T R A N S Horror Show, Canada




~ THIS HEROIC Canadian woman is risking her finances, her future– even possibly her freedom– to make sure the story of the t r a n s horror-show in Canada gets told.

What’s at stake? Permanent mutilation & hormonal mistreatment of children & youth, denial of parental rights, & legal & media harassment is being used to silence critics, questioners, journalists, and people asking why this bizarre activity is being allowed across the country.

SHARE this video & links, write your MLA, MP, the PMO, and cc: the letter to your local newspaper & TV news outlets.

It’s time to stand up, face the bullies & crazy ideologues, and to say “THIS far, and no farther!”


Intro Video

Her forbidden video:


Use the following link to download & save (in case it’s deleted): jsut copy the BitChute link above, drop it into the url spot, and save as mp3.



They Hate You– Get It?


Midwestly – Carlos Maza’s Hurt Feelings Versus Everyone

Salty Cracker – CryBullies Want More YouTube Censorship Because Muh Feelings

Computing Forever – Bill Ottman talks YouTube Purge | NSFW Jury System on Minds

TimCast – Vox’s Scorched Earth Plan WORKED, Youtube Demonetized Steven Crowder And Others

Stefan Molyneux – Why We Are Silenced

Sargon Of Akkad via Thinkery – The #VoxAdpocalypse: A Theory


~ YESTERDAY, the social media enpurgening accelerated, as hundreds or thousands of non-Narrative YouTube channels lost the means to make money from YT advertising; had videos deleted, all this on top of throttling traffic, reduced subscriptions and views. A major content crackdown.. because not politically radical enough. Er, I meant, because NAZZY RAYCISS HATE!


The globalist Left still has the galloping twitches over 2016– England was supposed to surrender to EUtopia, and She was supposed to win the U.S. election. Now, in preparation for 2020, the government-connected big social media corporations are doubling down, and trying to make sure such bad things don’t happen again, to futz up the Masterplan.

Plus, as Stefan Molyneux points out, these are the efforts of a lot of progressives & hard Leftists, who cannot stand arguments & facts they don’t like, or the people who dare to state them. So, shut up!, they explained.

Ain’t No Love To Feel 

GoogTwitFaceTube hate you, especially if you’re not radical-Leftist “woke”. Save any YouTube videos you value, upload them to BitChute. Have backup social media on Minds, Me/We, Gab. Download your photos from FaceBook. No trust, verify, cover your butt.

The internets giveth, and the internets taketh away, because reasons. Your digital masters give you no recourse, no court of appeal, no serious rights, no freedom of thought or speech, and will take everything away when they feel like it. On top of this, all our digital devices, social media platforms and related e-commerce sites are spying on you, selling your data & pictures & purchasing profile, and have already made YOU the product.

Back To The Future


We must get back to basics. Take the God-Pill, and get & stay serious about the Christian faith. Get red-pilled, and awaken & see the cancerous mess all around us pretending to be a healthy society & culture and future. Share both, far & wide, come what may.

The simple truth is that the inward & outward life of Christians is the true basis of the West, and of the moral life needful for societies to survive & thrive. Economics isn’t enough. Free will & free speech isn’t enough. Politics isn’t enough.

Modern man has been put to sleep, and hypnotized by bright lights and shiny toys, all to make sure to keep us sleeping, as W.H. Auden put it:

… Lest we should see where we are,
Lost in a haunted wood,
Children afraid of the night
Who have never been happy or good.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks

(Still Banned From FaceBook Because Hate)

….where we are,
Lost in a haunted wood,
Children afraid of the night
Who have never been happy or good.

Cathedral Burning


To donate to the reconstruction, go here.


~ I WAS IN THE LOCAL ER, in pain & waiting 10 flippin’ hours for tests, when I heard that Notre-Dame de Paris was on fire. Yeah, our Canadian health care system is burning down, too.

Honestly, I just couldn’t think about the fire. This morning, here’s what I commented today on a moving video by the young Canadian vlogger ‘Critical Condition’.

