Willing To Help Out?


My friend Kathy is in palliative care with cancer. She is the Blog-Queen of Canada, a brave freedom-fighter and author, and now she’s in the battle of her life. Read more & give via:


Please support Kathy’s Fundraiser.

Thus saith

Teh Binks

Cathedral Burning


To donate to the reconstruction, go here.


~ I WAS IN THE LOCAL ER, in pain & waiting 10 flippin’ hours for tests, when I heard that Notre-Dame de Paris was on fire. Yeah, our Canadian health care system is burning down, too.

Honestly, I just couldn’t think about the fire. This morning, here’s what I commented today on a moving video by the young Canadian vlogger ‘Critical Condition’.

Saith Teh Binks:

“May this loss be a flame in many hearts to remember what we have forgotten, turned from, and assumed would always be with us. Listening to video of certain people cheering with certain words, on the banks of the Seine, makes me furious. Whether Notre Dame was arson or not, other such recent attacks (and murders) in France and around the world by the orcs in our midst, Muslim or secularist, shows the reality of gathering darkness around us– and within us.

Jesus promised us mockery, hatred, and– for some– a cross. He also said “Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world… Lo, I will be with you always, even unto the end of the age.”

We live 800 years after the building of Paris’ famous cathedral. When France was still Roman, back in the dying days of the Western Empire, 800 years before Notre Dame was even a dream, St. Genevieve of Paris stood against the darkness, against barbarians, against darkness in the world & of the spirit.. when the whole civilized world was literally beginning to collapse.

Yet out of that darkness? Christian Europe, the cathedrals, the monasteries and books and paintings and high culture.




“Amazing video, CC. Something got into my eye when I watched the video of a few dozen mostly younger Catholics singing the rosary, even as the cathedral roof burnt in the night.”



For those who may miss me online after my 30-day blocking on Facebook, I’ll be back in three days. A blessed Holy Week to one & all.


Teh Binks



Welcome To Censor U.

All is Well At Censor U. Or else.

>> All Binks on Mehta essays

>> Mehta: Guilty Until Proven Guilty? Post-firing Statement

>> Andrew Lawton– Pro-Free Speech Professor Rick Mehta Fired By Acadia University


>> Mehta’s YouTube Channel: Video Update Regarding My Dismissal From Acadia University

>> Acadia U. fires pro-free speech professor Rick Mehta

>> Rick Mehta – Feminism, “Decolonization,” and Academic Freedom

>> My Chat with Rick Mehta – Academic Freedom Under Threat. Gad Saad

>> War on Acadia U prof Rick Mehta: “Weaponized” internal investigation

>> Free Bid Media– Dr. Rick Mehta Discusses Why He Was Recently Fired From Acadia University

>> Professor Rick Mehta, friend of the Podcast and defender of Free Speech, has been fired by the University of Acadia



~ SO.. THE ACADIA University, Wolfville NS,
 cowardly & bullying powers that be finally pulled the trigger on their troublesome prof, just days before the beginning of Fall term. Except.. he’s not shutting up, or going away quietly. Awkward.

Until 2015 or so, Rick says he was a standard Lefty prof. No problems, complaints, or random accusations to be seen. Then, he woke up (partly via Jordan Peterson, and others), and looked around academia and noticed free speech & open discussion of important issues– in psychology & the wider curricula– were verboten. And at his beloved increasingly Soviet Acadia, too.

Uh-Oh Uppity Prof!

So in 2015, he stopped being an obedient tenured diversity hire, and started asking questions, speaking out, attending conferences, making popular videos, and befriending  various Canadian thought criminals. That was unacceptable, and from that moment on, the current Acadia regime, USSR-style, tried to scare him, silence him, dig up every malcontent & unhappy soul connected with him to register accusations, since as we know, accused = guilty. Now, they’re trying to vanish him.

After all, you can question EVERYTHING on modern campuses these days– except the holy orthodoxies: Feminism, anti-Colonialism, Social Justice Marxism, Identitarianism, Silencing & Deplatforming Critics, Triggering & Safe Spaces, LGTBQRSTUVism, Socialism, Trans-whateverism… and all the special-pleading rubbish “scholarship” behind it. Yes, that’s most college campuses today. Acadia pretty much fits the mutated type.

