Buh-Bye For Now?

~ SO ANYHOW.. after the 7-day block, then a mysterious out-of-the-blue 90-day block (not yet ended, by my calculations), the other day I went to check on the status of my FB page and… it’s disabled. Perma-ban. Enemy Of The Narrative Status: CONFIRMED.

“Just make another account!” Well, you mean after the previous effort to make 3-4 previous accounts which were banned by FaceBook? I only have so much energy in a given day.

So, yeah. Just follow me on Twitter. https://twitter.com/binkswebelf

A blessed Advent to any of you out there still trying to follow The WebElf. I miss you all, every day.


Teh Binks

Fair’s Fair? BANNED AGAIN!


~ I’VE BEEN USING the elite’s evil control platforms to yell loud and long from the rooftops against the elites, the Promethean/ Luciferian Cabal, the Globalits, the Faux-Con fail, the creepers, pervs, liars & mutaters of our church, society, & world. Been doing so online since 1995-6.

Once in a while, they catch on, and you get the BanBat. THWACK! You know, for doing something right.

This time, it was most likely a link like the one below which tripped their trap, and rendered me a ban for.. well, they haven’t told me yet, nor how long. Might even be permanent….


Yeah, I’m pretty much incorrigible. I simply will not knowingly obey immoral rules & laws, for in such situations I will obey God, not man. So now, in addition to the FOURTEEN weeks of banning in 2019, I’m now rounding off The Year Of FB Banhammer as I spent a lot of it.. banned. Silenced. No recourse, trial, mercy, or exception.

Oddly enough, this sort of digital censorship is– in theory– supposed to let you cool your heels, think again, and come out of FaceBook Jail all meek, politically corrected, and obedient to the invisible constraints crushing our societies into silence & compliance.


Over the previous 14 weeks of 2019 silencing, I actually went looking about online, on YouTube, blogs, journals, and the like, and woke up a lot more politically, started watching outside the “Conservative Inc.” ghetto I’ve been in since 2007. I learned up a lot, made new friends & connections, and broadened my mind. Ironically, FaceBook helped wake me up even more, all via their abusive policies.

Further, this new embannening should remind us that there are MILLIONS of people forbidden from FaceBook, perma-banned, in and out of FaceBook jail over and over for not bending the knee to our Digital Overlords. This will not do.  These electronic tyrants and front-men for the elite cabal, these fake news purveyors & real news preventers, these false prophets of utopia & Globalist tyranny, these God-hating truth-hating would-be omnipotent moral busybodies are the past, not the future.


Not sure if I will be back on FaceBook, if ever. I might even just take up the news aggregation again, given the massive push against the spreading of facts, ideas, and truth on social media. WordPress may object at some point, so I’ll just migrate elsewhere.

You can’t stop the signal. You can’t silence God. You can’t erase the truth by an avalanche of lies, and you can’t kill faith, hope, and love implanted by God in the human heart. THAT is what Advent Christmas is Really All About™.

Still, I will genuinely miss my hundreds of FB minions, your jokes, comments, gifts & charitable donations, your stories to repost, and daily back and forth which means so much to a sick person at home. Pray for me.


Over the years, I’ve shown you all how to do this. Where to look, what sites to look at, and which to ignore. Go forth, be a pain-in-the-butt Junior Binks. Head over to Vox Day’s Blog, sign up for his Unauthorized.tv, and watch his near-daily YouTube videos. Yes, he’s an acquired taste, but he’s a seeker, a truth-teller, and a weapon in God’s hand.

Be brave, take risks, rise up and let your light so shine before men, that they see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in heaven. Rejoice in victories, learn from defeats. Work out your salvation with fear & trembling, for it is God that works in you to establish His good will and purpose.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks

Once More Doing Hard Time in FB Jail


They Hate You– Get It?