Saith Teh Binks:

“May this loss be a flame in many hearts to remember what we have forgotten, turned from, and assumed would always be with us. Listening to video of certain people cheering with certain words, on the banks of the Seine, makes me furious. Whether Notre Dame was arson or not, other such recent attacks (and murders) in France and around the world by the orcs in our midst, Muslim or secularist, shows the reality of gathering darkness around us– and within us.

Jesus promised us mockery, hatred, and– for some– a cross. He also said “Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world… Lo, I will be with you always, even unto the end of the age.”

We live 800 years after the building of Paris’ famous cathedral. When France was still Roman, back in the dying days of the Western Empire, 800 years before Notre Dame was even a dream, St. Genevieve of Paris stood against the darkness, against barbarians, against darkness in the world & of the spirit.. when the whole civilized world was literally beginning to collapse.

Yet out of that darkness? Christian Europe, the cathedrals, the monasteries and books and paintings and high culture.




“Amazing video, CC. Something got into my eye when I watched the video of a few dozen mostly younger Catholics singing the rosary, even as the cathedral roof burnt in the night.”



For those who may miss me online after my 30-day blocking on Facebook, I’ll be back in three days. A blessed Holy Week to one & all.


Teh Binks






watson 1


~ “FINALLY!”, OR SO thought many interwar Germans. “The new chancellor has begun locking up & outlawing Socialists & Communists & their rowdy street gangs! Maybe we can have a little peace & quiet again.” Ah yes, the purge always starts out with the pesky & noisy ones. They never will be missed.

So what’s up with the current 2017-2018 rush to more internet censorship? Hint: this is NOT about pesky Alex Jones. He’s a canary in the freedom coalmine.

I said this (ITYS, exactly a year ago): Social Media Purge Ensues. And this semi-followup, in March this year: The Internet Ensilencing: Why Now? Brexit, Trump, and the uppity peasants learning what’s really going on in the world, and what their leaders & elites & celebrities are REALLY like. Can’t have that: FAKE NEWS FOR EVERYONE!


U.S. Midterms, Ahoy!

Conveniently, it’s only a few months before the all-important U.S. Midterm elections, and a referendum, as it were, on Trump. Hillary & Obama & their Democrat-Media-Internet cronies are still insanely mad & afraid of trial, still feeling the heat. GoogTwitFaceTube is now fully weaponized to control the flow of news & ideas leading up to November.

Twitter-bans, YouTube shadowbans, skewed Google searches, alt-media shut down, hidden, interfered with. It will only be getting worse. You will not  not allowed to read or watch verboten ideas, as our Masters define them.

This is a new phase in the War On ALL Of Us. The Western Establishments are deadly serious about turning the internet & social media into commercials about themselves & how great they are. This is a major move towards more totalitarianism (with a smile) in the West.

This time, these moves? As serious as a heart-attack.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks


download (6)

>> ARE TECH GIANTS WORKING TOGETHER TO CENSOR CONSERVATIVES? — Apple, YouTube and Facebook BAN Infowars on Same Day; plus, Google and YouTube Have Long History of Working with Democrats — Then Ban Alex Jones and Infowars

>> Facebook, Apple, YouTube and Spotify ban Infowars’ Alex Jones

>> Krieger: “Stop Complaining And Just Delete Facebook

>> The Crackdown Continues: Twitter Suspends Libertarian Accounts, Including Ron Paul Institute Director

>> FACEBOOKAPPLEGOOGLE get out of free speech business

>> ALEX JONES HIMSELF— “THE REAL REASON APPLE, FACEBOOK, SPOTIFY & YOUTUBE BANNED INFOWARS”; and The internet Dark Age has now descended upon us, where radical left-wing tech giants run by deranged, mentally ill communists will decide whether your content qualifies as “hate speech.”

>> Ben Shapiro: Facebook, YouTube, And Apple Ban Alex Jones. Here’s Why They’re Dead Wrong.

