Remembrance Day 2020

~ WAY BACK IN The Before-Time, in 2008, I did some research on one of my relatives who died in WW2; and that research led to a wonderful surprise 6 years later.


The surprise:

For great Canadian reading on WW2– written by a veteran who lived it– look no farther than the trilogy by George G. Blackburn: Where the Hell Are the Guns?: A Soldier’s View of the Anxious Years, 1939-44, and The Guns of Normandy: A Soldier’s Eye View, France 1944, and The Guns of Victory: A Soldier’s Eye View, Belgium, Holland, and Germany, 1944-45

For a great Canadian multi-part video series, look up Norm Christie’s For King and Empire (WW1), and For King & Country (WW2) here on YouTube.

As I write, and remember, Canada is being threatened with death, along with the West. We are masked, and locked down, and told what to do, and what not to do. We are under threat and direct attack from Global Reset Globalism, a popular and pernicious new form of the very same old totalitarianism we fought last century as Nazis, Japanese Nationalism, and Communism. #UtopiaNow!

I Will Remember Them. It’s part of why I fight.


2020 Horror Show


~ O, CANADA– Our country was founded on the British principles of “order & good government”, also presuming all the common law of the English & Scots tradition, Magna Carta, the Scottish Declaration of Arbroath, all of that.

Very few people really understood at the time the radical break with our past represented in the Trudeau 1.0 reset under his new crappy constitution. It meant activist judges, following current fads & fancies and the loudest activists, overthrowing the common law enshrined in the BNA act and all the past foundations of our law & society.

He Broke It

Thus, modern Canadian uniparty Prime Ministers & political parties all operate mostly by power, not by much principle, or precedent. As totalitarian impulses have risen in West over the past 70 years, we ordinary folk just kind of went along with it, presuming good will and trusting our leaders. Even when they have led us towards “basic dictatorship”, as the Trudeau & Liberal Party regimes have done.

Wake up, Canada. The war for freedom is now not on the Somme, or the Beaches of Normandy or in Korea, or peacekeeping somewhere else– but right here at home, in Parliament, in legislatures & communities across the country. Taking away our guns by dictate is a serious symptom of where we are, and are headed. Our self-appointed political deity PM Moistly & his minions & plans are not to be trusted in any way.

You bin warned.

Thus saith


They Hate You– Get It?


Midwestly – Carlos Maza’s Hurt Feelings Versus Everyone

Salty Cracker – CryBullies Want More YouTube Censorship Because Muh Feelings

Computing Forever – Bill Ottman talks YouTube Purge | NSFW Jury System on Minds

TimCast – Vox’s Scorched Earth Plan WORKED, Youtube Demonetized Steven Crowder And Others

Stefan Molyneux – Why We Are Silenced

Sargon Of Akkad via Thinkery – The #VoxAdpocalypse: A Theory


~ YESTERDAY, the social media enpurgening accelerated, as hundreds or thousands of non-Narrative YouTube channels lost the means to make money from YT advertising; had videos deleted, all this on top of throttling traffic, reduced subscriptions and views. A major content crackdown.. because not politically radical enough. Er, I meant, because NAZZY RAYCISS HATE!


The globalist Left still has the galloping twitches over 2016– England was supposed to surrender to EUtopia, and She was supposed to win the U.S. election. Now, in preparation for 2020, the government-connected big social media corporations are doubling down, and trying to make sure such bad things don’t happen again, to futz up the Masterplan.

Plus, as Stefan Molyneux points out, these are the efforts of a lot of progressives & hard Leftists, who cannot stand arguments & facts they don’t like, or the people who dare to state them. So, shut up!, they explained.

Ain’t No Love To Feel 

GoogTwitFaceTube hate you, especially if you’re not radical-Leftist “woke”. Save any YouTube videos you value, upload them to BitChute. Have backup social media on Minds, Me/We, Gab. Download your photos from FaceBook. No trust, verify, cover your butt.

The internets giveth, and the internets taketh away, because reasons. Your digital masters give you no recourse, no court of appeal, no serious rights, no freedom of thought or speech, and will take everything away when they feel like it. On top of this, all our digital devices, social media platforms and related e-commerce sites are spying on you, selling your data & pictures & purchasing profile, and have already made YOU the product.