Midwestly – Carlos Maza’s Hurt Feelings Versus Everyone

Salty Cracker – CryBullies Want More YouTube Censorship Because Muh Feelings

Computing Forever – Bill Ottman talks YouTube Purge | NSFW Jury System on Minds

TimCast – Vox’s Scorched Earth Plan WORKED, Youtube Demonetized Steven Crowder And Others

Stefan Molyneux – Why We Are Silenced

Sargon Of Akkad via Thinkery – The #VoxAdpocalypse: A Theory


~ YESTERDAY, the social media enpurgening accelerated, as hundreds or thousands of non-Narrative YouTube channels lost the means to make money from YT advertising; had videos deleted, all this on top of throttling traffic, reduced subscriptions and views. A major content crackdown.. because not politically radical enough. Er, I meant, because NAZZY RAYCISS HATE!


The globalist Left still has the galloping twitches over 2016– England was supposed to surrender to EUtopia, and She was supposed to win the U.S. election. Now, in preparation for 2020, the government-connected big social media corporations are doubling down, and trying to make sure such bad things don’t happen again, to futz up the Masterplan.

Plus, as Stefan Molyneux points out, these are the efforts of a lot of progressives & hard Leftists, who cannot stand arguments & facts they don’t like, or the people who dare to state them. So, shut up!, they explained.

Ain’t No Love To Feel 

GoogTwitFaceTube hate you, especially if you’re not radical-Leftist “woke”. Save any YouTube videos you value, upload them to BitChute. Have backup social media on Minds, Me/We, Gab. Download your photos from FaceBook. No trust, verify, cover your butt.

The internets giveth, and the internets taketh away, because reasons. Your digital masters give you no recourse, no court of appeal, no serious rights, no freedom of thought or speech, and will take everything away when they feel like it. On top of this, all our digital devices, social media platforms and related e-commerce sites are spying on you, selling your data & pictures & purchasing profile, and have already made YOU the product.

Back To The Future


We must get back to basics. Take the God-Pill, and get & stay serious about the Christian faith. Get red-pilled, and awaken & see the cancerous mess all around us pretending to be a healthy society & culture and future. Share both, far & wide, come what may.

The simple truth is that the inward & outward life of Christians is the true basis of the West, and of the moral life needful for societies to survive & thrive. Economics isn’t enough. Free will & free speech isn’t enough. Politics isn’t enough.

Modern man has been put to sleep, and hypnotized by bright lights and shiny toys, all to make sure to keep us sleeping, as W.H. Auden put it:

… Lest we should see where we are,
Lost in a haunted wood,
Children afraid of the night
Who have never been happy or good.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks

(Still Banned From FaceBook Because Hate)

….where we are,
Lost in a haunted wood,
Children afraid of the night
Who have never been happy or good.

The Simple New Math


“Get off Twitter and get off Facebook now. Because the goalposts are going to move until you’re a Nazi too.” 
~ Vox Day ~



~ WELL WELL, and what did Binks go and do this time to get himself re-kicked off FaceBook (14 weeks so far in 2019)? You see, I forgot the new math.

In the simple new math of 2019, there’s only ones and zeros. You are either right-thinking, or you are a Nazzy and racist and white nationalist and all that bad stuff.

Go On And On

Here in Canada, our corrupt globalist government likes an old tactic made new– yell, bluster and stay “on message” until the opposition gives up, forgets, or moves on. That is, just keep repeating the same BS until you win.

As a historian of the 2 world wars (44 years and running with this interest), thse Canucki elite hijinks reminded me of a certain German idea– which, together with Bernays on Madison Avenue– helped shape modern political tricks. But I forgot the new math, when I posted a graphic of said fellow on FaceBook, with one of the  phrases often attributed to him (which actually was written by Hitler*, but whatever).


Do you see my terrible, terrible error? There is only One, and Zero. You are either good, or a Nazzy white nationalist bigot Nazzy. Only a certifiable Nazzy would quote an actual Nazi for any reason whatsoever. Silly Binks.

So, teh effing Banhammer falls again. I am cut off from easy access to my friends & acquaintance. I cannot comment on their news, post new items, or even use Messenger. All because FaceBook’s algorithm and merciless computer Nazi-detectors detected that I must be, in fact, a hatespeeching Nazi. Not an academically trained historian drawing a comparison between corrupt political tricks in the 1940s, with similar corrupt tricks & ideology in 2019 Canada.

