Remembrance Day 2020

~ WAY BACK IN The Before-Time, in 2008, I did some research on one of my relatives who died in WW2; and that research led to a wonderful surprise 6 years later.


The surprise:

For great Canadian reading on WW2– written by a veteran who lived it– look no farther than the trilogy by George G. Blackburn: Where the Hell Are the Guns?: A Soldier’s View of the Anxious Years, 1939-44, and The Guns of Normandy: A Soldier’s Eye View, France 1944, and The Guns of Victory: A Soldier’s Eye View, Belgium, Holland, and Germany, 1944-45

For a great Canadian multi-part video series, look up Norm Christie’s For King and Empire (WW1), and For King & Country (WW2) here on YouTube.

As I write, and remember, Canada is being threatened with death, along with the West. We are masked, and locked down, and told what to do, and what not to do. We are under threat and direct attack from Global Reset Globalism, a popular and pernicious new form of the very same old totalitarianism we fought last century as Nazis, Japanese Nationalism, and Communism. #UtopiaNow!

I Will Remember Them. It’s part of why I fight.


“You People”– Who People?


~ LINK–  Kate @ Small Dead Animals Blog: Hockey Night In Wokestan; and Because Pleasing Your Enemies Does Not Turn Them Into Friends; plus “Forget it, downtown Toronto? Nobody wears a poppy.” Finally, Hockey Night In Deplorable Land

~ LINK–  Twitter Search: Don Cherry

~ LINK–  One Godless Woman Nails It. MUST WATCH.


~ WELL NOW, THAT was a Remembrance day to remember.. or forget.

Vet-supporter and charity-booster Don Cherry gets fired over faux outrage over what some people imagine, wish, or suspect he said & meant (which he did not). What I want to know is: WHO & HOW MANY COMPLAINED ABOUT DON CHERRY? 1? 100? 1,000? 37,000,000?

Name names, or show tweets or e-mails. Was it all blue-haired weirdo women? Racist racism agitators? SJW special snowflakes?

And “you people”? Really? An American cliche or meme from their long tradition of race & culture & conflict? THIS IS CANADA, you Canucki morons.


“People were upset”? Oh noes! Let’s see who said what, before Rogers-SportsNet fires a man for something he didn’t say and certainly didn’t mean. As blogger Kate McMillan says, this is not only about one man in the media.

“Don’t any of you understand that WE are the Don Cherry’s of that narrative?”

I’ll take it further– WE are the ones the Social Justice Warrior (SJW) bullies want to cancel, silence, block, mock, deplatform, sideline, and falsely accuse until most of Canada is cowed under their power. I.E., the very kind of Hitlerian & Stalinist evils we fought in WW2 and the Cold War, come home to roost by totalitarians in our midst.

SJWs & their pestilential ideas are toxic & cancerous, in a home, business, office, or society. They must be pushed back against, shown no mercy, and put in their place.. or else Don Cherry is just another head they collected, with all the rest of us in line to be  beheaded. Start reading up now, and pass the word.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks


“K. G. McMillan
1 hr

“It’s ironic how many of my friends in the dog world are advancing the narrative of “Don Cherry is a remnant of the past whose views have no place in a modern, progressive society”.

I can understand why — it’s a lot easier to join forces with the like-minded to “cancel” people you disagree with than it is to actually debate their views on the merits (and run the risk of losing the argument.)

Yet, when the same “remnant of the past” narrative is applied to purebred dogs; when foreign rescues are celebrated and breeders blamed for pet overpopulation; when dog shows and horse racing and rodeo are attacked as cruel artifacts of a past that “cannot be tolerated in a modern, progressive society”… we cry foul?

Don’t any of you understand that WE are the Don Cherry’s of that narrative?”


Mehta: Guilty Until Proven Guilty?


~ JUST WOW. Pretty much speaks for itself, eh? Soviet tactics at a Canadian university. Here are my past Mehta stories.

Here’s recent coverage of the story by Andrew Lawton, and his copy of the statement below. Andrew is a Canadian treasure.

IMHO, the AU President should be sacked. And what will CAUT (Canadian Association of University Teachers) say?

I expect NOTHING from Glorious Leader Justin in Ottawa, because Prof. Rick is a thought-criminal. They’re barely human, let alone Canadian, dontcha know.




