WHOA, there Nelly.

~ SO ANYWAY, is it true that the great divide in Christianity is between “Just The Bible” groups and “all those human traditions” churches?

As even Luther had to admit (he who invented the 5 Solas), the idea of Sola Scriptura (The Bible Alone) quickly became SOLO Scriptura, as the radical “reformation” and countless sects, groups, split-off preachers and a doctrinal & Biblical chaos ensued. EACH ONE (as today) proclaimed themselves as the true interpreters of the Bible, including those who deny that “Sola Scriptura does not mean that Scripture is the only authority.”

Ask each Christian group what “This is my body” means, or “Those whom you forgive are forgiven in heaven”, or any other contested point of post AD 1500s interpretation of the Bible. My question is always “By what (final) authority?” Pretending that the protestant groups don’t have their own replacement magisteria & interpretations, “Just The Bible“? Misinformed & possibly disingenuous.

In 1600s Scotland, the Calvinists engaged in the brutal civil war against King and non-Covenanters cried “Jesus and No Quarter“, interpreting their opposition (especially Scots Anglicans, or Scots & Irish Catholics) as not just wrong, but evil– Amalekites, Canaanites, Babylonish sub-humans to be arrested, mistreated, executed, and exterminated at will.



Teh Binks

Remembrance Day 2020

~ WAY BACK IN The Before-Time, in 2008, I did some research on one of my relatives who died in WW2; and that research led to a wonderful surprise 6 years later.

Research: https://steynian.wordpress.com/2008/11/11/remember-your-friend/

The surprise: https://steynian.wordpress.com/2014/11/10/more-than-remembrance/

For great Canadian reading on WW2– written by a veteran who lived it– look no farther than the trilogy by George G. Blackburn: Where the Hell Are the Guns?: A Soldier’s View of the Anxious Years, 1939-44, and The Guns of Normandy: A Soldier’s Eye View, France 1944, and The Guns of Victory: A Soldier’s Eye View, Belgium, Holland, and Germany, 1944-45

For a great Canadian multi-part video series, look up Norm Christie’s For King and Empire (WW1), and For King & Country (WW2) here on YouTube.

As I write, and remember, Canada is being threatened with death, along with the West. We are masked, and locked down, and told what to do, and what not to do. We are under threat and direct attack from Global Reset Globalism, a popular and pernicious new form of the very same old totalitarianism we fought last century as Nazis, Japanese Nationalism, and Communism. #UtopiaNow!

I Will Remember Them. It’s part of why I fight.


Fair’s Fair? BANNED AGAIN!


~ I’VE BEEN USING the elite’s evil control platforms to yell loud and long from the rooftops against the elites, the Promethean/ Luciferian Cabal, the Globalits, the Faux-Con fail, the creepers, pervs, liars & mutaters of our church, society, & world. Been doing so online since 1995-6.

Once in a while, they catch on, and you get the BanBat. THWACK! You know, for doing something right.

This time, it was most likely a link like the one below which tripped their trap, and rendered me a ban for.. well, they haven’t told me yet, nor how long. Might even be permanent….


Yeah, I’m pretty much incorrigible. I simply will not knowingly obey immoral rules & laws, for in such situations I will obey God, not man. So now, in addition to the FOURTEEN weeks of banning in 2019, I’m now rounding off The Year Of FB Banhammer as I spent a lot of it.. banned. Silenced. No recourse, trial, mercy, or exception.

Oddly enough, this sort of digital censorship is– in theory– supposed to let you cool your heels, think again, and come out of FaceBook Jail all meek, politically corrected, and obedient to the invisible constraints crushing our societies into silence & compliance.


Over the previous 14 weeks of 2019 silencing, I actually went looking about online, on YouTube, blogs, journals, and the like, and woke up a lot more politically, started watching outside the “Conservative Inc.” ghetto I’ve been in since 2007. I learned up a lot, made new friends & connections, and broadened my mind. Ironically, FaceBook helped wake me up even more, all via their abusive policies.

Further, this new embannening should remind us that there are MILLIONS of people forbidden from FaceBook, perma-banned, in and out of FaceBook jail over and over for not bending the knee to our Digital Overlords. This will not do.  These electronic tyrants and front-men for the elite cabal, these fake news purveyors & real news preventers, these false prophets of utopia & Globalist tyranny, these God-hating truth-hating would-be omnipotent moral busybodies are the past, not the future.