>> Facebook Asking Major US Banks To Share Users’ Financial Data

>> First They Came For Infowars.. Tomorrow We Will All Be Alex Jones: Independent Media Silenced – They Are Coming For Us All Now – The Purge Is In Full Swing

>> Coordinated Purge: YouTube Bans Alex Jones After iTunes, Facebook, Spotify Remove Content

>> Instagram bans Tommy Robinson as social media companies purge far right

>> ‘Survival of our democracy’ depends on banning sites like InfoWars, Dem senator says

>> Major tech companies remove Alex Jones for “hate, bullying”

>> “Unpublished” — According to Bloomberg, the Alex Jones Channel Page, the Alex Jones Page, the InfoWars Page and the Infowars Nightly News Page “have been unpublished for repeated violations of community standards and accumulating too many strikes,” Facebook says in statement

>> Senate Democrats Are Circulating Plans for Government Takeover of the Internet: Reason Roundup

>> Alex Jones Shutdown ignites debate over media content policing, censorship

>> Dirty Banksters: Gary Cohn calls Facebook worse than pre-crisis big banks

>> Facebook has banned Republican congressional candidate Elizabeth Heng’s campaign video ad about communist crimes in Cambodia


Tommy Robinson: The Conspiracy


~ YOU’LL NEVER guess what? Not only was Tommy Robinson just released from prison, but he also has been TOTALLY vindicated in the summary of the judgment by the Lord Chief Justice of England & Wales. Huzzah!

Such raging conspiratorial injustice really rustles my jimmies. Rustles.

The Judgment Is Damning

The reality of the matter? Tommy Robinson was vindicated, and proven right. His supporters & supporting commentators were proven right. His opponents were proven wrong, and in the case of the deliberate & constant political & legal establishment interference in his case, it seems they were also careless, malicious, and conspiratorial in their rush to judgment & imprisonment.

>> Robinson WAS unjustly & wrongly tried, rushed to judgment, and very hastily imprisoned. In prison, he was abused.

>> He was NOT given proper time or access to his lawyers to make a fair defence.

>> He was cruelly kept from seeing his children by an arbitrary prison policy.

>> The exact charges & reasons for such a long sentence were a muddle.

But Wait, It Gets Much Worse!

Further, he was moved from a “safer” prison, to one where (1) he was daily threatened with death, yelled at, spat upon, had feces pushed through his cell window, and  physically psychologically abused, (2) Where there was a powerful Muslim inmate component, who made it clear they would try to kill him. (3) They also threatened his family. (4) In the last two months he was all but starved, losing 42 pounds.

He spent 2 months in solitary confinement, in order to avoid being murdered by Muslim prison gangs. Unspeakable abuse & mistreatment in a demon-clown failing political system out to get him. Clearly, Tommy Robinson was never supposed to be a problem again– murder by inmates would have silenced the pest. It’s happened before in the UK.






In the modern anarcho-terror state, the perps run free, and the innocent & those seeking justice will be punished, abused, and– as in Britain in 2017-2018, possibly even held as a political prisoner, like Tommy was. “Justice”– yeah, just like the show–trials in the Soviet Union, Nazi German, Communist China. “Fair” trial, then the execution-squad.

The First Link

It’s pretty obvious this was a political hit by the Establishment, acting through the courts. Who contacted the Judge in Leeds? Who told the prison-system to move Robinson into a more dire situation? There’s so many questions, and answers begging to be found.

This judge in Leeds [ Geoffrey Marson QC ] who did all this to Tommy & his family? A bad judge, serving the anarcho-terrorists in the English Establishment, who wanted to silence an embarrassing whistle-blower and provocateur. He should step down, and be formally reprimanded, IMHO. Dirty dirty dirty.


Remember: there are multiple layers to this fetid swamp-cake. Part of the reason the Muslim rape-groomers were ignored for three decades and more? The UK establishment itself is rotten with sex-abuse, cover-ups, and unspeakable deeds.

People such as Prince Andrew, and former British PM Tony Blair– amongst many other notable political and celebrity British & North American names– were  visitors to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s “Satanic-cult Pedo Island” in the Caribbean.

I’m sure it was all perfectly innocent. Both Epstein’s flight-logs to the Island and his ‘Little Black Book‘ were quite eye-opening. A veritable who’s-whom.