Back To The Future


We must get back to basics. Take the God-Pill, and get & stay serious about the Christian faith. Get red-pilled, and awaken & see the cancerous mess all around us pretending to be a healthy society & culture and future. Share both, far & wide, come what may.

The simple truth is that the inward & outward life of Christians is the true basis of the West, and of the moral life needful for societies to survive & thrive. Economics isn’t enough. Free will & free speech isn’t enough. Politics isn’t enough.

Modern man has been put to sleep, and hypnotized by bright lights and shiny toys, all to make sure to keep us sleeping, as W.H. Auden put it:

… Lest we should see where we are,
Lost in a haunted wood,
Children afraid of the night
Who have never been happy or good.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks

(Still Banned From FaceBook Because Hate)

….where we are,
Lost in a haunted wood,
Children afraid of the night
Who have never been happy or good.

ITYS: The Online Purge Continues

Tim Pool is feeling perplexed.



“Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions,
he proscribing which political opinions
you’re allowed to have.”

~ Tucker Carlson, May 4th, 2019 ~


~ OH, WHAT’S A MODERATE PROGRESSIVE to do when his tribe largely moves on without him, and he’s left standing there shaking his head at their antics? That’s the position of Tim Pool, videographer, vlogger, blogger, and actually somewhat fair-handed Liberal– if that word even means anything anymore.

On May 2nd, 2019, FaceBook/ Instagram warned news-media ahead of time that they would be banning a collection of ‘extremists’— but did not have the courtesy of saying anything to the individuals so targeted. You know, that KGB 3am knock on the door in the old USSR was so very effective– they never saw you coming.



The evil unspeakable Perps? From The Atlantic:

“Alex Jones, Infowars, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, Paul Nehlen, and Louis Farrakhan have all been removed from the platforms.”

There was a prior purge, when FaceBook and other companies sent up a trial-balloon by attacking & banning controversialist entertainer Alex Jones. The reaction to this latest ham-handed purge has been huge, and not just on the political right/ Republican/ Libertarian side. Watson had this to say on his still-not-banned-yet YouTube Channel.

FaceBook is even threatening to delete groups & posts about the purged people on their platform. Into the Memory Hole, they have declared, in this entirely predictable move.

Further, U.S. President Trump has commented online; rapper and pot-worshipper Snoop Dogg has weighed in, and many journalists, bloggers, vloggers, digital freedom activists and ordinary people are watching things closely. If this is the shape of the future, it’s a dystopian one, with much silencing, surveillance, and opinion-checks.

Tucker Carlson warns: “Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions, he proscribing which political opinions you’re allowed to have.” Or as Vox Day comments: the “Deplatforming will continue until the crimethink stops”. Pretty much.

Anyhow, there’s links galore above if you want to dig into this more (it’s your freedom, too). I commented thusly on Tim Pool’s recent video, responding to his exasperated question “What world are we living in?!?“:

Dear Tim:

This is Reality World. WE are in a War On Reality, and the Left (your chosen position), is clearly coming out against Reality, Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Justice and Reason.

Why? Tribalism! ANYTHING is OK, as long as it’s against the Enemy. The ends justifies any & ALL means. Censorship, shadow-banning, violation of the Constitution & Federal/ State Laws, deplatforming, tweaking the algorithms, unsubbing subscribers, turning off notifications, the politics of personal destruction, harassment, violence and death-threats.

The SJW/ Frankfurt School/ Politically Correct want a utopian revolution. They absolutize the struggle, so that there are only the good (them), and the inhuman hateful evil ones (the opposition). This is not a formula for a society, but for dystopia & chaos. We’re all supposed to be playing musical chairs, and the radicals have added head-punching into the game. It just won’t work.

Google is a pro-totalitarian company. They work with China & helped implement very restrictive forms of social media. The formerly great YouTube is now theirs, and they collude with the Democratic Party, George Soros, Globalism, the Deep State, the CIA/FBI intelligence structures, and so do many of the other social media companies.

This is war. What side are you on? For or against Reality, Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Justice and Reason? Imperfection or utopia? The pure and absolute ones, or ordinary humanity trying to muddle along and make things work?

Here’s how to put your FaceBook account to sleep, or to delete it altogether. Give it a thought.