Not sure if I will be back on FaceBook, if ever. I might even just take up the news aggregation again, given the massive push against the spreading of facts, ideas, and truth on social media. WordPress may object at some point, so I’ll just migrate elsewhere.

You can’t stop the signal. You can’t silence God. You can’t erase the truth by an avalanche of lies, and you can’t kill faith, hope, and love implanted by God in the human heart. THAT is what Advent Christmas is Really All About™.

Still, I will genuinely miss my hundreds of FB minions, your jokes, comments, gifts & charitable donations, your stories to repost, and daily back and forth which means so much to a sick person at home. Pray for me.


Over the years, I’ve shown you all how to do this. Where to look, what sites to look at, and which to ignore. Go forth, be a pain-in-the-butt Junior Binks. Head over to Vox Day’s Blog, sign up for his Unauthorized.tv, and watch his near-daily YouTube videos. Yes, he’s an acquired taste, but he’s a seeker, a truth-teller, and a weapon in God’s hand.

Be brave, take risks, rise up and let your light so shine before men, that they see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in heaven. Rejoice in victories, learn from defeats. Work out your salvation with fear & trembling, for it is God that works in you to establish His good will and purpose.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks

Once More Doing Hard Time in FB Jail


They Hate You– Get It?


Midwestly – Carlos Maza’s Hurt Feelings Versus Everyone

Salty Cracker – CryBullies Want More YouTube Censorship Because Muh Feelings

Computing Forever – Bill Ottman talks YouTube Purge | NSFW Jury System on Minds

TimCast – Vox’s Scorched Earth Plan WORKED, Youtube Demonetized Steven Crowder And Others

Stefan Molyneux – Why We Are Silenced

Sargon Of Akkad via Thinkery – The #VoxAdpocalypse: A Theory


~ YESTERDAY, the social media enpurgening accelerated, as hundreds or thousands of non-Narrative YouTube channels lost the means to make money from YT advertising; had videos deleted, all this on top of throttling traffic, reduced subscriptions and views. A major content crackdown.. because not politically radical enough. Er, I meant, because NAZZY RAYCISS HATE!


The globalist Left still has the galloping twitches over 2016– England was supposed to surrender to EUtopia, and She was supposed to win the U.S. election. Now, in preparation for 2020, the government-connected big social media corporations are doubling down, and trying to make sure such bad things don’t happen again, to futz up the Masterplan.

Plus, as Stefan Molyneux points out, these are the efforts of a lot of progressives & hard Leftists, who cannot stand arguments & facts they don’t like, or the people who dare to state them. So, shut up!, they explained.

Ain’t No Love To Feel 

GoogTwitFaceTube hate you, especially if you’re not radical-Leftist “woke”. Save any YouTube videos you value, upload them to BitChute. Have backup social media on Minds, Me/We, Gab. Download your photos from FaceBook. No trust, verify, cover your butt.

The internets giveth, and the internets taketh away, because reasons. Your digital masters give you no recourse, no court of appeal, no serious rights, no freedom of thought or speech, and will take everything away when they feel like it. On top of this, all our digital devices, social media platforms and related e-commerce sites are spying on you, selling your data & pictures & purchasing profile, and have already made YOU the product.

Back To The Future


We must get back to basics. Take the God-Pill, and get & stay serious about the Christian faith. Get red-pilled, and awaken & see the cancerous mess all around us pretending to be a healthy society & culture and future. Share both, far & wide, come what may.

The simple truth is that the inward & outward life of Christians is the true basis of the West, and of the moral life needful for societies to survive & thrive. Economics isn’t enough. Free will & free speech isn’t enough. Politics isn’t enough.

Modern man has been put to sleep, and hypnotized by bright lights and shiny toys, all to make sure to keep us sleeping, as W.H. Auden put it:

… Lest we should see where we are,
Lost in a haunted wood,
Children afraid of the night
Who have never been happy or good.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks

(Still Banned From FaceBook Because Hate)

….where we are,
Lost in a haunted wood,
Children afraid of the night
Who have never been happy or good.

ITYS: The Online Purge Continues

Tim Pool is feeling perplexed.



“Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions,
he proscribing which political opinions
you’re allowed to have.”

