales, and to cheerfully wreck things that men & kids love.

Like Satan, the 2019 DevilMouse can only feed; he cannot make anything true, good, holy, beautiful, inspiring, especially not anything that points to The Greatest Story Ever Told, about a Prince who died for his slaves, whose name means The Anointed Saviour, even Jesus Christ The Lord & King of All.

They will still make some money, which is all they care about. Screw DevilMouse, and the kingdom of Lies & predation. ~

Thus saith teh






The Simple New Math


“Get off Twitter and get off Facebook now. Because the goalposts are going to move until you’re a Nazi too.” 
~ Vox Day ~



~ WELL WELL, and what did Binks go and do this time to get himself re-kicked off FaceBook (14 weeks so far in 2019)? You see, I forgot the new math.

In the simple new math of 2019, there’s only ones and zeros. You are either right-thinking, or you are a Nazzy and racist and white nationalist and all that bad stuff.

Go On And On

Here in Canada, our corrupt globalist government likes an old tactic made new– yell, bluster and stay “on message” until the opposition gives up, forgets, or moves on. That is, just keep repeating the same BS until you win.

As a historian of the 2 world wars (44 years and running with this interest), thse Canucki elite hijinks reminded me of a certain German idea– which, together with Bernays on Madison Avenue– helped shape modern political tricks. But I forgot the new math, when I posted a graphic of said fellow on FaceBook, with one of the  phrases often attributed to him (which actually was written by Hitler*, but whatever).


Do you see my terrible, terrible error? There is only One, and Zero. You are either good, or a Nazzy white nationalist bigot Nazzy. Only a certifiable Nazzy would quote an actual Nazi for any reason whatsoever. Silly Binks.

So, teh effing Banhammer falls again. I am cut off from easy access to my friends & acquaintance. I cannot comment on their news, post new items, or even use Messenger. All because FaceBook’s algorithm and merciless computer Nazi-detectors detected that I must be, in fact, a hatespeeching Nazi. Not an academically trained historian drawing a comparison between corrupt political tricks in the 1940s, with similar corrupt tricks & ideology in 2019 Canada.

This is the state of FaceGoogTwitTube in 2019, and I hope their downfall is unpleasant and messy. Sadly, the collapse of Canadian political and social institutions will very likely be unpleasant and messy, even if the softer progressives boot Gauleiter Herr Jüstin Trudeaü out of office in October 2019. Let’s give Neo-Canada another 15 years, shall we?

Things are speeding along in that direction more and more, these days.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks

Horrible Bad Forbidden Hate Person of Hate


* Actually from “War Propaganda”, in volume 1, chapter 6 of Mein Kampf (1925), by Adolf Hitler







Welcome To Censor U.

All is Well At Censor U. Or else.

>> All Binks on Mehta essays

>> Mehta: Guilty Until Proven Guilty? Post-firing Statement

>> Andrew Lawton– Pro-Free Speech Professor Rick Mehta Fired By Acadia University


>> Mehta’s YouTube Channel: Video Update Regarding My Dismissal From Acadia University

>> Acadia U. fires pro-free speech professor Rick Mehta

>> Rick Mehta – Feminism, “Decolonization,” and Academic Freedom

>> My Chat with Rick Mehta – Academic Freedom Under Threat. Gad Saad

>> War on Acadia U prof Rick Mehta: “Weaponized” internal investigation

>> Free Bid Media– Dr. Rick Mehta Discusses Why He Was Recently Fired From Acadia University

>> Professor Rick Mehta, friend of the Podcast and defender of Free Speech, has been fired by the University of Acadia



~ SO.. THE ACADIA University, Wolfville NS,
 cowardly & bullying powers that be finally pulled the trigger on their troublesome prof, just days before the beginning of Fall term. Except.. he’s not shutting up, or going away quietly. Awkward.

Until 2015 or so, Rick says he was a standard Lefty prof. No problems, complaints, or random accusations to be seen. Then, he woke up (partly via Jordan Peterson, and others), and looked around academia and noticed free speech & open discussion of important issues– in psychology & the wider curricula– were verboten. And at his beloved increasingly Soviet Acadia, too.

Uh-Oh Uppity Prof!