Rick Mehta
44 mins · 2018 09 09

Statement by Rick Mehta Regarding His Dismissal from Acadia University


On August 31, 2018, President Peter Ricketts fired me from my position of Associate Professor of Psychology at Acadia University. In the letter that he gave me at my dismissal hearing, he stated that he was firing me on the basis of issues that “were wide ranging and include failure to fufill [my] academic responsibilities, unprofessional conduct, breach of privacy, and harassment and intimidation of students and other members of the University community.”

President Ricketts’ letter of dismissal states only broad categories of misconduct instead of providing any specific examples of misconduct on my part. The university hid behind vague accusations and opaque investigations, while refusing to spell out their concerns – which were based on filtered complaints. I believe that their stealth charges were pretexts to get rid of me at any cost. The real reason for my dismissal has to do with a culture war that is taking place in universities all over Canada and much of the Western world.

Continue reading “Mehta: Guilty Until Proven Guilty?”

This: A Warning To Canada

half mast

~ MY BELOVED Canada has been– longer than the Trudeaus, but sped up by them both– in a long slow fall away from our founding principles, towards every excess, bad idea, and anti-Christian notion on the books.

This sermon is a lovely thunderbolt of warning to awaken, fight, and work with God to stand on guard, keep our land glorious and free. Or fall.

The following is via  and his sermon blog. +

Thus saith,

Teh Binks


SUNDAY, JULY 1, 2018

No Upbeat Homily for Canada Day

Canada Day only falls on Sunday once every seven years. That’s an opportunity for an upbeat homily about our beautiful country and our many blessings. But not this year—because we need to take a look at some things that are happening in Canada and what they mean for Christians.

I know you’d rather hear a homily celebrating Canada than criticizing it; so would I. But a friend sent me a quotation this week attributed to Archbishop Fulton Sheen, who was not only America’s best preacher but a 20th century prophet. When I read it, I knew I couldn’t deliver a feel-good sermon today.


Long quotations don’t make good homilies, but I’m asking you to listen carefully to these prophetic words:

Humanity in a crisis is generally insensitive to the gravity of the times in which it lives.

Men do not want to believe their own times are wicked, partly because they have no standard outside of themselves by which to measure their times. If there is no fixed concept of justice, how shall men know it is violated?

Only those who live by faith really know what is happening in the world; the great masses without faith are unconscious of the destructive processes going on because they have lost the vision of the heights from which they have fallen.

I don’t think one Canadian in ten thinks we have a problem in this country. And I do think that most of those who recognize the destructive processes at work are people of faith.

But even men and women of faith often fail to understand the heights from which Canadian society has tumbled, because our fall from Christian morality has happened in slow motion—not from one cause but from many.
We could analyze numerous social shifts that are opposed to Gospel values—for that matter, opposed to the values shared by most major religions—but I want to point out three of the most recent.


The first, of course, is euthanasia. Disguised by the Orwellian name “Medical Assistance in Dying,” the legalization of assisted suicide threatens the vulnerable, draws health care workers in to a moral snare, and creates an entirely false idea of compassion. It should not be necessary to remind people at Sunday Mass that assisted suicide can never be the right choice, but our first reading puts it simply: “God does not delight in the death of the living.”

Life is a good in and of itself— God “created all things so that they might exist.” All life is precious; its value is not measured by the so-called “quality of life” or anything of that sort.

We were created for eternity, and it is in eternity that the quality of life will more than compensate for the struggles some people encounter at the end of their life on earth.

Before turning to the second social shift—I should really call these legal shifts—I want to give you another reason for this somber homily on what should be a joyful day. The reason is simply this: law-abiding people, people like us, tend to think that if something’s legal is must be right. Law not only reflects social values, it creates them.

Archbishop Carney once told me that chicken wasn’t subject to meat rationing during the Second World War. As a result, Catholics—who were not allowed to eat meat on Friday—started to eat chicken, since if the government said it wasn’t meat, it must be true.


The second shift is the redefinition of tolerance. Canadians pride themselves on tolerance. American comedians on the late-night shows make jokes about how nice we are. But my dictionary says that to tolerate means “to allow the existence or occurrence of something, without interference.”

The courts have redefined tolerance in numerous decisions interfering with the freedom of people of faith. The most recent may be the most serious: the Supreme Court of Canada has effectively allowed the legal profession to be closed to graduates of a law school where students must commit to live according to the moral norms that were once universally held by all Christians. In the words of the two dissenting judges, the Court has turned the protective shield of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms into a sword.