Raise Some Noise

There are few wars so petty and spiteful as academic wars. Not only is Acadia still trying to cover up, but to cover up the cover-up. Thing is, they feed off some of our taxes to run the Dear Old U.– thus, they owe the public & our elected officials a FULL & PROPER accounting of what looks like a professional assassination of character & reputation. If you’re giving full credit to the vague accusations, you might want to rethink that: this situation has been very much one of “A fair trial, then the firing-squad”.

Speak out. Write to the Acadia authorities, and be sure to CC: your letter to Parliament Hill, the media, the premier, local newspapers, and your local MLA. Put the CC-forwards at the bottom of your letter/ e-mail to Acadia. If you want it posted on my blog, then send it to me: binks-dot-webelf-at-gmail-dot-com.

And if you’re a prayer-person, do pray for this man, who went from “Woke” to actually AWAKE in three years, and got fired for it. You gotta know that such events take a toll on a man, no matter who you are. So why not drop him a note of encouragement, via his FaceBook page?

Thus saith,

The Binks


Q-Anon: Take The Red Pill, Neo!



> Q-Anon on Twitter: the official Qanon.pub; Reddit of all Qanon posts, 2017-present

> QAnon is Real, Confirmed by Trump Himself in a “Coded” Tweet!

> Praying Medic: Q Anon – A Personal Awakening

> Praying Medic Twitter; YouTube Channel; Website

> Google-Search– Legacy Media Shills Target Q-Anon “Crazy Conspiracy”; Example Shill Scream: “What Is QAnon? The Craziest Theory of the Trump Era, Explained”



~ U.S. POTUS TRUMP IS taking Them™ down.. slowly, carefully, taking the time to do it right.  Read between the news-media lines.

In response, the legacy media is screaming like a klaxon to try and take President Trump down. They are also attacking citizen journalism, and alternative channels for news, analysis, and freeing your mind. Binks has already talked about this several times, so I get to do my special ITYS dance now (look away! spare the children!).


Oh, that kwazy Trump: So which is he? A total buffoon, or literally Hitler? Incompetent woman-abusing screw-up, or evil super-genius? Russian-puppet, or cunning Machiavellian? Take your pick via the poodle-media– as instructed by the Dempublican party, the Deep State, the corrupted part of the FBI, Clintonland, and the social media dark forces. Oh, and the globalists.

For all these, Trump is Public Enemy #1. Wonder why?

Point, O Windbag Elf?

Long story short: here’s what you are not being told. Hang onto your wigs.

> Trump (DJT) is going to take down/ expose the Clintons & their slush-funds & their child-trafficking & many crimes.

> DJT’s infamous Twitter messages are part of his plan, not random lunacy.

> DJT is going to clean up the FBI/ CIA.

> DJT is going to expose the political assassins operating in America.

> DJT is already arresting corrupt officials: fess up, or no immunity.

> DJT is going to reform & restructure the corrupt cartel of the Federal Reserve, and make it fully accountable to the U.S. government & people.

> DJT is going to expose the corrupt/ criminal parts of Democratic / Republican Party establishments. Congress, Senate, bureaucracy, too.

> DJT is going to expose Obama, and his Administration’s crimes & corruption.

> DJT is going to cripple the Deep State chokehold on America & the world.

> DJT may let some little or medium-fish off the hook, to better take down the big fish.

> DJT is going to expose the child-traffickers & cultists at work in DC, Pedo/ HollyWeird, the Churches, and America.

What The Literal Monkey?!


“Well, Oooookay”, you say, “Uh.. Binks?– exactly what the heck are you smoking? It’s clearly filled up your tinfoil hat, and you’ve gone utterly nuts.”

I respond with one question: Who Is Q? No, not the guy from the Bond, James Bond movies (Sean Connery forever, BTW).

Q, or Q-Anon is a group of top-clearance military intelligence folks, and some civilians. They work together to lay out to the public the map of what is really happening in America today. Q-Anon releases news hints & indicators of what’s important via message boards. Usually, Q predicts or highlights it, and the exact news & events happen.