So in 2015, he stopped being an obedient tenured diversity hire, and started asking questions, speaking out, attending conferences, making popular videos, and befriending  various Canadian thought criminals. That was unacceptable, and from that moment on, the current Acadia regime, USSR-style, tried to scare him, silence him, dig up every malcontent & unhappy soul connected with him to register accusations, since as we know, accused = guilty. Now, they’re trying to vanish him.

After all, you can question EVERYTHING on modern campuses these days– except the holy orthodoxies: Feminism, anti-Colonialism, Social Justice Marxism, Identitarianism, Silencing & Deplatforming Critics, Triggering & Safe Spaces, LGTBQRSTUVism, Socialism, Trans-whateverism… and all the special-pleading rubbish “scholarship” behind it. Yes, that’s most college campuses today. Acadia pretty much fits the mutated type.

Raise Some Noise

There are few wars so petty and spiteful as academic wars. Not only is Acadia still trying to cover up, but to cover up the cover-up. Thing is, they feed off some of our taxes to run the Dear Old U.– thus, they owe the public & our elected officials a FULL & PROPER accounting of what looks like a professional assassination of character & reputation. If you’re giving full credit to the vague accusations, you might want to rethink that: this situation has been very much one of “A fair trial, then the firing-squad”.

Speak out. Write to the Acadia authorities, and be sure to CC: your letter to Parliament Hill, the media, the premier, local newspapers, and your local MLA. Put the CC-forwards at the bottom of your letter/ e-mail to Acadia. If you want it posted on my blog, then send it to me: binks-dot-webelf-at-gmail-dot-com.

And if you’re a prayer-person, do pray for this man, who went from “Woke” to actually AWAKE in three years, and got fired for it. You gotta know that such events take a toll on a man, no matter who you are. So why not drop him a note of encouragement, via his FaceBook page?

Thus saith,

The Binks


This: A Warning To Canada

half mast

~ MY BELOVED Canada has been– longer than the Trudeaus, but sped up by them both– in a long slow fall away from our founding principles, towards every excess, bad idea, and anti-Christian notion on the books.

This sermon is a lovely thunderbolt of warning to awaken, fight, and work with God to stand on guard, keep our land glorious and free. Or fall.

The following is via  and his sermon blog. +

Thus saith,

Teh Binks


SUNDAY, JULY 1, 2018

No Upbeat Homily for Canada Day

Canada Day only falls on Sunday once every seven years. That’s an opportunity for an upbeat homily about our beautiful country and our many blessings. But not this year—because we need to take a look at some things that are happening in Canada and what they mean for Christians.

I know you’d rather hear a homily celebrating Canada than criticizing it; so would I. But a friend sent me a quotation this week attributed to Archbishop Fulton Sheen, who was not only America’s best preacher but a 20th century prophet. When I read it, I knew I couldn’t deliver a feel-good sermon today.


Long quotations don’t make good homilies, but I’m asking you to listen carefully to these prophetic words:

Humanity in a crisis is generally insensitive to the gravity of the times in which it lives.

Men do not want to believe their own times are wicked, partly because they have no standard outside of themselves by which to measure their times. If there is no fixed concept of justice, how shall men know it is violated?

Only those who live by faith really know what is happening in the world; the great masses without faith are unconscious of the destructive processes going on because they have lost the vision of the heights from which they have fallen.

I don’t think one Canadian in ten thinks we have a problem in this country. And I do think that most of those who recognize the destructive processes at work are people of faith.

But even men and women of faith often fail to understand the heights from which Canadian society has tumbled, because our fall from Christian morality has happened in slow motion—not from one cause but from many.
We could analyze numerous social shifts that are opposed to Gospel values—for that matter, opposed to the values shared by most major religions—but I want to point out three of the most recent.


The first, of course, is euthanasia. Disguised by the Orwellian name “Medical Assistance in Dying,” the legalization of assisted suicide threatens the vulnerable, draws health care workers in to a moral snare, and creates an entirely false idea of compassion. It should not be necessary to remind people at Sunday Mass that assisted suicide can never be the right choice, but our first reading puts it simply: “God does not delight in the death of the living.”

Life is a good in and of itself— God “created all things so that they might exist.” All life is precious; its value is not measured by the so-called “quality of life” or anything of that sort.