~ Tucker Carlson, May 4th, 2019 ~


~ OH, WHAT’S A MODERATE PROGRESSIVE to do when his tribe largely moves on without him, and he’s left standing there shaking his head at their antics? That’s the position of Tim Pool, videographer, vlogger, blogger, and actually somewhat fair-handed Liberal– if that word even means anything anymore.

On May 2nd, 2019, FaceBook/ Instagram warned news-media ahead of time that they would be banning a collection of ‘extremists’— but did not have the courtesy of saying anything to the individuals so targeted. You know, that KGB 3am knock on the door in the old USSR was so very effective– they never saw you coming.



The evil unspeakable Perps? From The Atlantic:

“Alex Jones, Infowars, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, Paul Nehlen, and Louis Farrakhan have all been removed from the platforms.”

There was a prior purge, when FaceBook and other companies sent up a trial-balloon by attacking & banning controversialist entertainer Alex Jones. The reaction to this latest ham-handed purge has been huge, and not just on the political right/ Republican/ Libertarian side. Watson had this to say on his still-not-banned-yet YouTube Channel.

FaceBook is even threatening to delete groups & posts about the purged people on their platform. Into the Memory Hole, they have declared, in this entirely predictable move.

Further, U.S. President Trump has commented online; rapper and pot-worshipper Snoop Dogg has weighed in, and many journalists, bloggers, vloggers, digital freedom activists and ordinary people are watching things closely. If this is the shape of the future, it’s a dystopian one, with much silencing, surveillance, and opinion-checks.

Tucker Carlson warns: “Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions, he proscribing which political opinions you’re allowed to have.” Or as Vox Day comments: the “Deplatforming will continue until the crimethink stops”. Pretty much.

Anyhow, there’s links galore above if you want to dig into this more (it’s your freedom, too). I commented thusly on Tim Pool’s recent video, responding to his exasperated question “What world are we living in?!?“:

Dear Tim:

This is Reality World. WE are in a War On Reality, and the Left (your chosen position), is clearly coming out against Reality, Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Justice and Reason.

Why? Tribalism! ANYTHING is OK, as long as it’s against the Enemy. The ends justifies any & ALL means. Censorship, shadow-banning, violation of the Constitution & Federal/ State Laws, deplatforming, tweaking the algorithms, unsubbing subscribers, turning off notifications, the politics of personal destruction, harassment, violence and death-threats.

The SJW/ Frankfurt School/ Politically Correct want a utopian revolution. They absolutize the struggle, so that there are only the good (them), and the inhuman hateful evil ones (the opposition). This is not a formula for a society, but for dystopia & chaos. We’re all supposed to be playing musical chairs, and the radicals have added head-punching into the game. It just won’t work.

Google is a pro-totalitarian company. They work with China & helped implement very restrictive forms of social media. The formerly great YouTube is now theirs, and they collude with the Democratic Party, George Soros, Globalism, the Deep State, the CIA/FBI intelligence structures, and so do many of the other social media companies.

This is war. What side are you on? For or against Reality, Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Justice and Reason? Imperfection or utopia? The pure and absolute ones, or ordinary humanity trying to muddle along and make things work?

Here’s how to put your FaceBook account to sleep, or to delete it altogether. Give it a thought.

Me? This WebElf is heading over to MeWe.com, and only keeping Facebook to let people know that I’ve posted over there. Here’s my account there. Enough is enough.

After all, throwing me in FaceBook Jail for 74 days on 4 separate bannings in 2019 thusfar makes it clear what this company stands for, and it’s not reason, fairness, justice, or truth. Only POWER.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks



The War Is Here. NOW. Wake up.


~ A BINKS BLAST FROM THE past (2016), about how forced immigration is war upon a nation’s own people by her elites, and globalist master-plans. It’s where we really are, thanks to Trudeau, Merkel, Macron, Obama, Pope Francis, May, Soros.. and all the other evil masterminds & busy-bodies trying to rule the world– and using Muslims as their weapon against the West.

Canada is bad, and must be abolished. Now.

This is 4th Generation War, where the battlefield is everywhere, and right in front of you. That’s on TOP of the unfolding insane ‘ clown world’ dystopia all around us.

>> Guerrillas In The Midst

This is best read with my other connected piece, about getting you & your loved ones ready for this, and prepared ahead of time for disasters, bad weather, and unexpected trouble.