Deny! Deflect! Defame! Repeat!


Right now, the media is panicking, because the whole rotten structure they protect & prop up is under threat.. hence the loud quacking and attempts at distraction & attempted moral panics and the usual mind-control.  Ignore the noise: look at what they attack, or cover up & ignore.

Digital Big Censor™ has also stepped up with fresh efforts to stop the signal, to prevent the peasants from thinking, learning, and asking to be ruled properly. FaceBook, Google, Twitter, YouTube are all in on it. It is not a conspiracy when it’s blatant, and out in the open.

So Very Carefully


However, telling the public all this stuff takes time and much wisdom. Likewise, Jesus didn’t show up in a blaze of divine glory and bellow “I’m God. Deal, bitches.” The Saviour preached & taught & used captivating stories; renewed people’s minds and hearts by grace, and asked people to come and see, to follow him.

Same with this coming political revolution, which– if successful– will have world-wide consequences. The truth has to be unfolded over time, so everything doesn’t fall down at once, and people aren’t simply overwhelmed.

To Clarify & Conclude

I don’t like or seek out conspiracy theories. I am more interested in what has been called “Coincidence Theories”.. how things and people & their goals often fit together to certain ends.

Read up. Please, prove me wrong. Think for yourself. What if Trump– with all his sins & failings and pridefulness– is literally a gift from God for such a time as this?

Trust but verify. Who does the mainstream media really serve? The louder the critics, the closer you look.  ~

Thus Saith,

Teh Binks


Internet Ensilencing 2018: Why Now?

Look! Actors & models! Happy wow so much very! We love the mainstream political narrative! All must obey! Hurrah!


The Rise and Fall of Western Culture | Paul Joseph Watson 

>> Obama’s Former Campaign Director Makes Bombshell Claim: Facebook Was “On Our Side”; plus, Facebook Chief Security Officer Leaving After Clashing Over “Spread Of Disinformation

>> Facebook algorithm change hits many conservative sites – CNN, NY Times, etc unaffected

>> CONFIRMED! Fascistbook is punishing conservative sites like Powdered Wig, drastically driving our traffic down while liberal sites enjoy increased traffic

>> YouTube Purge of Social Media threatens Full Disclosure

>> It’s Time To Protect Yourself (And Your Friends) From Facebook

>> Right wing publications see a sharp decrease in engagement since Facebook’s latest News Feed changes

>> BANNED: Twitter and YouTube Team Up Against Crowder!; Conservatives fight back against Steven Crowder Twitter suspension

#YouTubePurge 2018: The Story So Far


~ YOU KNOW those deliriously happy people in commercials and photos?– we’re supposed to be like that. Just– super-DUPER happy. Happy with the new tech-toys, happy with travelling and gathering random experiences, happy with the semi-anonymous exchange of bodily fluids, happy watching the same movie and listening to the same song, each only slightly varied from the other ones. Such very fun!

Except.. life. The world. Politics. Our longing hearts, seeking a kingdom of true peace, and inner peace. And in our world, restless Progressivism must “progress”, which means interfering with everything & everyone in sight.


“People don’t like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think. Don’t run, don’t walk. We’re in their homes and in their heads and we haven’t the right. We’re meddlesome.”

River Tam, movie Serenity (2005)

Most of all, the meddlers don’t like a taste of their own medicine. The Euro & American establishments both got a huge dose of meddlesome & uppity peasants with the U.S. Fall election of one Donald John Trump in 2016, and the Brexit vote earlier that same Summer.

Big Meddle got a royally bloody nose. And then their planet-sized snit ensued.

Elites: “This is going to hurt you peasants a lot more than you hurt us.”

The Snit Ensues: Details

Looking back at 2016, Team Meddle knows one thing: internets helped bad thing happen: must part-muzzle peasants! In 2015-2016, YouTube, Twitter, Google Search, Drudge, FaceBook were all used by the peasants as levers of public awareness, circumventing the lapdog media, and the political establishments feeding the elite narrative.