This is the state of FaceGoogTwitTube in 2019, and I hope their downfall is unpleasant and messy. Sadly, the collapse of Canadian political and social institutions will very likely be unpleasant and messy, even if the softer progressives boot Gauleiter Herr Jüstin Trudeaü out of office in October 2019. Let’s give Neo-Canada another 15 years, shall we?

Things are speeding along in that direction more and more, these days.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks

Horrible Bad Forbidden Hate Person of Hate


* Actually from “War Propaganda”, in volume 1, chapter 6 of Mein Kampf (1925), by Adolf Hitler







ITYS: The Online Purge Continues

Tim Pool is feeling perplexed.



“Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions,
he proscribing which political opinions
you’re allowed to have.”

~ Tucker Carlson, May 4th, 2019 ~


~ OH, WHAT’S A MODERATE PROGRESSIVE to do when his tribe largely moves on without him, and he’s left standing there shaking his head at their antics? That’s the position of Tim Pool, videographer, vlogger, blogger, and actually somewhat fair-handed Liberal– if that word even means anything anymore.

On May 2nd, 2019, FaceBook/ Instagram warned news-media ahead of time that they would be banning a collection of ‘extremists’— but did not have the courtesy of saying anything to the individuals so targeted. You know, that KGB 3am knock on the door in the old USSR was so very effective– they never saw you coming.



The evil unspeakable Perps? From The Atlantic:

“Alex Jones, Infowars, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, Paul Nehlen, and Louis Farrakhan have all been removed from the platforms.”

There was a prior purge, when FaceBook and other companies sent up a trial-balloon by attacking & banning controversialist entertainer Alex Jones. The reaction to this latest ham-handed purge has been huge, and not just on the political right/ Republican/ Libertarian side. Watson had this to say on his still-not-banned-yet YouTube Channel.

FaceBook is even threatening to delete groups & posts about the purged people on their platform. Into the Memory Hole, they have declared, in this entirely predictable move.

Further, U.S. President Trump has commented online; rapper and pot-worshipper Snoop Dogg has weighed in, and many journalists, bloggers, vloggers, digital freedom activists and ordinary people are watching things closely. If this is the shape of the future, it’s a dystopian one, with much silencing, surveillance, and opinion-checks.

Tucker Carlson warns: “Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions, he proscribing which political opinions you’re allowed to have.” Or as Vox Day comments: the “Deplatforming will continue until the crimethink stops”. Pretty much.

Anyhow, there’s links galore above if you want to dig into this more (it’s your freedom, too). I commented thusly on Tim Pool’s recent video, responding to his exasperated question “What world are we living in?!?“:

Dear Tim:

This is Reality World. WE are in a War On Reality, and the Left (your chosen position), is clearly coming out against Reality, Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Justice and Reason.

Why? Tribalism! ANYTHING is OK, as long as it’s against the Enemy. The ends justifies any & ALL means. Censorship, shadow-banning, violation of the Constitution & Federal/ State Laws, deplatforming, tweaking the algorithms, unsubbing subscribers, turning off notifications, the politics of personal destruction, harassment, violence and death-threats.

The SJW/ Frankfurt School/ Politically Correct want a utopian revolution. They absolutize the struggle, so that there are only the good (them), and the inhuman hateful evil ones (the opposition). This is not a formula for a society, but for dystopia & chaos. We’re all supposed to be playing musical chairs, and the radicals have added head-punching into the game. It just won’t work.

Google is a pro-totalitarian company. They work with China & helped implement very restrictive forms of social media. The formerly great YouTube is now theirs, and they collude with the Democratic Party, George Soros, Globalism, the Deep State, the CIA/FBI intelligence structures, and so do many of the other social media companies.

This is war. What side are you on? For or against Reality, Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Justice and Reason? Imperfection or utopia? The pure and absolute ones, or ordinary humanity trying to muddle along and make things work?

Here’s how to put your FaceBook account to sleep, or to delete it altogether. Give it a thought.

Me? This WebElf is heading over to MeWe.com, and only keeping Facebook to let people know that I’ve posted over there. Here’s my account there. Enough is enough.