And there’s not much doubt which group of Canadians that sword will slash.


The third source of sadness on this Canada Day may surprise you, since it’s hardly as grave as the euthanasia or Trinity Western decisions. But as I told you, I’m focusing on the most recent social shifts, and this one’s also current—the court-ordered legalization of marijuana, now enshrined in law.

Just last week, the Canadian bishops issued a statement reminding Catholics of the harm that will flow from increased marijuana use. They cite the Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Psychiatric Association, and the Canadian Paediatric Society as pointing out how “the use of cannabis is linked to addictions, depression, anxiety, psychosis, damage to brain development, and lung problems such as asthma and emphysema.”

Although I didn’t use marijuana, I grew up hearing that it was not addictive. That was a lie or at least a huge mistake in terms of what we know now. The bishops rely on modern science and the modern understanding of addictions when they say marijuana “is an addictive substance that will have disastrous effects” for many people.

There was a time when a Canadian who didn’t break the law would be following God’s law in most matters. Sadly, tragically, that time has passed. Only the Creator’s law can guide us now to the good life, and to the righteousness that leads to life eternal.

It is truer than ever that

“Only those who live by faith really know what is happening in the world; the great masses without faith are unconscious of the destructive processes going on because they have lost the vision of the heights from which they have fallen.”

So on this Canada Day, let’s not only pray for the nation, but lift up our eyes to the lofty vision of creation and the human person that is our heritage as Canadians and Christians.

Posted by Msgr. Gregory Smith


Mother Canada weeps for her children, and their future.



Not Amused.. And They Shouldn’t Be


King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium stand at a wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown soldier at the at the National War Memorial in Ottawa on Monday, March 12, 2018.PATRICK DOYLE / THE CANADIAN PRESS

>> Belgian royals descend on Ottawa for first state visit in over 40 years

>> Canada’s Prime Minister criticised for not meeting Belgian King & Queen during State Visit

>> Trudeau meeting with royals would have been nice: Belgian officials

>> King Philippe and Queen Mathilde kick off their State Visit to Canada with a big mistake from the Canadians; also Rideau Hall marks Belgian state visit with a German flag

> After headlines about Trudeau being “snubbed” on India trip, senior Liberals skip opportunity to meet with Belgian delegation

>> UPDATE: Lorne Gunter: CBC makes excuses for Liberals’ Belgian visit gaffes


~ WHAT A NOT-Ready-For-Prime Time fluster-cluck this was. In the subtle language of international diplomacy, this was a world-class snub: THIS is what Canadians think of you in 2018. And the flags? Wince.

A king & queen, along with 100 business leaders, 7 ministers, and representatives from Belgian universities– a serious world-class delegation– and the PM’s handlers let him run off to do other things.

See? Close enough, eh? Their fault for having similar flags. Plus, the sneaky Indian government probably messed this up, as well.

No excuse. Not even a junior Agriculture Minister, Minister of Defence, Deputy Prime Minister or– hey, here’s an idea– an all-party gathering of political leaders to make these good people welcome? Our Minister of Heritage apparently drew the short straw. The GG Ms. Payette was there, replete with German Flags. We’re now way past Monty Python surrealism, boys and girls.

Yet again, our Glorious Maximum Leader has done badly by Protocol 101, Diplomacy 101, the code of duty, basic dignity, respect between nations, and expression appreciation for their efforts in remembering Canadian sacrifices 1914-1945 on behalf of rescuing Belgium in wartime. In our name.

Goofus, Our Doofus


People used to make fun of lovable Toronto Mayor Rob Ford for his gaffe-tastic ways. Our preposterous PM Justin Trudeau makes Ford 1.0 look like a paragon of discretion and class, by comparison.

That the Belgians actually quietly mentioned the disaster? The classy red-alert diplomatic equivalent of hanging naked upside down on a light-pole screaming from a megaphone. We done effed up.


Another Fine Mess

This PM has insulted Belgium, our veterans and war-dead, our proud Canadian military tradition, the proud Belgian tradition of honouring OUR war-dead, and our war graves in their land, and so much more. 170 000 Canadian casualties across two wars, just in fighting for Belgium.

My great-uncle Gren (G.G. Stanley) & his other crew-members are all buried in Belgium, near where his bomber crashed and he died in 1943. In 2014, some of my family attended the dedication of a memorial near the crash-site.