This Brought Tears To My Eyes

Below, Ezra & Tommy meet, for the first time after Tommy’s release. Wow. Ezra’s not perfect, but he is a Canadian hero, who refused to see this good man forgotten, or dead. Bravo to my friend Ezra.*


Oh, and.. yet again, TRUMP was on the case.

Tommy is not totally free yet. Please keep praying, that justice is finally done.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks

* Full disclosure: I am a friend of Ezra Levant. Briefly, I blogged over on Rebel.ca for no remuneration or benefits/ gifts, no signing over of my soul, no worldly glory and power whatsoever. A bunch of other Canadian bloggers did likewise, before the experiment was concluded.

FBI Scandal: Just Too Big To See?


>> Main Link: The Inside Story on James B. Comey

>> The Real Takeaway: The FBI Influenced The Election Of A US President


>> “The Whole Thing Is A Scam“: Trump Unloads On “Deep State” Enemies During Fiery Speech

>> Former Secret Service Agent Files RICO Suit Against Clintons, Soros, Podesta, Brock

>> Spoofing America: Why The “Abject Silence” From The Left About Child Migrant Detentions Under Obama?

>> Sharyl Attkisson: The Left Invented Fake News

>> Comey-Croney FBI Agent Strzok Was Escorted Out Of FBI Building



~ I’M NOT A YUGE murder-mystery fan. If I ever DO disappear, it was the Wife: she loves such stuff, and “gets” them. Not me.

I’ll watch a such a show or read a book, and I’m just as utterly baffled– who did what how when and why– at the beginning, as at the end. Binks? More of a cool cop-show guy: perps, detectives, raids, take-downs.. which is probably why I’m binging Brooklyn Nine-Nine on NetFlix these days.. despite all the vice-signalling on various sexual & political topics, as usual in modern TeeVee.

The Point, Gotten-To

Speaking of crime-shows: America, 2016-2018, narrowly dodged a bullet. A genuine coup d’etat, an overthrow, engineered by Obama’s FBI/KGB, weaponized into Hillary Clinton’s willing Praetorian Guard & personal cover-up service. How Soviet, right?



Right now the giant deranged hooting-party about “Teh Precious Immigrant Children” is the flimsy excuse & distraction engineered to enthrall the masses. The real story is still out there, full of perps, creeps, cronies, conspiracies galore, cover-ups, dirty money, and deepest blackest-hearted treachery.

Continue reading “FBI Scandal: Just Too Big To See?”

FaceBinks Digest #1


Some FaceBook Recentry

A few hours every day, Binks strives to darken the world with ugliness and sorrow over on FaceBook, and soon, on the 100% less Zuck alternative, MeWe. These are a few recent tidbits.

Years after I stopped my news-link aggregation service (100-150 of the best & topical and timely links, 2-3 times a week), FaceBook fiddling almost makes it needful again.


Evil Binks The Hatful


Vive La Revolution

The 1976 visit to Cuba strained relations with Washington when Pierre Trudeau declared ‘Viva Castro.’ Fidel Castro is at centre; Margaret Trudeau holds baby Michel (Photo by Boris Spremo/Toronto Star via Getty Images)


The Trudeau family’s love of tyrants
Political blind spots are inevitable when you have warm thoughts for oppressors

Saith Teh Binks:

Canadians has the dumb, because we’re only used to fighting evil tyrants ELSEWHERE, and not at home. It’s why the recent crop, from Trudeau, Chretien, Martin & Co. all the way to Junior, have gotten away with so much.

We assume that government is benign & mostly harmless. That the horrors of Mahometism or Marxianism somehow don’t have any effect on us, and that they wouldn’t want to use, abuse, or hurt us. That we can actually half-knowingly do Sex-Revolution evil like convenience abortion, euthanasia, fornication, and all the rest, and still be “basically good people”.

As Our Lady of Fatima reportedly said to the sainted Fatima prophets: “Poor, poor Canada.”



For Laughing



Girling The U.S. Boy Scouts


WALSH: No, We Shouldn’t Include Girls In Everything. Boys Need Space To Themselves.