After all, throwing me in FaceBook Jail for 74 days on 4 separate bannings in 2019 thusfar makes it clear what this company stands for, and it’s not reason, fairness, justice, or truth. Only POWER.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks



My Own Most Grievous Fault…


Behold Your gods, current year.


~ UPDATE: The digital Fix Is In– Facebook blocks petition against Canadian coin celebrating homosexuality

~ SO I’M BANNED AGAIN– for another month (until May 23) from FaceBook all because I was cranky, and too blunt about muh slims. You know, “Ramadan Enthusiasts”. COFFCOFF.

Anyhow, I just watched a video on the new pro-homosexual EQUALITY UBER ALLES coins for Canada. Yes, “The True North Strong and Free” is becoming a colony of Clown-Land, where everything is bizarre, and nothing is fun.

Ignore the stagnant economy, the border crisis, the collapse of any ethics in Ottawa, the jobs situation, our poor international reputation, the floundering of Canada in the claws of China.. LOOK! GAY COINS! JUSTIN IS BEST GLORIOUS LEADER! FFS.

On the above video, I just commented:

Sadly, we are so far down the road of revolution & unfreedom, most people don’t even recognize it anymore. “Screw who & what you want– but pay your taxes, don’t question your betters, and keep your head down, or else!” Canada is no longer glorious or free, and people like Trudeau & the Canadian elites all the way back to Pearson have gotten us to this sad place.

Wake up. Read up. Pray up. Look after your friends & family. Prepare for terror & disaster, have a good EDC (Every Day Carry, including emergency phone apps).

Watch good vids, and try to wake up people around you. Me, I enjoy videos & articles by Mark Steyn, Vox Day, Joseph Sciambra, Paul Joseph Watson, Acts17Apologetics, Black Pigeon, Jason Bermas, The Amazing Polly. The truth is out there.

Me, I’m not going to handle gay coins, because of the death and suffering that way of life has caused over the past 45 years+ — how many more gay men need to sicken & die before we are allowed to question the sexual revolution’s effects on all of us, society, our kids, and the future?

The herd instinct & fear of being different keep many otherwise good people deep in the cycle of lies, but every little bit helps.


Canada is now Clown-land, people. Evil, demonic psycho-clowns.

Thus saith

Teh Binks




watson 1


~ “FINALLY!”, OR SO thought many interwar Germans. “The new chancellor has begun locking up & outlawing Socialists & Communists & their rowdy street gangs! Maybe we can have a little peace & quiet again.” Ah yes, the purge always starts out with the pesky & noisy ones. They never will be missed.

So what’s up with the current 2017-2018 rush to more internet censorship? Hint: this is NOT about pesky Alex Jones. He’s a canary in the freedom coalmine.

I said this (ITYS, exactly a year ago): Social Media Purge Ensues. And this semi-followup, in March this year: The Internet Ensilencing: Why Now? Brexit, Trump, and the uppity peasants learning what’s really going on in the world, and what their leaders & elites & celebrities are REALLY like. Can’t have that: FAKE NEWS FOR EVERYONE!


U.S. Midterms, Ahoy!

Conveniently, it’s only a few months before the all-important U.S. Midterm elections, and a referendum, as it were, on Trump. Hillary & Obama & their Democrat-Media-Internet cronies are still insanely mad & afraid of trial, still feeling the heat. GoogTwitFaceTube is now fully weaponized to control the flow of news & ideas leading up to November.

Twitter-bans, YouTube shadowbans, skewed Google searches, alt-media shut down, hidden, interfered with. It will only be getting worse. You will not  not allowed to read or watch verboten ideas, as our Masters define them.

This is a new phase in the War On ALL Of Us. The Western Establishments are deadly serious about turning the internet & social media into commercials about themselves & how great they are. This is a major move towards more totalitarianism (with a smile) in the West.