It was above and beyond. The Belgians sent military members, locals gathered, bands played, jets flew over, flowers & wreath laid & prayers said, a reception, the whole she-bang. MY family amongst others was invited & honoured by the Belgians.. and they’ve even made it an annual gathering since then! Wow. So humbling and amazing. Every year for Remembrance Day, Belgian school kids decorate war-graves, and give thanks for the lives lost liberating their nation– including Canadians.

Class, Remembrance, Thankfulness in action.


Will We Remember Them?

So.. 100 years after the 1st World War ended, the Belgian Royals came all the way to Canada to say “Thank You” in person. Class in action. Easy enough to graciously receive them, have a plaque unveiling, children’s choir singing something nice from Belgium, university & business & political discussions, some celebrities & culture-types, strengthening our bonds as nations with a shared history and mutual respect….

Have national leader not bother = thud. Junior might as well have spat in their faces. Seriously.

Trust very. I has rolled sleeves! Trump Fears Justin! Belgian what– waffles are here?

The Last Word.. Sorry

Needless & random bungles at home and abroad, insulting nations and whole sub-continents seems to be the centrepiece of Justin Trudeau’s skill-set, starting right here at home. Sorry about that, everybody, everywhere.

We’re kind of broken right now, and longing for a national leader who will make us proud. We hope to have one in 2019, but many of the same idiot-loving idiots who elected him last time are still pretty much.. idiots.

We’re sorry our Official National Idiot couldn’t be bothered to show up: he was off on a splashy talking-tour, campaigning with metal-workers across Canada– all this because he’s been bungling our NAFTA talks with Trump, amongst many other bungles. Likewise, he didn’t show up on Remembrance Day in Ottawa last year, because of a Pacific Trade Gathering.. which he then utterly flubbed by missing the crucial meeting. Which came after mucking up his trade-talks with China.. which came after…

Needless & random bungles at home and abroad, insulting nations and whole sub-continents seems to be the centrepiece of Justin Trudeau’s skill-set, starting right here at home. Sorry about that, everybody, everywhere. He’s working for others, causing division and chaos.. and we’re the bystanders.

Dear Belgium: You’re very welcome. Thank you for remembering, and for honouring us with your delegation and respect.

Why not write the Belgian Royals, to thank them?  ~

Thus saith,

Teh Binks


What If It’s The Ending Of Your World?

The Barbarians Are Here.. In Canada


>> Psychologist stares down left-wing ‘Lock em in and burn it down!’ Queen’s U. protest

>> Local media reports say more than 150 people took part in the rally against University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson;also, ‘Absolutely surreal’: Student mob smashes window in protest against Jordan Peterson>

>> Jordan Peterson Speech Met With Broken Widows, Calls to ‘Burn it Down’; and Protesters break window at Grant Hall, barricade exits

> An Official Open Letter from Queen’s Faculty, March 2, 2018

>> Professor Rick Mehta news– University Investigates Canadian Professor Because Students Feel ‘Disturbed’; and also Acadia University investigation of professor intensifies campus free-speech debate

>> College librarians argue Christians who say ‘God bless you’ are Islamophobic

>> BARELY SATIRE: “Look at the calendar. Do you know what year it is? It’s 2018! Say it with me: two thousand eighteen. That means it’s long past time for us to get a few important things straight, once and for all.”

~ JUST THE OTHER DAY, some ‘marchers for peace’ from Queen’s University in Kingston Ontario, Canada, protested a speech by lighting-rod author, professor and gadfly, Jordan Peterson. Inevitably, they wanted him silenced for, you know.. Reasons™. Some windows at the university were broken; virtue was signalled, the young Marxist social justice warriors felt superior, and succeeded in not learning or unlearning a single thing.

There was even a little incitement to murder & arson. ‘Lock em in and burn it down!’ yelled some of these “tolerant peace-loving” students. Yeah, that’s how I deal with discussions. Incitement & threats. Fire & kill.

The title of the terrible, horrible, very bad speech? “The Rising Tide of Compelled Speech in Canada.” Lifesite reports:

“Peterson posted several clips of the protest on Twitter, telling a follower that the speaking engagement was “absolutely surreal.”

“The mob neglected to bring torches and pitchforks, but the sentiment was there: ‘Lock them in and burn it down,’” he wrote.”

The End Is Past Nigh

Coming over for tea.. and staying for dinner.