Me? This WebElf is heading over to, and only keeping Facebook to let people know that I’ve posted over there. Here’s my account there. Enough is enough.

After all, throwing me in FaceBook Jail for 74 days on 4 separate bannings in 2019 thusfar makes it clear what this company stands for, and it’s not reason, fairness, justice, or truth. Only POWER.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks



The War Is Here. NOW. Wake up.


~ A BINKS BLAST FROM THE past (2016), about how forced immigration is war upon a nation’s own people by her elites, and globalist master-plans. It’s where we really are, thanks to Trudeau, Merkel, Macron, Obama, Pope Francis, May, Soros.. and all the other evil masterminds & busy-bodies trying to rule the world– and using Muslims as their weapon against the West.

Canada is bad, and must be abolished. Now.

This is 4th Generation War, where the battlefield is everywhere, and right in front of you. That’s on TOP of the unfolding insane ‘ clown world’ dystopia all around us.

>> Guerrillas In The Midst

This is best read with my other connected piece, about getting you & your loved ones ready for this, and prepared ahead of time for disasters, bad weather, and unexpected trouble.

>> Thank You, Ye Rat-Bastards!

Scroll down to “Got Angry? Get Ready!” if that’s TL;DR. (Too Long; Didn’t Read).


Teh Binks

ITYS Expert, 2007-2019

Dystopia Now!


~ IN THE BEFORE-TIME, there once was a cynical snarky nihilistic little show called Seinfeld. I never could stand to watch it regularly, but it filled the air with certain humourous ideas.

One of these was promoted by a secondary character, George Constanza’s father Frank, played by actor Ben Stiller’s actual father, Jerry Stiller. As Wiki notes: “Frank Costanza is advised to say “serenity now” every time he gets angry in order to keep his blood pressure down”. He ends up saying it a lot, given his temperament.


As I surf the news & social media, I sometimes find my blood-pressure rising. Often. There is a lot of crazy in the world, being shoved down a lot of throats.

Instead of having a stroke, or tuning out– or bellowing “Serenity Now!”– a wiser course is to realize that we are already in a nightmarish and evil dystopia. Accept it. “Dystopia Now!” Because frustration, outrage, despair, and various kinds of throwing up our hands is just not Christian, nor helpful.

More Youtube Comments

As I commented on Daisy Cousen’s Youtube video about the horrid UK media onslaught against blogger and now political candidate Carl Benjamin (a.k.a. Sargon of Akkad), I wrote:

We are in the dystopia NOW. Everything is upside-down, good is bad, true is false, and journalism/ social media is whatever you can get away with. Because woke utopianism justifies any crime, slander, and dirty tricks.

I’m not counselling despair, but waking up and looking around at the wreckage of all the social institutions defiled & twisted by the revolution: government, church, schools & colleges, movies, journalism, family & gender, male & female– in short, REALITY. We are in the midst of a long-term War On Reality.

Give up? Black pill/ clown pill? Nope. Read, pray, preserve & restore, speak out, educate others, covert souls. Above all, take the God Pill:

What’s All this, Then?

The Amazing Polly inspired my mulling over this idea, as did author & polymath Vox Day, via his YouTube Darkstream, a daily treat for me. See? I’m using my time in Facebook jail to improve myself, to learn up and get back to more blogging, and to enjoy many fine online folks who are part of the awakening going on around the world, that we are in a dystopia, now.

Please check out, subscribe & support the bloggers & vloggers above. You won’t regret it.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks



Notre Dame Links


~ AS MY FB-JAIL sentence winds down (to be sprung on Good Friday, 10am-ish), I’ve been reading lots of interesting & relevant links on the fire which severely damaged the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris this week. The best links are the topmost. The others are of related interest.

What strikes this elf is how this fire has been so– clarifying. People praying, people stricken– and yet other people rejoicing onsite or online over this. Some witnesses to the fire have been deeply spiritually moved, deciding things about God and life and the crisis in Western civilization, what with de-Christianization, and with enforced mass Muslim immigration, all under the globalist elites like Macron & Trudeau.


However, God cannot be left truly out of the account. I believe that the Holy Spirit is using this– accident? attack?– as a wake-up call to France, to Christians, to the Church & the world, and many who saw the fire. Do we have eyes to see, and ears to hear what God the Holy Spirit is saying?