This time, these moves? As serious as a heart-attack.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks


download (6)

>> ARE TECH GIANTS WORKING TOGETHER TO CENSOR CONSERVATIVES? — Apple, YouTube and Facebook BAN Infowars on Same Day; plus, Google and YouTube Have Long History of Working with Democrats — Then Ban Alex Jones and Infowars

>> Facebook, Apple, YouTube and Spotify ban Infowars’ Alex Jones

>> Krieger: “Stop Complaining And Just Delete Facebook

>> The Crackdown Continues: Twitter Suspends Libertarian Accounts, Including Ron Paul Institute Director

>> FACEBOOKAPPLEGOOGLE get out of free speech business

>> ALEX JONES HIMSELF— “THE REAL REASON APPLE, FACEBOOK, SPOTIFY & YOUTUBE BANNED INFOWARS”; and The internet Dark Age has now descended upon us, where radical left-wing tech giants run by deranged, mentally ill communists will decide whether your content qualifies as “hate speech.”

>> Ben Shapiro: Facebook, YouTube, And Apple Ban Alex Jones. Here’s Why They’re Dead Wrong.

>> Facebook Asking Major US Banks To Share Users’ Financial Data

>> First They Came For Infowars.. Tomorrow We Will All Be Alex Jones: Independent Media Silenced – They Are Coming For Us All Now – The Purge Is In Full Swing

>> Coordinated Purge: YouTube Bans Alex Jones After iTunes, Facebook, Spotify Remove Content

>> Instagram bans Tommy Robinson as social media companies purge far right

>> ‘Survival of our democracy’ depends on banning sites like InfoWars, Dem senator says

>> Major tech companies remove Alex Jones for “hate, bullying”

>> “Unpublished” — According to Bloomberg, the Alex Jones Channel Page, the Alex Jones Page, the InfoWars Page and the Infowars Nightly News Page “have been unpublished for repeated violations of community standards and accumulating too many strikes,” Facebook says in statement

>> Senate Democrats Are Circulating Plans for Government Takeover of the Internet: Reason Roundup

>> Alex Jones Shutdown ignites debate over media content policing, censorship

>> Dirty Banksters: Gary Cohn calls Facebook worse than pre-crisis big banks

>> Facebook has banned Republican congressional candidate Elizabeth Heng’s campaign video ad about communist crimes in Cambodia


FaceBastards, Redux


UPDATE: Had to borrow somebody’s mobile number to get back on FB. Then, deleted said number from FB account. It makes total sense. Could have been anybody’s phone, as long as I knew them. Bizarro-world.


> 2015: “FaceBook, You Suck.” The last time Zuck’s bots messed with my stuff.

~ AS I’VE NO DOUBT mentioned before, I hate FaceBook. It is intrusive advertising nanny-state social media, run by a progressive petty tyrant.

Last time around (2015), they locked me out of not one but TWO versions of my FaceBook account, because hidden trolls who did not like my political views registered complaints about my “real name”. I lost access to family pictures, articles, my friends-list, and a whole chunk of my digital life.

Never give control of your things to people you only think you know or trust. ALWAYS HAVE BACKUPS.

Yay, bullying, with a digital edge. Very hip, much now.

But Wait, There’s More!

Today– around 1:30pm– allegedly because my account has been “unusually” active (and because they care very very much) they require me to enter a mobile phone number (I don’t have a mobile phone) “for added security”. Until then, I have no access whatsoever to my FB account.

This is all I can see just now:


No, I don’t share holiday snaps and cake recipes and high school reunion pictures (much), or share pictures of my current meal, or update you all on every facet of my boring life. Yes, Binks love politics, religion, culture, and especially the non-progressive and mainstream sewage that passes for “What We All Know”.

Mostly, I throw some links online, and do a lot of chatting and counselling with friends & family & people who have questions. I get names for my prayer list, and meet people across the country and around the world. As a disabled person, it’s a real part of “getting out”, getting in touch, and doing Christ’s work. As I said in 2015:

… I’m an ill guy living at home, alone much of the time, and FaceBook– despite all the privacy and other issues– is a major part of my chance to reach out, hear back, counsel, preach, build a wide variety of friendships around the world, communicate on matters I consider important or topical or timely. Minus FaceBook, I will be even more lonely, alone, and prone to the Black Dog, and that really sucks. Thanks, Zuckerberg, you heinous power-mad twerp.

So. Here we are. Again.

Is it worth my fighting with them over this, or creating yet ANOTHER FB identity, only to probably get more of the same from FaceBorg?

Please comment. ~


The Binks