In Mel Gibson’s excellent movie Apocalypto (2006), neither the protagonists– captured slaves– or the bad guys– the forest-wrecking temple-building heart-ripper-outers know that it’s the end of their world. They go about their business.. then, in the penultimate scene, we see the European sailing ships coming closer to the shore.

Whatever was before is not gonna be that way very much longer. The future isn’t what it used to be. “Burn all down! Fresh start!” is the new cry for revolution, devolution, and The Big Satanic Lie that we can make a new world by sincerity, effort, and all built of our own fallen selves. “Ye shall be as gods”.


Read, Learn, Weep

Miss H. White.

That’s the wisdom I draw from Hilary White’s latest essay cri de cœurBECOMING AS GODS: The Murder of Desdemona by Othello, Abortion and Communion in the Hand“.

Just go read the whole thing, and as yourself the question from Mel’s movie: If our world was ending, would we know it?

The thing I like about Hilary’s essay is the big picture– taking little signs and symptoms and showing how the whole structure of the West is in danger, from within and without. Nihilism is nopt a passive force: it’s rather like a poison gas leaking into everything, dissolving the core, and leaving only fragile appearances of what was, ready to fall.

Sadly, the same radicalism has captured most Western Churches: disruption, discontinuity, ugly new utopian content. Hilary nails this perfectly.

What If It’s Here?

Acadia U. Nice view.  shame about the silencing.

What if your own kids & grandkids– poisoned by socially & politically radical teachers, cultural influences, and college– were the new barbarians inside the gates? How could you tell?

Right now at Acadia University, in elm-shaded picturesque Wolfville Nova Scotia, is the fresh front in the war on civilization by “outraged” students and their enabling professoriate. Professor Rick Mehta is under fire for– teaching things. Things contrary to the progressive/ Marxist meta-narrative of victimhoods, oppressors, and the politics of personal destruction for any who don’t toe the party line.

Some Kids Are Crazy & Bad

War on Acadia U prof’s academic independence takes serious turn

Honestly, I’d rather just binge on NetFlix and hide while the walls come tumbling down on this city that I love: but dear people and good and true and beautiful things are at risk, and even the current enemies of those things might be saved from their madness and hate and self-righteousness.

A Sign of Hope?

Despair and doom-binging can be self-indulgent and blind to the possibilities even within apparent overwhelming darkness. After all, St. Paul & Christ’s Apostles faced and entire Empire founded on naked power, Emperor-worship, and pagan confusions. “Redeeming the time, for the days are evil“, says the Apostle to the Gentiles [Eph. 5:16].

One tiny point of brightness: I recently read on a YouTube video a comment by a college-aged kid who said that countless numbers of his friends & fellow students were binge-watching Jordan Peterson and other such content, because they were tired of the one-note lock-step radicalism of their professors. Truth finds a way.

YouTube app on digital devices

That is, behind the deceptive ivy-facade, and behind the radicalism within, social media was in fact enabling young people to learn to see all sides of various questions, to hear actually diverse points of view, and to — horror of horrors- learn to think, reason, argue & debate. That they have to have a hidden remedial education within a $5-$10K institutional mis-education– while parroting their professors– is a picture of the horror-circus we have let develop in our society.

We will need such young people and all such folks to rebuild things on the ruins of what was. The end IS past nigh.

Do Your Duty

Look BEHIND the facades….

Investigate your local schools and colleges. Do due diligence before sending your kid off to school, imagining it still is like it was 30 or 50 years ago. Withhold donations and gifts and let them know what you think. And of your kindness, say a prayer and send a word to Acadia on behalf of Professor Rick Mehta. And don’t forget the petition.

Queens grad? Let them know what you think about the recent semi-riot. Because some students used their free speech to oppose free speech.

Thus Saith,

The Binks


An Educator Writes….

Anonymous Letter From A Teacher
[identity known & certified by me]

Only author’s name redacted, date & letter’s recipient. The rest is the letter exactly as it was sent to me.