Saith Teh Binks:

Purest madness is our alleged new wisdom.

Just Say No. Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again…

.. until they get the point, or get butthurt and go away, or actually get a clue.




Sheikh Imam Mustafa Khattab laughs during a speech at the Celebration of Abrahamic Faiths at Edmonton City Hall in Edmonton, Alta., on Sunday, December 16, 2012. The event, which focused on holiday celebrations by Jewish, Muslim and Christian groups, is run by the Phoenix Multi-faith Society for Harmony and the Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education and Action. Ian Kucerak/Edmonton Sun/QMI Agency

MALCOLM: Controversial Islamic groups receive Canada Summer Jobs Grants

Saith Teh Binks:

Attention Radical Muslims!

Want to hurt & kill Jews? Flog women? Behead infidels and sharia law-breakers? Stone homosexual people to death? Conquer everywhere and everything? Subvert, riot, rape, bomb and bald-facedly lie?

The Canadian Government Summer Jobs Grants Has Your Back!!



Boycott Han Soylo, The Movie!


Saith Teh Binks:

Powerful Social Justice Warriors– like some movie-makers today COFF StarWars COFF– are like the kids who show up, hurt other kids and break things, and then crow about it.

Star Wars is/ was a cultural thing to enjoy for our times. SJWs are spoilers, mean-spirited hyper-Puritans who get joy out of preventing other people having joys. It’s a spiritual disease, a false religion, a smug holier than thou hypocrisy with delusions of grandeur.

Join The Boycott Army. Just say no to SJW story-molesting, and man-hating.


Let Us Prey


Without family, U.S. children in foster care easy prey for human traffickers

Saith Teh Binks:

Sad to say it, but some “Foster Care” in the West is rife with sexual abuse, child slavery, underage prostitution, pedophilia, occult connections, and worse.

We are modern slavery states. Sad that “Black Lives Matters (A Soros Production) literally doesn’t give a flying flip about this, or real slavery in Africa & elsewhere, isn’t it?



Paul Joseph Watson– Why is cultural appropriation only OK when this idiot does it?

Saith Teh Binks:

New For 2018! — It’s “Infinitely Malleable Pander Man”!

Comes with 256 different outfits, for every possible occasion & cause!

Only $99.99. GET YOURS TODAY!


Alfie Evans: Another Child Sacrifice on Britain’s NHS Altar


Our own little local Auschwitz! Yay….

Saith Teh Binks:

Stalin: One death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic. The tragedy of this sick boy has focussed the billion killed by the current culture of death for many people in a way it’s been hard to do before.

World War III? We are already waging war on ourselves: against the unborn, sick born, chronically ill, disabled, mentally handicapped, elderly sick.. the statistics mount up every day, only our gulags & Auschwitzes are hospitals and clinics and medical wards, so it’s hidden and we can pretend to ignore it.

I still think about the fact that the medical waste incinerator for the main Halifax hospital (where the abortions were done) cast those baby-ashes over the nearby neighbourhoods, my school, and the children’s hospital just up the block.

I remember the smell, and the little smutches of ash and soot that would sometimes get on your skin & clothes during recess and lunch hour.



Spoil-Sports, 2018



Saith Teh Binks:

SciFi author Mike Correia gets it:

“SJWs don’t need proof. They just need to declare something makes them feel unsafe, and thus is super bad, and has to go or else. They’ve got emotion and outrage. So they pitched a big bitch fest. It was all the usual accusatory stuff, misogynistic, homophobic, racist etc. (and their examples? Nothing from real life, just a couple of his FICTIONAL characters bad behavior from among the thousands of fictional characters he’s written).”


Pope Trek


“Vatican. Your holiness. Have you gone mad? What are you trying to prove? Break off the ambiguity! Holiness, we have bishops giving communion to the divorced and remarried here. If you can hear us, stop the confusion! Holiness, why don’t you answer our Dubia? Holiness! Answer! Come in, Holiness!”




Saith Teh Binks:

Lord, spare Thy people, whom Thou hast redeemed with Thy most precious blood.