We were created for eternity, and it is in eternity that the quality of life will more than compensate for the struggles some people encounter at the end of their life on earth.

Before turning to the second social shift—I should really call these legal shifts—I want to give you another reason for this somber homily on what should be a joyful day. The reason is simply this: law-abiding people, people like us, tend to think that if something’s legal is must be right. Law not only reflects social values, it creates them.

Archbishop Carney once told me that chicken wasn’t subject to meat rationing during the Second World War. As a result, Catholics—who were not allowed to eat meat on Friday—started to eat chicken, since if the government said it wasn’t meat, it must be true.


The second shift is the redefinition of tolerance. Canadians pride themselves on tolerance. American comedians on the late-night shows make jokes about how nice we are. But my dictionary says that to tolerate means “to allow the existence or occurrence of something, without interference.”

The courts have redefined tolerance in numerous decisions interfering with the freedom of people of faith. The most recent may be the most serious: the Supreme Court of Canada has effectively allowed the legal profession to be closed to graduates of a law school where students must commit to live according to the moral norms that were once universally held by all Christians. In the words of the two dissenting judges, the Court has turned the protective shield of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms into a sword.

And there’s not much doubt which group of Canadians that sword will slash.


The third source of sadness on this Canada Day may surprise you, since it’s hardly as grave as the euthanasia or Trinity Western decisions. But as I told you, I’m focusing on the most recent social shifts, and this one’s also current—the court-ordered legalization of marijuana, now enshrined in law.

Just last week, the Canadian bishops issued a statement reminding Catholics of the harm that will flow from increased marijuana use. They cite the Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Psychiatric Association, and the Canadian Paediatric Society as pointing out how “the use of cannabis is linked to addictions, depression, anxiety, psychosis, damage to brain development, and lung problems such as asthma and emphysema.”

Although I didn’t use marijuana, I grew up hearing that it was not addictive. That was a lie or at least a huge mistake in terms of what we know now. The bishops rely on modern science and the modern understanding of addictions when they say marijuana “is an addictive substance that will have disastrous effects” for many people.

There was a time when a Canadian who didn’t break the law would be following God’s law in most matters. Sadly, tragically, that time has passed. Only the Creator’s law can guide us now to the good life, and to the righteousness that leads to life eternal.

It is truer than ever that

“Only those who live by faith really know what is happening in the world; the great masses without faith are unconscious of the destructive processes going on because they have lost the vision of the heights from which they have fallen.”

So on this Canada Day, let’s not only pray for the nation, but lift up our eyes to the lofty vision of creation and the human person that is our heritage as Canadians and Christians.

Posted by Msgr. Gregory Smith


Mother Canada weeps for her children, and their future.



Not Amused.. And They Shouldn’t Be


King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium stand at a wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown soldier at the at the National War Memorial in Ottawa on Monday, March 12, 2018.PATRICK DOYLE / THE CANADIAN PRESS

>> Belgian royals descend on Ottawa for first state visit in over 40 years

>> Canada’s Prime Minister criticised for not meeting Belgian King & Queen during State Visit

>> Trudeau meeting with royals would have been nice: Belgian officials

>> King Philippe and Queen Mathilde kick off their State Visit to Canada with a big mistake from the Canadians; also Rideau Hall marks Belgian state visit with a German flag

> After headlines about Trudeau being “snubbed” on India trip, senior Liberals skip opportunity to meet with Belgian delegation

>> UPDATE: Lorne Gunter: CBC makes excuses for Liberals’ Belgian visit gaffes


~ WHAT A NOT-Ready-For-Prime Time fluster-cluck this was. In the subtle language of international diplomacy, this was a world-class snub: THIS is what Canadians think of you in 2018. And the flags? Wince.

A king & queen, along with 100 business leaders, 7 ministers, and representatives from Belgian universities– a serious world-class delegation– and the PM’s handlers let him run off to do other things.

See? Close enough, eh? Their fault for having similar flags. Plus, the sneaky Indian government probably messed this up, as well.

No excuse. Not even a junior Agriculture Minister, Minister of Defence, Deputy Prime Minister or– hey, here’s an idea– an all-party gathering of political leaders to make these good people welcome? Our Minister of Heritage apparently drew the short straw. The GG Ms. Payette was there, replete with German Flags. We’re now way past Monty Python surrealism, boys and girls.