Remember to write your own letter (help here, scroll down), and to please sign the Petition.
Thus saith,

Teh Binks


Heather Hemming, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, Canada

“This is for Heather Hemming, “VP of academic”, as described in the linked article by Margaret Wente:
March 3, 2018

Dear Dr. Hemming:

Navigating the Acadia website was like wandering through a picturesque maze, with not a single human being to be seen. In five minutes, I didn’t see the actual name of anyone, let alone Heather Hemming’s. I phoned the switchboard, hoping to speak to someone who could give me Ms Hemming’s email address: the hours are 8:30-4:30, Monday to Friday, so no luck. So, here I am at the general email address.
I also thought of contacting Acadia’s Office of Safety and Security as I believe that Professor Mehta’s safety and security are under siege—the topic of this message.
I have been an educator for 45 years. In that time, I have noticed a serious deterioration in both the maturity and behaviour of a critical mass of students. At the same time, I have noticed a standing down of the administrators, whose first line of defense now seems to be to appease the miscreant. This solves the problem of having to deal with an even more angry, entitled student and, often, that student’s belligerent parent(s). It’s nice for the three parties just mentioned—and hell for teachers, not to mention society at large.
I have twice been physically assaulted as well as suspended, minus due process, on the say-so of well known, student bullies. In all cases, the students were coddled and catered to: there were no negative consequences for them, but plenty for me. Who do you think felt really unsafe? As a colleague says, “Our schools are safe, all right—for the bullies.”
I attended excellent public schools in Toronto in the 50s and 60s: the adults were in charge. There were clear boundaries and not only were we safe, we felt safe! Academics were rigorous—a far cry from the curricula today—and we were held to account. We were not taught to be offended : the very idea of micro-aggressions and triggers didn’t enter our minds.
We were treated respectfully, which meant that we were held to high academic and behavioural standards. We could actually fail a grade. We could actually be suspended. Teaching our children that they have a right not to be offended is, in my opinion, a form of child abuse. This fiction renders young people very vulnerable to their own capricious and often tempestuous emotions. How is allowing vindictive and often misguided emotion to be the standard by which a university makes crucial decisions helpful to anyone?
Professor Mehta sounds like a man after my own heart. If the fairy tales being propagated at places like Acadia weren’t so outlandish, Professor Mehta’s ideas would seem to be just what they are: fairly mainstream. Why are his rights the only ones being disregarded? Why is his integrity considered expendable? Why is it OK to offend him?
Ms Hemmings, in attempting to censor, shame and bully Professor Mehta, Acadia seems willing to put itself in the same position as Wilfrid Laurier, which, deservedly, became a laughing stock. It seems that you’re unable to discern the gigantic double standard under which you appear to be operating. Acadia seems to have everything backwards: in order to enforce tolerance, you are intolerant. In order to appease the immature appetites of a group of coddled adult toddler students, it seems that Acadia is willing to sacrifice not only the integrity of a hard working, accountable academic, but his very livelihood. Shame on you.
How about if Acadia were to come to its senses and follow the example of the University of Chicago, re its expectations of its students? How about if Acadia were to actually treat its students not like spoiled brats, but like adults?
“Our commitment to academic freedom means that we do not support so-called ‘trigger warnings,’ we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial, and we do not condone the creation of intellectual ‘safe spaces’ where individuals can retreat from ideas and perspectives at odds with their own,” the letter said.
How about if universities stopped being Potemkin Villages of Tolerance and became, in fact, safe spaces for all of their faculty and students? Now, wouldn’t that be a novelty?
Very Sincerely,

Falling To Our Barbarians?

Acadia U., Wolfville, Nova Scotia– Gone over to the Dark Side?

>> Acadia University launches investigation into controversial professor;  also previously, Outspoken professor stokes free-speech debate at East Coast university; and Acadia professor defends Beyak’s residential school remarks

>> Dr. Rick Mehta on his Teaching Style, Research and Thoughts on Free Speech; plus Petition calls for Acadia prof to be fired for social media posts

>> Rebel Media– Acadia University prof battles for viewpoint diversity on campus (GUEST: Rick Mehta)

> SIGN THE PETITION: Petition · Acadia University: Support For Professor Rick Mehta

HOT UPDATE: An Open Letter from Prof Tony Esolen.

I have just sent the following letter in support of Dr. Mehta:

Dear Dr. Hemming,

My family and I have been some-time residents of Nova Scotia since 2003, and have always been moved by the friendliness of your people and, in general, their practical common sense and peaceful ways. Therefore I am stunned to read about what is being done to Professor Rick Mehta, at your university.

I have skin in this game, as they say. I have been a professor of literature for more than thirty years, introducing students to a range of works spanning four thousand years and more than a dozen cultures, written in a broad variety of languages, ten of which I read. So I can see where Dr. Mehta is coming from.