Must fix! So now it’s Big Backlash by Big Meddle, with shadow-banning, leftwards algorithms, demonetized videos and YouTube Channels, Twitter deletions and bans, FaceBook Jail & nanny-messaging. This is all to one end: to stop the anti-Meddle meddling by the revolting peasants. Social Media weaponized against non-compliant political-cultural-religious users.

Our digital self is a big thing for many Western people: imagine being all but banned, being digitally unpersonned, silenced, unable to get alternative news quickly, and not being able to discuss it with others? A genuine debility, in some respects.

It gets worse for the meddlers in 2018– the peasants not only spoke up several years ago, they keep speaking up, and even when some get banned, shadow-banned, de-monetized, and slapped down, they and their peasant allies still keep fighting back and speaking out! What’s a Big Meddle authoritarian to do?

The Other So Happier 2018…


You see, just now President Hillary the globalist mafiosa is entering her second year, with her Canada-style gun rules coming into force and her FBI poodles covering her tracks, and the bodies quietly piling up; and a nearly de-blooded Islamicized United Kingdom is laying prone before the unelected autocrats in Brussels, surrendering every freedom, distinctive, and historical authority over itself to Big Meddle, and imported trouble. Same as it ever was, before 2016. Nigel Farage is merely a bad memory.

Troika-Unelected1Just as planned pre-2013, the one-world progressive Pope is working closely with globalist schemer George Soros, President Hillary and the EUcrats towards a one-world government, more social control, more disruptive weaponized “immigration”, and a gentler Chinese-style control of the internet and all social media. And a suitable one-world religion to match.


In the 2018 that should have been, the internet is still an issue, but as long as a few grumblers don’t actually write letters, protest, speak to their elected representatives and get organized, they are pesky, but harmless: one mosquito at a time. SLAP! People vanish from Twitter and YouTube and FaceBook, and nobody wonders why.

New uppity-peasant YouTube channels with ‘unacceptable’ politically incorrect content all have a terrible time trying to get started, and make no advertising money. Troublesome news-sources are all but invisible online, or very hard to find on Google, banned on Twitter, sidelined on FaceBook, or in links on other pages. With advertising revenues dropping, many outlets are forced to cut back reporting, or shut down entirely.


What Next?

The fight must continue. Alternative social media platforms are only part of an answer, since we must stay in the public square, not surrender it to the bullies. And the bullies are not totally above the law, or invulnerable, either.

Actually protesting, writing letters, speaking out, exposing the Big Agenda and educating others about it, getting involved at the local level, reading books, praying for God’s Kingdom to come, and aligning ourselves with His almighty will makes any protest or expressed concern more than just our team versus theirs, screech versus scream.

It will cost us something– perhaps everything– but the West is not founded on trusting in the strength of men, but on a trust in the Risen power of Jesus Christ– the only-begotten Son of God– to truly make all things new, in the great re-creation.


― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King.

This is our fight, in our day. God knows the outcome, but I know that if we sit back and self-indulgently despair, we have already lost our contribution to the battle for freedom, faith, and our own civilization in our time.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks


A Mason, A Flower, And A Pope

Or, The Poinsettia Christmas Flower.. The Very Dark Side


>>> Let’s Change the Name Of the Poinsettia Flower to Dolorosa Flower

>>> Mexican Revolution directed by a cabal of radical freemasons/ American exploiters

>>> A Masonic Account– Joel Roberts Poinsett: The Man Behind The Flower, By Brother Edward N. Thompson

>>> QUAS PRIMAS (On the Feast of Christ the King), Pope Pius XI, Encyclical promulgated on 11 December 1925

>>> The Pope, the Laity, and Christ the King Sunday; and Viva Cristo Rey! Remembering Blessed Miguel Pro, S.J. on his Feast Day

>>>  Wiki: Joel Roberts Poinsett


~ BINKS JUST LOVES him some Poinsettias.. in all their 100+ varieties of colour and look. I loved to have the church loaded with them where & when possible. It was only later I learned the dark history of the man behind popularizing the Mexican plant we display at Christmastime.


The remarkable Joel Roberts Poinsett was a son of Charleston, South Carolina. As a young man, he learned many languages, law, and military affairs, then travelled widely through Europe, and South America. Later, he became the first United States ‘Minister’ (diplomatic spy) to Mexico in 1822-3, appointed by President John Quincy Adams.