Also, if I were a bishop or Dean of a Cathedral in the West, I’d be praying & guarding the treasure entrusted to me with eagle eyes right now. Desecration & destruction delights the orcs in our midst, whether imported, or home-grown.

Just because most of us cannot imagine committing such acts does not mean that some could, and would. We cannot be naive about the state of the world, and souls.

Sooner or later, there will be war.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks



>> HOLY HERO– Interview With the French Priest Who Saved the Blessed Sacrament & Crown of Thorns from Notre Dame Cathedral; and The Burning of Notre Dame Cathedral: A Tragic Symbol for Our Times; the people praying– The Ave Maria of Notre Dame

>> Bill Whittle– Notre Dame Fire: A Tremendous Gift to the French People

>> NOTRE DAME: The Church Will Rise Again; another article, with moving comments

>> SIMPLY Amazing “Coincidence”– The Images That Could Help Rebuild Notre-Dame Cathedral. And the young, brilliant professor who made them before he died

>> Catholics weep and pray the rosary in the light of the flames of Notre Dame; Enormous Crowds Sing For Hours Outside Notre Dame’s Cathedral During Fire (Videos Inside)

>> MEDIA FAIL: The Tone Police– Fox News anchors shut down mention of attacks on churches in France

>> PAUL JOSEPH WATSON– Video: The Notre Dame Fire & media coverup of Muslim reactions


>> Notre Dame en Feu: God Takes Back What Is His

>> THE ATLANTIC– Witnessing the Fall of Notre-Dame. It survived eight centuries of plague, war, revolution, and the Nazis. How could it be burning?; and Photos: The Devastation of Notre-Dame Cathedral; After the Fire: Photos From Inside Notre-Dame Cathedral


>>  Islamic State warns of future attack on fire-ravaged Notre Dame: ‘Wait for the next’

>> Fire At Notre Dame Follows Wave Of Church ATTACKS – Will They Blame The Yellow Vest Movement?

>> What evil says: Turkish Newspaper Celebrates Notre Dame Fire as Retribution For France’s Recognition of Armenian Genocide

>> France jails Muslima who plotted to blow up Notre Dame cathedral in Paris with gas canisters; From 2016– Gas tanks and Arabic documents found in unmarked car by Paris’ Notre-Dame cathedral spark terror fears

>> Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on Fire, Worker Claims it Was “Deliberately” Started. Media reports claimed fire linked to “renovation” work.


>> First Things– FIRE IN THE CATHEDRAL, by Rachel Fulton Brown

>> French Student Leader: “I Swear to Allah We Don’t Give a Rat’s Ass” About Notre Dame; BuzzFeed Ran Defense For Vile People Who Celebrated Notre Dame Fire

>> BuzzFeed Caught in Huge Lie About Notre Dame Fire. Claim video showing people reacting with smiley emoticons was a “hoax” when it was completely legitimate.

>> April 18, 2019– Man ARRESTED Bringing GASOLINE And Lighters In Cathedral In NYC??!


>> Bishop Schneider: Notre Dame fire is sign of ‘spiritual conflagration’ in the Church; Did Notre Dame’s fire have a spiritual meaning for our time?

>> POLITICAL SCUMBAG: Muslim Politician in Canada Says Notre Dame Fire Was “Divine Intervention”. Payback for France banning the Islamic veil; same Islamic politician jokes about burning down Montreal church | Ezra Levant

>> Get Religion– Notre Dame in flames: What was lost? What was saved? What was ‘news’? What issues remain?, by Terry Mattingly

>> Happy Orc Leftist– “Finally”: Swedish Leftist Journo Rejoices Over Notre Dame Fire. It’s all a big joke.

>> Church Attacks– Notre Dame Fits the Pattern

>> Cardinal Burke: Notre Dame fire prompts ‘sobering reflection’ on ‘grievous sins’ of our day

>> French Journalist: Two Churches in France Are Vandalized EVERY DAY and No One Gives a F*ck. “This government, this regime….including the Pope, including the cardinals, shut their mouth, say nothing.”