He and his family have been, in their lives and in profoundly personal ways, the victims of ugly prejudices, some of them arising from a clash of cultures, the British and the Indian, and then the Canadian and the Indian. And yet he has the grace, and it seems the courage, not merely to condemn the British, and then your own people the Canadian, for pure evil. He has tried to understand both peoples and to evaluate them with equity, and because of that — because, apparently, he does NOT HATE his erstwhile overlords with sufficient passion — you are now doing to him exactly what you accuse the overlords of having done.

In other words, YOU are playing the part of a colonial master, coming down hard against a mild-mannered and gentle man, for daring not to be your intellectual puppet.

That is disgraceful in its own right. At a university, supposedly a place where young people are to be taught to pursue the truth, it is inexcusable.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Michael Esolen
Fellow, Thomas More College of the Liberal Arts


Panel Discussion on Free Speech at Universities (Acadia University; May 3, 2017)


+ + +

~ AS MY FATHER used to say, ancient civilizations were invaded from outside by barbarians: modern societies are more efficient– we make our own barbarians, inside the gates.

This is an actionable moment for any concerned Canadian, Nova Scotia, Acadia Grad, academic, or just concerned person. It’s also a time to press the media to tell an accurate story, unlike the Canadian Press hack-job reprinted in the recent Chronically Horrid, which mostly quotes an associate professor from New Brunswick as the “expert”.

Continue reading “Falling To Our Barbarians?”

She Blindsided Me With Science!


~ RECENTLY, Canadian Governor General Julie Payette exploited her position for a bully pulpit, abusing her role & authority as a chance to tell off the peasants.

Some pundits have chimed in:

>>> Rex Murphy: Governor General appoints herself umpire of questions of faith and science

>>> CBC Opinion: In what universe is it appropriate for a Governor General to deride people for their beliefs?: Urback

>>> CTV: Trudeau applauds Payette for standing up for science in convention speech

>>> Brian Lilley: GG Payette stepped way out of line

Yeah. It has been stepped in. It has hit the fan.

So the ever-humble Binks wrote the GG the following, partly stolen from a past blog post wherein I bashed some smarter-than-thou guy. Enjoy, peasants!

So saith,

Teh Binks

Prime Minister with a certain Science-worshipping woman. 


Your Excellency:

Congratulations on serving as Canada’s new Governor General, and representing the Queen to Canada, and Canadians to the Queen. It is an historic and storied role. Representing all Canadians is a wonderful opportunity.

Thank you for speaking out for science recently, at the 9th annual Canadian Science Policy Conference on Wednesday, November 1. Canada has long led the way in technology, innovation & invention, and in medical fields, amongst many others.

However, during your remarks it is reported that you said:

“”Can you believe that still today in learned society, in houses of government, unfortunately, we’re still debating and still questioning whether humans have a role in the Earth warming up or whether even the Earth is warming up, period,” she said.

“And we are still debating and still questioning whether life was a divine intervention or whether it was coming out of a natural process let alone, oh my goodness, a random process.

“And so many people — I’m sure you know many of them — still believe, want to believe, that maybe taking a sugar pill will cure cancer, if you will it!

“And every single one of the people here’s personalities can be determined by looking at planets coming in front of invented constellations.”.

Your Excellency– as I understand it, your role is to speak to and represent all Canadians– including those who need to use non-prescription supplements, those who believe that there is no contradiction between science and religion, those who are not convinced– on actual evidential bases that climate change as popularly represented is primarily anthropogenic– or whatever other beliefs are out there which you seem to have slighted in your comments.

The following distinguished people have believed there is a divine being: Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato. Einstein. Moses & Jesus. St. Thomas Aquinas. Galileo. Leonardo. Sir Isaac Newton. Nicholas Copernicus.

The following Noble Laureates in Science are also people who had some kind of agnostic or actual faith in God (mostly Jewish & Christian)–

Also include the following Christians who were– or are– leading inventors & scientists in their respective fields-

My father was trained in the fields of computers, nuclear physics, general medicine, and the difficult specialty of pathology & medical examination. He served Canadian communities up and down the Annapolis Valley for two decades, as did his immigrant Scots father– also a Pathologist– did for 30 years prior. My father was also a Christian. He had no difficulty believing that God both created and was creating– through his created things and beings– all that is.

As a Canadian, I do not feel anyone in such a position as Governor General of Canada should be– or be seen to be– alienating or dividing our country, or possibly provoking and insulting Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jews, or those who follow aboriginal beliefs.