The diplomat loved the Mexican plant “flor de la nochebuena“, or Christmas Eve flower, or Catarina. It was later named after him, after he introduced it to the United States in 1829– at a flower show in a Masonic Lodge.

Utopians At Work

For the remarkable Poinsett was also a Master Mason, and a Past Master of Recovery Lodge #31, Greenville, and Solomon’s Lodge, Charleston. His widespread interference on behalf of American interests in Mexico and South America tended in an anti-Catholic and U.S. democratic direction, and he was an expert in exploiting divisions within the newly independent Mexico, so to benefit American politics and aspirations, and his Freemasonic notions.

He helped quickly spread several forms of freemasonry to Mexico, then used the Mexican lodges to political ends… as he did wherever he went in the New World, against the forces of “aristocracy” and the Catholic Church.

Poinsett was rightly accused of fomenting revolution in Mexico, and he was expelled in 1829. He went back to begin a life in internal American politics.

He Helped Start The Fire…

Public execution of a priest in Mexico, 1927.

Radical Mexican Freemasons ruled Mexico, and so Poinsett’s interventions twisted Mexican politics and religion for the next 120 years. Masons presided over many bloody persecutions of Mexican Catholics from 1815 through to the 1940s, including the famous ‘War of The Cristeros‘ in the 1920s. Countless persecuted Catholic martyrs suffered or died because of Poinsett’s Masonic new world religion.


In the early 20th century, the Freemasons were on the march, and militant secularism was the next great thing: no more kings or priests, just one great fellowship of humanity.  Revolutionary France, Italy, Mexico, the new USSR, and soon Hitler’s Germany would all part of the same movement. “Those whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad” as the ancient saying has it.

A Word From Heaven

Christ the King stained glass [Wide]

It was partly in response to the cruel realities & predations of socialist Freemasonry in Mexico and around the Western world that in 1925 Pope Pius XI instituted the Solemnity of Christ the King, and issued the Encyclical ‘QUAS PRIMAS’.


“At the end of the encyclical, he declared that he expected three ‘blessings’ to flow from the celebration of the feast: first, that ‘men will doubtless be reminded that the Church, founded by Christ as a perfect society, has a natural and inalienable right to perfect freedom and immunity from the power of the state’; second, that ‘Nations will be reminded by the annual celebration of this feast that not only private individuals but also rulers and princes are bound to give public honor and obedience to Christ’; and third, that ‘The faithful, moreover, by meditating upon these truths, will gain much strength and courage, enabling them to form their lives after the true Christian ideal.'”

Pope Pius XI

Long before the CIA existed, or ever gunboat diplomacy and banana republics were made, the remarkable Joel Poinsett was the very model of a scheming, opportunistic, imperialistic ‘Monroe Doctrine‘ Masonic utopian busybody. Likewise at home he presided over the explusion of many Native tribes from their homelands– including the infamous Cherokee “Trail of Tears”– as a Congressman and Minister of War under President Martin Van Buren.

The Infection Spreads

Cardinal Rampolla, nearly Pope

Sadly, the Church herself is often effected by the fads and power-seeking conspiracy-loving ways of the fallen world– it was only by a last-minute intervention that Cardinal Rampolla, possibly of the the Masonic Ordo Templi Orientalis, was not elected in 1903 instead of Pope St. Pius X. Later Masonic-insider revelations in the 1970s indicate that many leading Roman Catholic prelates, cardinals, and ecclesiastical movers and shakers were likely members of Masonic lodges, despite the Catholic restriction on such things. Such men included many of the architects of the radical Vatican II event.

Glory To The Newborn King!

All of this ugly history is not the Poinsettia’s fault. The plant is the plant.

The humble Flor de la nochebuena is one of God’s lovely creations, and despite Mr. Poinsett & Co.’s own best efforts, it has become a much-loved Christian and seasonal symbol of the birth of Christ the King, helping churches everywhere celebrate with beauty and colour the nativity of the newborn King, God incarnate, Man Divine, God with us, our true saviour, judge, friend, ruler, and salvation.