>> Thank You, Ye Rat-Bastards!

Scroll down to “Got Angry? Get Ready!” if that’s TL;DR. (Too Long; Didn’t Read).


Teh Binks

ITYS Expert, 2007-2019


Let’s Be Revolting?

“If only we kick out the Romans”, thought the Zealots, “then a perfect Kingdom on earth will come to pass.”

~ SURELY BY NOW GOD has had enough of our corrupt governments and perverse churches and fallen ways? Isn’t a revolution in order?

Fire them all, burn it down, start over! We’ll do better! May the last aristocrat be strangled with the entrails of the last priest, etc., and so on.

Utopia Now!.. Somehow..

Such has been the modern spirit since the 1700s, imagining utopia, by our own hands, and according to our own wisdom. This blood-dimmed tide is still claiming victims in many places on earth even as you read this.

A softer and stupider version of this revolution is pushed in our schools, and many parts of our overgrown government, not to mention in the leadership of many churches and sects. The revolution seems like a good idea, until (1) you actually see what it entails, and (2) you recall that it’s the same bent and failing human nature out of which perfection and utopia will come, (3) “They”, the horrible ones with power, are the same as most of us, if we had their power & opportunities. Salvation comes not via good intentions.

What then? Shall we be enamoured of the old evils, or favour new ones?

Continue reading “Let’s Be Revolting?”

Welcome To Censor U.

All is Well At Censor U. Or else.

>> All Binks on Mehta essays

>> Mehta: Guilty Until Proven Guilty? Post-firing Statement

>> Andrew Lawton– Pro-Free Speech Professor Rick Mehta Fired By Acadia University


>> Mehta’s YouTube Channel: Video Update Regarding My Dismissal From Acadia University

>> Acadia U. fires pro-free speech professor Rick Mehta

>> Rick Mehta – Feminism, “Decolonization,” and Academic Freedom

>> My Chat with Rick Mehta – Academic Freedom Under Threat. Gad Saad

>> War on Acadia U prof Rick Mehta: “Weaponized” internal investigation

>> Free Bid Media– Dr. Rick Mehta Discusses Why He Was Recently Fired From Acadia University

>> Professor Rick Mehta, friend of the Podcast and defender of Free Speech, has been fired by the University of Acadia



~ SO.. THE ACADIA University, Wolfville NS,
 cowardly & bullying powers that be finally pulled the trigger on their troublesome prof, just days before the beginning of Fall term. Except.. he’s not shutting up, or going away quietly. Awkward.

Until 2015 or so, Rick says he was a standard Lefty prof. No problems, complaints, or random accusations to be seen. Then, he woke up (partly via Jordan Peterson, and others), and looked around academia and noticed free speech & open discussion of important issues– in psychology & the wider curricula– were verboten. And at his beloved increasingly Soviet Acadia, too.

Uh-Oh Uppity Prof!

So in 2015, he stopped being an obedient tenured diversity hire, and started asking questions, speaking out, attending conferences, making popular videos, and befriending  various Canadian thought criminals. That was unacceptable, and from that moment on, the current Acadia regime, USSR-style, tried to scare him, silence him, dig up every malcontent & unhappy soul connected with him to register accusations, since as we know, accused = guilty. Now, they’re trying to vanish him.

After all, you can question EVERYTHING on modern campuses these days– except the holy orthodoxies: Feminism, anti-Colonialism, Social Justice Marxism, Identitarianism, Silencing & Deplatforming Critics, Triggering & Safe Spaces, LGTBQRSTUVism, Socialism, Trans-whateverism… and all the special-pleading rubbish “scholarship” behind it. Yes, that’s most college campuses today. Acadia pretty much fits the mutated type.

Raise Some Noise

There are few wars so petty and spiteful as academic wars. Not only is Acadia still trying to cover up, but to cover up the cover-up. Thing is, they feed off some of our taxes to run the Dear Old U.– thus, they owe the public & our elected officials a FULL & PROPER accounting of what looks like a professional assassination of character & reputation. If you’re giving full credit to the vague accusations, you might want to rethink that: this situation has been very much one of “A fair trial, then the firing-squad”.

Speak out. Write to the Acadia authorities, and be sure to CC: your letter to Parliament Hill, the media, the premier, local newspapers, and your local MLA. Put the CC-forwards at the bottom of your letter/ e-mail to Acadia. If you want it posted on my blog, then send it to me: binks-dot-webelf-at-gmail-dot-com.