I hope this letter finds you well, enjoying your opportunities for the betterment of our Country, and richly blessed in all you do. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Yours very sincerely,

Etc., etc., so on and so forth.


Dear Mr. Binks,

Thank you for sharing your views and suggestions with Governor General Julie Payette.

Responses to specific inquiries can be expected within three weeks. All emails will be read, but general comments and opinions may not receive a response.


Monsieur Binks,

Nous vous remercions d’avoir transmis vos points de vue et vos suggestions à la gouverneure générale Julie Payette.

Veuillez prévoir trois semaines pour l’obtention d’une réponse à une demande précise. Tous les courriels seront lus, mais les opinions et les commentaires généraux ne recevront pas automatiquement une réponse.

NewCanada Sucks: M-103 Edition

>> BACKGROUNDERS: Rex Murphy: M-103 has passed. And what today has changed for the better?; also MPs pass M-103 Thursday even as new poll says most Canadians would vote down anti-Islamophobia motion

>> Vagueness of ‘Islamophobia’ is what makes it troublingly all-inclusive, by Farzana Hassan

>> Canada: Muslim judge jails man for 5 months for “no more Muslims” scrawl on bench – Geller Report

Muslim Judge makes sure everybody sees bench scrawl. Idiot. No doubt millions of Muslims to die in Canada, due to heinous bench scrawl.

~ OY, CANADA! With Bill M-103 now passed (and the “after-process” of defining crimes, punishments, and all the rest, in the newly unfree Shariafied Canadia), there is:

(1) What they double-pinky-swear will never happen, nothing to see here, all is well, it’s all harmless, you sillies;

(2) what they plan will happen, NOT the same as (1);

(3) What will develop from what they did & planned, and:

(4) how it will be all abusively mis-applied in the real world.

Progressives are stupid like that– there are no unintended consequences, human nature, sin or Satan or God in their carefully planned magical utopias. That’s why their schemes fail, get horrible, and why they never learn, or care to learn from any mistaks, reality-checks, or reflection. They say X, some magic happens, thus, it is so. Ta-da!

How We Got Here

Here’s how. Oil!! The West fiddled in the Middle East in the last century, after the Turkish Empire fell apart (WWI), for oil & suchlike. The Progressive Left hates the West, and serious Christianity; the newly aggravated Middle East hates the West, and serious Christianity.

Her is a match made in hell, kills two birds with one stone, to crush & divide nations using smelly little progressive pieties and manipulative politics, aided and abetted by soft-Jihad, squishy liberalized churches, with smiles all ’round. Because? Tolerance (enslavement to novel or toxic ideology & religion, for subversive purposes)! This is all subversion.

Militant cultural supremacist Muslims love such useful idiocy, and talk all pretty about rights & freedoms and burning issues and unity and fellowship (watch Iqra Khalid in vid). Liberal Party voters mostly, useful idiots all. ~


BOHIC, 2017

Bend over, cuz here it comes. The all-but open Sharia (Islamic Law on Blasphemy* = anti-Islamic statements, even based on truth & facts, and statements by Muslims) has officially become law in stupid Canada. Let’s give a big welcome to the ridiculous & unjust New UnFreeSpeech Sharia-police Kangaroo Kourts, even worse than the old ridiculous & unjust Human Rights Commission Gestapo Kangaroo Kourts.

This is progress, suicidal Leftist-style. The process will be the punishment, O kuffar infidels! Let the chill, the silencing, the mutual surveillance and tattling and untold suffering and injustice begin!!

Come and get me, Ya damned Islamo-Supremacist faerie fucksticks!

So saith.

Teh Binks**



* Logically, one can only blaspheme (religiously insult) one’s own particular faith. Islam claims to be the one true faith whether you like it or not, with universal insultability by atheists, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, and whoever else, so shut up, they explained, and cough up $$$. “Logic”, truth, evidence, applicability are not Muslim Supremacist essentials. In a different time and place, this would be “Insulting the Fuhrer”, or “Counter-Revolutionary activity” under Mao, Stalin, or the North Korean or Cambodian or current Chinese regimes. Guilty until  the fair trial, then imprisoned, or shot.

** Just FYI: It was for blogging on such topics that my own dear sainted NDP-Is-Kinda-Right-Wing hyper-Progressive Mother used to call me a racist Nazi, amongst other things.