Yet again, our Glorious Maximum Leader has done badly by Protocol 101, Diplomacy 101, the code of duty, basic dignity, respect between nations, and expression appreciation for their efforts in remembering Canadian sacrifices 1914-1945 on behalf of rescuing Belgium in wartime. In our name.

Goofus, Our Doofus


People used to make fun of lovable Toronto Mayor Rob Ford for his gaffe-tastic ways. Our preposterous PM Justin Trudeau makes Ford 1.0 look like a paragon of discretion and class, by comparison.

That the Belgians actually quietly mentioned the disaster? The classy red-alert diplomatic equivalent of hanging naked upside down on a light-pole screaming from a megaphone. We done effed up.


Another Fine Mess

This PM has insulted Belgium, our veterans and war-dead, our proud Canadian military tradition, the proud Belgian tradition of honouring OUR war-dead, and our war graves in their land, and so much more. 170 000 Canadian casualties across two wars, just in fighting for Belgium.

My great-uncle Gren (G.G. Stanley) & his other crew-members are all buried in Belgium, near where his bomber crashed and he died in 1943. In 2014, some of my family attended the dedication of a memorial near the crash-site.

It was above and beyond. The Belgians sent military members, locals gathered, bands played, jets flew over, flowers & wreath laid & prayers said, a reception, the whole she-bang. MY family amongst others was invited & honoured by the Belgians.. and they’ve even made it an annual gathering since then! Wow. So humbling and amazing. Every year for Remembrance Day, Belgian school kids decorate war-graves, and give thanks for the lives lost liberating their nation– including Canadians.

Class, Remembrance, Thankfulness in action.


Will We Remember Them?

So.. 100 years after the 1st World War ended, the Belgian Royals came all the way to Canada to say “Thank You” in person. Class in action. Easy enough to graciously receive them, have a plaque unveiling, children’s choir singing something nice from Belgium, university & business & political discussions, some celebrities & culture-types, strengthening our bonds as nations with a shared history and mutual respect….

Have national leader not bother = thud. Junior might as well have spat in their faces. Seriously.

Trust very. I has rolled sleeves! Trump Fears Justin! Belgian what– waffles are here?

The Last Word.. Sorry

Needless & random bungles at home and abroad, insulting nations and whole sub-continents seems to be the centrepiece of Justin Trudeau’s skill-set, starting right here at home. Sorry about that, everybody, everywhere.

We’re kind of broken right now, and longing for a national leader who will make us proud. We hope to have one in 2019, but many of the same idiot-loving idiots who elected him last time are still pretty much.. idiots.

We’re sorry our Official National Idiot couldn’t be bothered to show up: he was off on a splashy talking-tour, campaigning with metal-workers across Canada– all this because he’s been bungling our NAFTA talks with Trump, amongst many other bungles. Likewise, he didn’t show up on Remembrance Day in Ottawa last year, because of a Pacific Trade Gathering.. which he then utterly flubbed by missing the crucial meeting. Which came after mucking up his trade-talks with China.. which came after…

Needless & random bungles at home and abroad, insulting nations and whole sub-continents seems to be the centrepiece of Justin Trudeau’s skill-set, starting right here at home. Sorry about that, everybody, everywhere. He’s working for others, causing division and chaos.. and we’re the bystanders.

Dear Belgium: You’re very welcome. Thank you for remembering, and for honouring us with your delegation and respect.

Why not write the Belgian Royals, to thank them?  ~

Thus saith,

Teh Binks


A Mehta Follow-On



~ SO, ARISING from the Professor Rick Mehta persecution at Acadia U. in Wofville, Nova Scotia, Canadian trained academic Professor Iain Benson weighs in.

Well done, Dr. Benson (FB Profile here), and thank you!

So saith,

Teh Binks

Iain T. Benson writes:

Office of the Vice-President, Academic
Acadia University,
Nova Scotia,

Dear Heather Hemming:

Re: The Role of a University and University Leaders in a Time of increasing Polarization and Fear: Why the Clear Protection of Free Speech and Diversity of Opinions is Essential on a University Campus.

As a Canadian living and employed as a full Professor of Law in two countries outside of Canada and a former visiting Professor and Research Fellow at two Canadian Universities and a Fellow of Institutes relating to Law in a number of other countries, I would like to raise something with you.