Tosatti: Reflections on the Church’s Role in the Alfie Evans Case

Amaze Comment by Claudia Brown, Binks-minion

This entire episode has been a nightmare of cold and twisted official hubris in action, but none of it more disturbing than that exhibited by the Catholic Bishops of England. They will be held to account.

I am struck by the early remarks of Paglia which stress the pain of the parents in such a way as to make it seem a little bit selfish. Naturally they are thinking of the personal loss if they lose their child. But i’ve also had the sense that both parents are enraged by the larger issue of what it means to have the government take ownership of anyone’s child.

I don’t think for one minute that they cherished any great hope of a cure and a normal long life for Alfie — that they ever considered putting him through the degrading process of artificially prolonging his physical functions indefinitely, which would indeed have been a selfish act. They knew it was a judgement call, based on his responsiveness and general health. Anyone who looked at that child could see that he did not fit the definition of “failure to thrive” — he had healthy looking skin, full and glossy hair, was bright-eyed, plump and well-nourished. What he was NOT was (in words the authorities were careful not to use) “cost effective”.

Watching and waiting, lavishing him with care and love until he was insensible to it, was never going to add up to progress or improvement. But it would have been filled with grace and peace. Doctors used to care about the healing power of a graceful death. Government used to understand it as a right. Bishops used to recognize it as a sacramental necessity. All those with power and authority failed abysmally.


The End?



Oprah For President?!?

>> The Steyn: State of the Oprah Address

>> Report: Oprah Winfrey ‘Actively Thinking’ About Running for President

>> Oprah Presidential Talk Renews Questions About Swiss Race Hoax, Harvey Weinstein

>> Lefty-Prog HuffPo: Oprah 2020 Is A Bad Liberal Revenge Fantasy; and this via ABC: #MeToo had Oprah show written all over it: Winfrey candidacy could make things worse

>> VICE: I Can’t Believe I Have to Explain Why Oprah Shouldn’t Be President. Please stop. And “Oprah Winfrey for President: Have We All Gone Bonkers?”

>> Oprah: Sponsor to the quacks & modern feel-good snake oil salesmen

>> A Letter: Dear Oprah, I Worked in Middle America for 20 Years Where We Don’t Treat Women Like Cheap Whores

+ + +    + + +    + + +



~ THE BUZZ IS real, as is the political and cultural desperation. I think we just went through the mirror into Neverneverneverland.

After her Golden Globes speech when she glommed onto the #MeToo thing, to the exclusion of all the other people who were caught up by Harveywood predators (some knowingly), the “Is She Presidentable?” buzz is high around media mogul Oprah Winfrey.. at least in Hollyweird, and Demwashington. Plus, she blamed everybody everywhere for CastingCouchGate, so that always makes Hollywood scum feel better about themselves.

A Real Desolation

What’s a despairing Dem to do? Trump just keeps on, despite the best lies and smears Clinton Foundation & Friends can buy. More Hillary?! Nope, says America.

OK, then. How about crazy Comrade Bernie?.. again? Or Fakeohontas Warren? Joey “Girl-Toucher & Free Backrubs” Biden? You can hear the twice-defeated Wicked Witch of The Clintons gnashing her teeth already.

Yet Orpah herself is a known quantity– she has a record, a long list of words and deeds, not all of them attractive, or easily digested. And she has a long association with DC, Hollywood, creeps like Harvey Weinstein ( #OprahKnew !), along with professional race-baiters like Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton & Co..

Someone bent the knee.. but then the tweet was deleted. “NBC?Verified account — Yesterday a tweet about the Golden Globes and Oprah Winfrey was sent by a third party agency for NBC Entertainment in real time during the broadcast. It is in reference to a joke made during the monologue and not meant to be a political statement. We have since removed the tweet. 7:39 AM – 8 Jan 2018”

But Wait, There’s More!

And then there’s this 2013 gem:

“As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem is not solved,” she said, adding,“there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it – in that prejudice and racism – and they just have to die.”

.. she says, judging people by the colour of their skin. Not old people of all colours: she means Old White People. Just. Have. To. Die. So very nice, is Okra.