The morning after the blaze

>> ‘ALLAH EST GRAND’: Muslims laugh as blaze destroys Notre Dame cathedral during Holy Week

>> WATCH– Notre Dame: The Church Will Rise Again

>> Elitist Architects Want Notre Dame Rebuilt to Reflect New Globalist France

>> SHHH! What They’re NOT Telling You About The Notre Dame Fire

>> AMAZING ‘Hero’ priest rescues Crown of Thorns from Notre Dame inferno

>> Notre Dame Cathedral In France Catches Fire: Whats Going On? (Analysis Of Europe, US & World)

>> France: Attacks Against Jews & Christians Continue to Rise. Attacks against Muslims at a 9 year low.


Cathedral Burning


To donate to the reconstruction, go here.


~ I WAS IN THE LOCAL ER, in pain & waiting 10 flippin’ hours for tests, when I heard that Notre-Dame de Paris was on fire. Yeah, our Canadian health care system is burning down, too.

Honestly, I just couldn’t think about the fire. This morning, here’s what I commented today on a moving video by the young Canadian vlogger ‘Critical Condition’.

Saith Teh Binks:

“May this loss be a flame in many hearts to remember what we have forgotten, turned from, and assumed would always be with us. Listening to video of certain people cheering with certain words, on the banks of the Seine, makes me furious. Whether Notre Dame was arson or not, other such recent attacks (and murders) in France and around the world by the orcs in our midst, Muslim or secularist, shows the reality of gathering darkness around us– and within us.

Jesus promised us mockery, hatred, and– for some– a cross. He also said “Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world… Lo, I will be with you always, even unto the end of the age.”

We live 800 years after the building of Paris’ famous cathedral. When France was still Roman, back in the dying days of the Western Empire, 800 years before Notre Dame was even a dream, St. Genevieve of Paris stood against the darkness, against barbarians, against darkness in the world & of the spirit.. when the whole civilized world was literally beginning to collapse.

Yet out of that darkness? Christian Europe, the cathedrals, the monasteries and books and paintings and high culture.



“Amazing video, CC. Something got into my eye when I watched the video of a few dozen mostly younger Catholics singing the rosary, even as the cathedral roof burnt in the night.”



For those who may miss me online after my 30-day blocking on Facebook, I’ll be back in three days. A blessed Holy Week to one & all.


Teh Binks



In That Day

All Soul’s Day: Dies Irae

For to this end Christ died, and lived again, that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living.” Romans 14. 8, 9.


~ FOR MODERN MEN & WOMEN, losing any sense of Death, Judgment, Heaven Or Hell leads inevitably & directly to man acting as a self-judging mini-god. That leads to warfare, supremacism, mercilessness, and getting away with things. Thence madness, violence, lies, and 2018.

As I’ve been reading about our Western cultural elites, I’m shocked/ not shocked by what the rich & powerful do behind the scenes. Many ordinary people likewise.

But what if there IS a right & wrong? Good & evil? What if we are accountable? Much of ordinary human life is all about distracting us, crushing silence and unsettling thoughts and questions.

What if all desires are known, and no secrets truly hidden? What if our old unrepented forgotten hidden sins have not just dissolved with time? What if the evil whispers shall be shouted from the rooftops in That Day?

What if God is as the Church has taught, and we are a few missed heartbeats & breaths from standing naked & defenceless before His perfect infinite goodness.. and love?

Pray this day for those who have gone before us through the veil, especially our friends & enemies, family & benefactors, and all those who died with nobody to pray for them and with them.

O FATHER of all, we pray to thee for those whom we love but see no longer. Grant them thy peace; and in thy loving wisdom and almighty power, work in them the good purpose of thy perfect will; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

REST eternal grant unto him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him. Amen.

Thus saith

Teh Binks



Dies Irae/Day of Wrath
DIES irae, dies illa,

solvet saeculum in favilla,

teste David cum Sibylla.

Day of wrath and doom impending,

David’s word with Sibyl’s blending,

Heaven and earth in ashes ending.

Quantus tremor est futurus,

quando iudex est venturus,

cuncta stricte discussurus!

O what fear man’s bosom rendeth,

When from heaven the Judge descendeth,

On whose sentence all dependeth.

Continue reading “In That Day”

Q-Anon: Take The Red Pill, Neo!



> Q-Anon on Twitter: the official; Reddit of all Qanon posts, 2017-present

> QAnon is Real, Confirmed by Trump Himself in a “Coded” Tweet!