At Conferences and lectures recently in the UK, Australia and in South Africa questions have been raised about why the Canadian academic environment has become so apparently closed to free speech and diversity of moral viewpoints and why university leaders seem to lack courage and leadership to say anything public about it.

In short the question seems to be this: where is Canadian academic leadership and why is it so seemingly cowed by contemporary political movements that attack freedom on campuses?

Do you have a response that can comfort those of us who have studied liberty and law and see both in trouble in Canadian universities and wider Canadian society?

Whether the widespread threatening of the status or activities of certain student groups, the threats to academic teachers or to accreditation itself, Canada is a worrying scene.

The pending decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in the Trinity Western University case (argued December 2017) while dealing with the wider issue of accreditation, raises the entailed question as to why the Canadian academic establishment is so weak in clearly, firmly and publicly defending genuine diversity and civil liberties against current attackers?

Canadian Law Deans, amongst other elite groups, exhibited, unanimously and embarrassingly, a shockingly pusillanimous esprit des corps in relation to Trinity Western University. One hopes the highest court will follow the British Columbia and Nova Scotia courts in supporting diversity of opinion there but the fact that so many at the highest levels of the legal and academic establishments failed to see the dangers to genuine diversity is a most worrying sign of the times.

Many will watch Acadia closely to see if it, and you, will do the correct thing here in relation to Professor Mehta and others like him as the juggernaut of identity politics increases speed.

The howling of mobs and the politics of fear and decontextualised arguments about “equality” have no place on a University campus worthy of the title of “higher learning”. Make no mistake: free speech is in trouble in Canada and many around the world know this and are watching to see if responsible leadership emerges from other than the judiciary to stop the well entrenched ideologues.

Please act decisively and courageously at Acadia University to lay out the principles of academic freedom, diversity of viewpoint and the importance of open discussion, disagreement and adult debate to a university and the wider society in which it has or should have a most important leadership role.

You may find the July 2012 statement of principle from the University of Chicago a good starting point for principled articulation at Acadia:


Please feel free to circulate this electronic letter to your University Executive and to those concerned about this issue at your University.

Yours Sincerely,

Iain T. Benson
PhD, JD, MA, BA (Hons)
Professor of Law
University of Notre Dame Australia





Feeling called to write a letter? Via



Letter Writing Campaign In Support of Professor Rick Mehta:

Please be CIVIL.


> Why, specifically, were Professor Mehta’s teaching allocations altered and reduced? (Rationale not clarified)

> Are the following teaching complaints and suggested remedies justified?

{Complaint} “the students have not expressed in writing the precise details of the racist and transphobic comments, but it is clear from their interactions with me that they are extremely disturbed by your comments, some to the point of not going to class.” (para. 4, p.2 in letter from Rob Raeside)

{Suggested Remedy} “stick to the content provided in the course text(s), and avoid pulling in data that might be seen by students as advancing a fringe point of view.” (para. 5, p.2 in letter from Rob Raeside)

{Suggested Remedy} “be very diligent about avoiding any comments that might be perceived as racist or transphobic.” (para. 5, p.2 in letter from Rob Raeside)

{Suggested Remedy} “…some of these perspectives may be challenging to students. However, in a first-year class it is imperative that the approach be well-balanced and must be in line with the published resources, i.e., the text book.” (para. 6, p.2 in letter from Rob Raeside)

> What is the evidence for Professor Mehta’s violation of Acadia University’s Policy Against Harassment & Discrimination?

– How, specifically, has Professor Mehta sexually harassed
students with his commentary?
(see letter from Heather Hemming; see policy document)
– How many complaints?
(see letter from Heather Hemming; see policy document)


> Acadia University’s Policy Against Harassment & Discrimination, 20 January 2007

> Letter advising of formal investigation, Heather Hemming, VP Academic to Prof. Rick Mehta, February 13, 2018

> Letter appealing teaching allocations, Prof. Rick Mehta to Dean Jeff Hooper, January 29, 2018

> Letter denying appeal of teaching allocations, Dean Jeff Hooper to Prof. Rick Mehta, February 20, 2018

> Letter setting out concerns, Prof. Rob Raeside, Head of Department, to Prof. Rick Mehta, February 26, 2018


> Heather Hemming, VP Academic, heather.hemming@acadiau.ca

> Darlene Brodeur, Head of the Dept. of Psychology, darlene.brodeur@acadiau.ca

> Jeff Hooper, Dean, Faculty of Pure and Applied Science, jeff.hooper@acadiau.ca

> Rob Raeside, Designated Head for Rick Mehta, rob.raeside@acadiau.ca

Please be CIVIL.