I can’t even imagine saying that, let alone thinking it, let alone saying it to a reporter in a recorded interview. Yes, she did say that.

Yes, Orcah Winfrey, herself, is a bitter prejudiced and racist person. But only white people are or can be racist.. she and her ilk have it all figured out. It’s cuddly Black Pantherism and race war in a glossy remake. Obama with more charm, and media savvy.


So-and-so must DIE to bring about a better society? Extend this a little bit, and it sounds a little creepy and totalitarian, minus warm feelz. Very 18th to 20th century. Pick the bad guys to kill: Aristos, Vendeeans, the Irish, Counter-revolutionaries, White Russians, Jews, fascists, Tutsis, non-Communist Cambodians, infidel non-Muslims, unborn babies, expensive old people… if only we could get rid of X, then “Utopia Now!”

It’s Not Just Her

Truth is, we’re all a little racist. Yes. Everybody. All colours, races, creeds, classes, and ideologies. You*, me, him, her. All.

To pretend otherwise– like Orphrey Winfrey apparently does– is actually one short step from weaponized racism with a dash of delusion sauce. A “Be Ready to purge The Evil Ones” position, like that of noted racist and race-baiter and BLM riot & mob-backer “Constitutional Lawyer” Barry Soetoro Obama & his master George Soros. Be very afraid.


Come, Sweet Meteor Of Death, 2020!

Candidate Winfrey? Could she be a Hillary, only with skill and media-savvy, a Trump-killer? A black woman for President, with all of Obama’s cronies back in power?

Dunno. But America has officially become a giant reality-TV show.

If I were American, I’d be pre-registering my vote for SMOD, 2020. Seriously. ~


SwissAir 111, 1998– A Terror Bombing?



–> Twice As Far: Book, Reviews, in-depth data

–> Hagmann & Hagmann Video Interview – Sgt. Tom Juby & Swissair 111

–> BOOK REVIEW: Swissair crash investigator believes there was a cover-up; Q & A With Author



I CANNOT FORGET the gawd-awful BOOOOOOOOM. The rectory office windows rattled a bit; I felt the shake through the floor as well as in the air. September 2, 1998, 9:31pm.

Rushing outside, I peered in the direction of the Tim Hortons.. had their propane gone up? Nothing. The night was dark. No alarums or excursions or bright lights, but I felt deep in my bones this noise was bad.  Bad bad.

Hmm. As a chaplain to the local fire department, I headed over there.. just next door. The doors were open, some members were milling about with coffee, and the TVs were on the news…

Word began to come in.. a Swiss airliner flying from New York to Switzerland had crashed somewhere near us… possibly inland, they thought. The alarm went off, cars raced up, the members were still hauling on gear as the trucks raced off with them, leaving a small crew behind to man the radio, and monitor the news. Tom the fire chief told me later that they’d even beaten the Hubbard’s Volunteer Fire Department to the scene.. only.. there was no scene.


Cell Phones: Not Useless

I called all the local clergy I could.. the Pentecostal guy on Tancook, the Anglican rectors along the coast in Blandford and elsewhere; the local Baptist guy. Local & area fishermen were heading out for some basic search and rescue, if possible.. they found only wreckage of the McDonnell Douglas MD-11.. luggage.. shredded body parts.. everywhere, the stench of aircraft fuel. 229 men women and children went into the water, but none were now alive to rescue.


In Halifax, my Anglican bishop called some clergy to come to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital to wait for possible survivors. No survivors ever came. The clergy– from as far as an hour and a half out from Halifax– drove home in the early hours, as the scope of the disaster became clear.

As then-rector of the nearby Chester Parish, I helped out as I was able, including holding an internationally reported-on church service which filled the main parish church to the rafters, partly recorded for PBS. I gave interviews, made a small blog for news, tried to help my fire-fighters and other local clergy in the aftermath.

St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Chester, Nova Scotia

Fast Forward

As a typical Canadian, I assume the best about “order and good government”; and that people are, on the whole, not too bad. Assume– or hope for– the best.