> Praying Medic: Q Anon – A Personal Awakening

> Praying Medic Twitter; YouTube Channel; Website

> Google-Search– Legacy Media Shills Target Q-Anon “Crazy Conspiracy”; Example Shill Scream: “What Is QAnon? The Craziest Theory of the Trump Era, Explained”



~ U.S. POTUS TRUMP IS taking Them™ down.. slowly, carefully, taking the time to do it right.  Read between the news-media lines.

In response, the legacy media is screaming like a klaxon to try and take President Trump down. They are also attacking citizen journalism, and alternative channels for news, analysis, and freeing your mind. Binks has already talked about this several times, so I get to do my special ITYS dance now (look away! spare the children!).


Oh, that kwazy Trump: So which is he? A total buffoon, or literally Hitler? Incompetent woman-abusing screw-up, or evil super-genius? Russian-puppet, or cunning Machiavellian? Take your pick via the poodle-media– as instructed by the Dempublican party, the Deep State, the corrupted part of the FBI, Clintonland, and the social media dark forces. Oh, and the globalists.

For all these, Trump is Public Enemy #1. Wonder why?

Point, O Windbag Elf?

Long story short: here’s what you are not being told. Hang onto your wigs.

> Trump (DJT) is going to take down/ expose the Clintons & their slush-funds & their child-trafficking & many crimes.

> DJT’s infamous Twitter messages are part of his plan, not random lunacy.

> DJT is going to clean up the FBI/ CIA.

> DJT is going to expose the political assassins operating in America.

> DJT is already arresting corrupt officials: fess up, or no immunity.

> DJT is going to reform & restructure the corrupt cartel of the Federal Reserve, and make it fully accountable to the U.S. government & people.

> DJT is going to expose the corrupt/ criminal parts of Democratic / Republican Party establishments. Congress, Senate, bureaucracy, too.

> DJT is going to expose Obama, and his Administration’s crimes & corruption.

> DJT is going to cripple the Deep State chokehold on America & the world.

> DJT may let some little or medium-fish off the hook, to better take down the big fish.

> DJT is going to expose the child-traffickers & cultists at work in DC, Pedo/ HollyWeird, the Churches, and America.

What The Literal Monkey?!


“Well, Oooookay”, you say, “Uh.. Binks?– exactly what the heck are you smoking? It’s clearly filled up your tinfoil hat, and you’ve gone utterly nuts.”

I respond with one question: Who Is Q? No, not the guy from the Bond, James Bond movies (Sean Connery forever, BTW).

Q, or Q-Anon is a group of top-clearance military intelligence folks, and some civilians. They work together to lay out to the public the map of what is really happening in America today. Q-Anon releases news hints & indicators of what’s important via message boards. Usually, Q predicts or highlights it, and the exact news & events happen.

Deny! Deflect! Defame! Repeat!


Right now, the media is panicking, because the whole rotten structure they protect & prop up is under threat.. hence the loud quacking and attempts at distraction & attempted moral panics and the usual mind-control.  Ignore the noise: look at what they attack, or cover up & ignore.

Digital Big Censor™ has also stepped up with fresh efforts to stop the signal, to prevent the peasants from thinking, learning, and asking to be ruled properly. FaceBook, Google, Twitter, YouTube are all in on it. It is not a conspiracy when it’s blatant, and out in the open.

So Very Carefully


However, telling the public all this stuff takes time and much wisdom. Likewise, Jesus didn’t show up in a blaze of divine glory and bellow “I’m God. Deal, bitches.” The Saviour preached & taught & used captivating stories; renewed people’s minds and hearts by grace, and asked people to come and see, to follow him.

Same with this coming political revolution, which– if successful– will have world-wide consequences. The truth has to be unfolded over time, so everything doesn’t fall down at once, and people aren’t simply overwhelmed.

To Clarify & Conclude

I don’t like or seek out conspiracy theories. I am more interested in what has been called “Coincidence Theories”.. how things and people & their goals often fit together to certain ends.

Read up. Please, prove me wrong. Think for yourself. What if Trump– with all his sins & failings and pridefulness– is literally a gift from God for such a time as this?

Trust but verify. Who does the mainstream media really serve? The louder the critics, the closer you look.  ~

Thus Saith,

Teh Binks