And if you’re a prayer-person, do pray for this man, who went from “Woke” to actually AWAKE in three years, and got fired for it. You gotta know that such events take a toll on a man, no matter who you are. So why not drop him a note of encouragement, via his FaceBook page?

Thus saith,

The Binks


FBI Scandal: Just Too Big To See?


>> Main Link: The Inside Story on James B. Comey

>> The Real Takeaway: The FBI Influenced The Election Of A US President


>> “The Whole Thing Is A Scam“: Trump Unloads On “Deep State” Enemies During Fiery Speech

>> Former Secret Service Agent Files RICO Suit Against Clintons, Soros, Podesta, Brock

>> Spoofing America: Why The “Abject Silence” From The Left About Child Migrant Detentions Under Obama?

>> Sharyl Attkisson: The Left Invented Fake News

>> Comey-Croney FBI Agent Strzok Was Escorted Out Of FBI Building



~ I’M NOT A YUGE murder-mystery fan. If I ever DO disappear, it was the Wife: she loves such stuff, and “gets” them. Not me.

I’ll watch a such a show or read a book, and I’m just as utterly baffled– who did what how when and why– at the beginning, as at the end. Binks? More of a cool cop-show guy: perps, detectives, raids, take-downs.. which is probably why I’m binging Brooklyn Nine-Nine on NetFlix these days.. despite all the vice-signalling on various sexual & political topics, as usual in modern TeeVee.

The Point, Gotten-To

Speaking of crime-shows: America, 2016-2018, narrowly dodged a bullet. A genuine coup d’etat, an overthrow, engineered by Obama’s FBI/KGB, weaponized into Hillary Clinton’s willing Praetorian Guard & personal cover-up service. How Soviet, right?



Right now the giant deranged hooting-party about “Teh Precious Immigrant Children” is the flimsy excuse & distraction engineered to enthrall the masses. The real story is still out there, full of perps, creeps, cronies, conspiracies galore, cover-ups, dirty money, and deepest blackest-hearted treachery.

Continue reading “FBI Scandal: Just Too Big To See?”

Crying In Our Wilderness

>> Oleg Atbashian | Wiki & Bio | Everipedia

>> The New Censorship— Wikipedia deletes its page on The People’s Cube

>>  2016– Oleg Atbashian arrested, faces five years in prison for supporting Israel

>>  Why I was arrested & thrown in jail by @GeorgeMasonU police

>>  Articles by Oleg Atbashian – Bombthrowers



~ YES, I CAN BE longwinded in these things, so today, a short one.

A sad realization I’ve had over the past few weeks– Oleg Atbashian (The People’s Cube) was a former Soviet propagandist, he’s also an author, essayist, satirist, and graphic artist. He came to America for freedom.

Like many former Soviet dissidents come to the West, his reception was mixed– now, he’s a positive threat to the new Sovietization of the West. The same happened to Jamie Glazov’s parents, at Marxist-deluded Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS, Canada. Don’t reveal the ugly truth of the Worker’s Utopia!


Neo-Amerika, 2018

Now, under the politically correct, the corrupt establishment, politicized academia & media, we are going Soviet. Soft Soviet, with a smug smile and an iron fist. This devolution has been underway for almost a century, under many guises, and stages. Coercion of thought and behaviour is the ultimate goal.

Symptoms, just on Campus? Tribunals, trial by media & mob, the politics of personal destruction, radicalization of politics, thought-police, a quiet terror keeping people quiet & scared. Wrong-thinkers versus the Party Truth. Spying & tattling & surveillance. All must be sacrificed for the utopia.


We have become a Soviet-style prison, just waiting for the final bars & locks to be fitted. Ironic, no? Tragic, too.

Theodore Dalrymple:

“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”


A Gift To Us All

And patiently, year by year, Oleg & his amazingly insightful website has been warning us of the risks ahead, from his life under the Soviet nightmare. We should all be grateful, and aware of his work.

Go read his blog. Read his book “Shakedown Socialism“. Buy his merch. I’m not saying he’s always right in everything said & done and thought– but that his angle is unique, deeply insightful, and hard-won by bitter experience.

Heed his warnings. Tragically, he’s turned out to be right, so far.

Thus saith

Comrade Binks