Of course, Canadians had served, fought, and died in many 20th century wars: World Wars 1 & 2, The Korean “Police Action”; Vietnam; the Balkans & Somalia; the Bush Family Iraq Wars; Afghanistan; and even the illegal attacks on Libya in support of the terrorist-backed “Arab Spring” being engineered out of NATO & Washington and other Western capitals.

Still, it doesn’t happen here, eh? We’re nice. Mostly harmless. Nobody would think to– directly or indirectly– exploit, abuse, or harm us, would they? This deliberate niavete continues to 2017, and our widespread official non-response to the realities of Jihad, Islamic culture, and Muslim Supremacist activities in our country.

Opening My Eyes

The last I knew– after the ridiculous official Mourning Show & Hug In put on by Liberal then-Prime Minister Chretien and his bullying PMO, which actually forbade all the Christian clergy attending from naming Jesus Christ in the ‘ecumenical service’– was that the official report blamed the onboard entertainment service for causing a fire, etc. etc., loss of power, crash, all lives lost. Very sad, all over except the crying.

Until about 10 days ago.

Must Pee The Dog

Wee Wallace The Wonder Poodle has his routine, and I like to stick to it. His latter walk includes going up the hill to be snarled at by a neighbor-dog ‘Coco’; and then hoping to see his darling poochy-love Bella.. a small Lassie-type dog.

I was chatting with Bella’s owner, and she said her husband had come across an eye-opening book by a retired RCMP investigator for the SwissAir 111 case. The book said that the crash was due to a bomb, but the authorities– including the RCMP, and the powers that be in Ottawa, had been part of a cover-up.

So I told her a little of my involvement in the matter, and she left me outside for a second– with Bella & Wallace doing their doggy-waltz– and got the book to lend. I just finished reading it yesterday.

Given what we all thought we knew, this was a revelation. I could be no more shocked than if I heard that ground-shaking BOOOOM all over again at this very moment.

The Book

Swissair 111 crashed in 1998. Now, 19 years later, the leading RCMP forensic investigator for the Swissair, RCMP Sgt. Tom Juby, has tried to connect the dots, and set the record straight. He has paid personally, professionally and humanly for his due diligence in research, expertise, identifying remains, the recording & photographing the wreckage of the crashed airline after it was recovered from the sea-floor by divers and huge grapple-salvage barges and the help of other ships.


It’s dense; well-written; factual; I’m not going to give a review except to say it possibly reveals fraud, criminal conspiracy, interference in police investigation and forensic evidence gathering, a massive cover-up, and blatant lying and falsifying the truth to America, Canada, the Swiss, and the world– all in line with the likewise covered-up crash of TWA800, and other terror attacks which have blighted our world since the original Twin Towers Bombing of 1993.

Long story short: an incendiary device of some sort appears to have been deliberately inserted in the “attic space” of Swissair 111, where it would do the most damage to the electrical system. The resulting fire burnt at 1700C, melting aluminum and sealing in tell-tale chemical traces into the nearby wires. Whether this was terrorism, or has to do with the missing cargo of diamonds and paintings, and a hope that the plane would have crashed deep in the ocean remains unclear. The recipe for the bomb-type used was (and still is) readily available on the internet.

Make It Worse? OK.


Worse, leading figures and their intermediaries in the the RCMP and the TSB (Canadian Transportation Safety Board) appear to have lied and concealed the truth of what happened to the 229 homicide victims of Swissair 111, as well as from the U.S government and investigators, the FAA, the FBI, and the US, Canadian, and Swiss public.

Good old (Liberal) Canadian officialdom. Lies, cover-ups, collusion, pre-determined reports counter to evidence; top-down bullying & incompetence and illegal threat-making. Blame the lower-downs. Hide the stuff. Don’t make important people look bad. Don’t let the media know, or the public suspect. It’s all settled– “Accident”– so keep on message. Or else.

While Justin Trudeau is in power, there will be no re-opening or proper criminal investigation of the crash or the cover-up of this shameful episode in Canadian history, given that it took place on the Liberal Party watch. Sunny days.

Bomb, fraud & criminal cover-up. Mind blown.

Thus saith,

The Binks