– END –


She Blindsided Me With Science!


~ RECENTLY, Canadian Governor General Julie Payette exploited her position for a bully pulpit, abusing her role & authority as a chance to tell off the peasants.

Some pundits have chimed in:

>>> Rex Murphy: Governor General appoints herself umpire of questions of faith and science

>>> CBC Opinion: In what universe is it appropriate for a Governor General to deride people for their beliefs?: Urback

>>> CTV: Trudeau applauds Payette for standing up for science in convention speech

>>> Brian Lilley: GG Payette stepped way out of line

Yeah. It has been stepped in. It has hit the fan.

So the ever-humble Binks wrote the GG the following, partly stolen from a past blog post wherein I bashed some smarter-than-thou guy. Enjoy, peasants!

So saith,

Teh Binks

Prime Minister with a certain Science-worshipping woman. 


Your Excellency:

Congratulations on serving as Canada’s new Governor General, and representing the Queen to Canada, and Canadians to the Queen. It is an historic and storied role. Representing all Canadians is a wonderful opportunity.

Thank you for speaking out for science recently, at the 9th annual Canadian Science Policy Conference on Wednesday, November 1. Canada has long led the way in technology, innovation & invention, and in medical fields, amongst many others.

However, during your remarks it is reported that you said:

“”Can you believe that still today in learned society, in houses of government, unfortunately, we’re still debating and still questioning whether humans have a role in the Earth warming up or whether even the Earth is warming up, period,” she said.

“And we are still debating and still questioning whether life was a divine intervention or whether it was coming out of a natural process let alone, oh my goodness, a random process.

“And so many people — I’m sure you know many of them — still believe, want to believe, that maybe taking a sugar pill will cure cancer, if you will it!

“And every single one of the people here’s personalities can be determined by looking at planets coming in front of invented constellations.”.

Your Excellency– as I understand it, your role is to speak to and represent all Canadians– including those who need to use non-prescription supplements, those who believe that there is no contradiction between science and religion, those who are not convinced– on actual evidential bases that climate change as popularly represented is primarily anthropogenic– or whatever other beliefs are out there which you seem to have slighted in your comments.

The following distinguished people have believed there is a divine being: Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato. Einstein. Moses & Jesus. St. Thomas Aquinas. Galileo. Leonardo. Sir Isaac Newton. Nicholas Copernicus.

The following Noble Laureates in Science are also people who had some kind of agnostic or actual faith in God (mostly Jewish & Christian)–


Also include the following Christians who were– or are– leading inventors & scientists in their respective fields-


My father was trained in the fields of computers, nuclear physics, general medicine, and the difficult specialty of pathology & medical examination. He served Canadian communities up and down the Annapolis Valley for two decades, as did his immigrant Scots father– also a Pathologist– did for 30 years prior. My father was also a Christian. He had no difficulty believing that God both created and was creating– through his created things and beings– all that is.

As a Canadian, I do not feel anyone in such a position as Governor General of Canada should be– or be seen to be– alienating or dividing our country, or possibly provoking and insulting Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jews, or those who follow aboriginal beliefs.

I hope this letter finds you well, enjoying your opportunities for the betterment of our Country, and richly blessed in all you do. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Yours very sincerely,

Etc., etc., so on and so forth.


Dear Mr. Binks,

Thank you for sharing your views and suggestions with Governor General Julie Payette.

Responses to specific inquiries can be expected within three weeks. All emails will be read, but general comments and opinions may not receive a response.


Monsieur Binks,

Nous vous remercions d’avoir transmis vos points de vue et vos suggestions à la gouverneure générale Julie Payette.

Veuillez prévoir trois semaines pour l’obtention d’une réponse à une demande précise. Tous les courriels seront lus, mais les opinions et les commentaires généraux ne recevront pas automatiquement une réponse.