After more than 200 years of well-meaning but futile utopian scheming & blood-letting, God is still God, Man is still Man, fallen and lost and needing the imparted life of heaven through Jesus, The Lord. Each of us still has to decide who is our ultimate king: Christ, or some idol of humanity.

“Glory to the new-born king!”

So saith,

The Binks



HARK! the Herald Angels sing:
Glory to the new-born King!
Peace on Earth, and Mercy mild,
God and Sinners reconcil’d.
Joyful all ye Nations rise,
Join the Triumphs of the Skies;
Nature rise and worship him,
Who is born at Bethlehem.

Hark! The herald-angels sing:
“Glory to the new-born king!”

Christ, by highest heaven adored
Christ, the everlasting Lord,
Late in time behold Him come
Offspring of a Virgin’s womb:
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see,
Hail the incarnate Deity
Pleased as man with man to dwell
Jesus, our Emmanuel.

Hark! The herald-angels sing:
“Glory to the new-born king!”

Hail the Heav’n-born Prince of Peace
Hail the Sun of Righteousness!
Light and Life around he brings,
Ris’n with Healing in his Wings.
Mild he lays his Glory by,
Born that Men no more may die;
Born to raise the Sons of Earth,
Born to give them second Birth.

Hark! The herald-angels sing:
“Glory to the new-born king!”

Come, Desire of Nations, come,
Fix in us thy heav’nly Home;
Rise the Woman’s conqu’ring Seed,
Bruise in us the Serpent’s Head.
Adam’s Likeness now efface,
Stamp thy Image in its Place;
Second Adam from above,
Work it in us by thy Love.

Hark! The herald-angels sing:
“Glory to the new-born king!” +

~ Charles Wesley, George Whitefield, et al. 





Apple Stole My Button!


~ MORE ENMUZZLING? So what’s the deal? Is AppleCorp helping YouTube muzzle the masses?

In the latest iOS update on the iPad (bought in loving memory of my techie Dad), something went missing which had been there in every single previous operating system I’d used on it. The Youtube “Share With FaceBook” button in the Apple iPad YouTube App. No, seriously.

As all of you who follow Teh Bink’s every word, deed, thought, and passing whim will know, in the cool of the evenings whilst I rest on the fainting couch, I was in the habit of posting a few, nay, even a half-dozen YouTube videos I found interesting, topical, or cool via the iPad.

Then comes the latest update. No button.


Shut Up, They Explained

Sharing awkward information is one of the things the controlling elites hate about social media; GoogleTube is working on hiding news on Las Vegas, Twitter is punishing people by bannings and the like. The news & views sorting-algorithms all tilt hard to the left. The great silencing may be approaching. Only kitty-pictures, fake news, and bad jokes in the new Utopia.

New Social Media Corporation ‘Level Playing Field’.

Not saying it’s a conspiracy, but such ‘accidental’ censorship is damned weird, and makes no sense. It’s also really inconvenient for people who use Apple for stuff… maybe it’s time for a mini-laptop, where Goog-Apple-Twit-Tube can’t block me from sharing videos– yet.

Or, it could just be more digital global wars… is Google pressing Apple to slight FaceBook, via limiting YouTube on iPads? Might well be.

Anyone else noticed this new ‘feature’?


The Binks

Brain More Good!


~ ITEM: ‘Tolerant Canada’? 2013: Marginalized and on the defensive, university conservatives forced to grow tougher

~ ITEM: The Fiamengo File: A Return of True Liberal Education

+ + +

~ ONE OF THE great joys whilst wandering the fever-swamps of YouTubia, is occasionally finding islands of sanity, patient explanations, which visiting said islands makes you smarter and better informed for having done so.

Now What, Binks?

Amongst the various offerings from YouTube Channel Studio Brulé, we have the interesting and wisely professorial offerings of Professor Janice Fiamengo of the University Of Ottawa. How she ever survived modern academia, I’ll never know.

That is, she’s not a cringing conservative, a rabid bullying Marxist of whatever stripe, or a dead-souled survivor of one-too-many meetings of Time Waster’s International™, University Division. Imagine!

In fact, Professor Fiamengo appears to be an actual professing old-style liberal. Old School Liberal– Believes 1st year kids have skulls full of mush, which must be shaped and formed. Believes in facts, truth, hard work, and the free exercise of the mind and will on learning & mastering a topic. Education, knowledge, wisdom, and degrees are hard-won over years, not handed out like prizes for everyone– and only in real areas of knowledge.


Worthwhile Professing Persons

Someone like Professor Fiamengo represents (like other kick-butt Canucki profs such as Doug Farrow & Dr. Margo Somerville, amongst others) some of the best kind of Canadian scholarship: detailed, insightful, impartial, quietly passionate, and worth hearing and pondering. They are– to the best of my knowledge– unbought, unradical, uncorrected, and serve as educated minds and consciences speaking back from our Western Tradition to the various concerns and controversies of the day.

You know, out loud. In public and stuff. Common sense, even.

Unlike radicalized profs, or the ‘false consensus’ global weather academics, with the best professors & teachers, you don’t feel like you’re listening to the same old script, or hearing only one side of an issue (usually Leftwards), or that a whole dimensions of learning are being deliberately silenced or misrepresented for political or ideological excuses.  You know, college as usual: Brainwashing, only $20K+ a year, thank-you Cha-Chinnng!

Go And Do.. Braining Are Good!

Watch her on YouTube, read her via Google, and her excellent series via. Studio Brulé. Because Binky said so.

So saith,

Teh Binks

Lance That Boil

SJW “Programs” Are Like Countless Infected Boils

~ ITEM: Friend of Trigglypuff is mad about Trigglypuff being Trigglypuff… Angry SJW Demands Student Journalist Be Punished for Filming #Trigglypuff

~ ITEM– AMERICAN DIGEST– #TrigglyPuff: This is What a Social Justice Warrior Looks Like; and don’t forget: What #TrigglyPuff Means : The Other McCain

+ + +

DISCOUNT COMMUNISM– otherwise known as ‘social justice’– is a raging infection in the Western body academic and body politic. It’s been around since the 1930s, but has broken out afresh on the campuses of 2016, after the previous fevers of the 80s and 90s.

Let’s be clear: “social justice” is sneaky communist talk for a communist revolution in thought , society, and politics. Period.

Social justice is not about ‘seeking justice in society’, but about utopian violence, barbarism, fanaticism, irrationality, cult-like behaviours, and “being outraged” on behalf of victims of real or imagined injustice. In short, “Western society is imperfect, therefore it must be wrecked and replaced (and no, we’re not kidding), and don’t remind us of the 20th century record of Communism, thanks very much!


The shelving of post-secondary education as academic learning and mastering various topics? Bah! Instead, we must be cheerleader advocates and activists of said topic! Disasterous for students, the universities, the job market, for having a well-educated populace, for racial and political peace– well, pretty much for everything. Don’t just study the history of Nazism, become a Nazi.. er.. Communist revolutionary!

Enprovening It

Sargon of Akkad’s recent video on “What Is A Social Justice Course?” goes into the sort of thing happening in many North American and some European universities. Sargon even has a cheeky Change.Org petition up, “Petitioning UNIVERSITIES: Suspend Social Justice Courses“. I’ve also had several recent blog-posts up about the current state of whackademia.


SO– screams of censorship, raisinism, sectism, homophonia, no-platforming, fake hate-crimes, social media lynching gangs.. rage.. threaten.. throw.. mob.. bite.. scream. Yeah, SJWs, you’ve made your kind of politics plenty clear in recent psycho-rages against non-SJW talkers on various campuses. You’ve not actually proven any points, but you’ve demonstrated the kind and quality of people you are: middle & upper middle-class fascists.

We Built This

If the alternative online media had just reported dry facts, lotsa shrugs and “Who says?” would have resulted– but actual video of the people, the tactics, the brain-insane results of SJW-style courses and activist professors? Priceless!

Take this admirable young scholar of the class of 2018ish, for example, from a recent talk at an American university. Mz. Cora Segal is the future.


So: SJWs and radicalized profs are wreckifying colleges, wasting tax-dollars on miseducation, threatening free speech, and turning education into revolutionary programs advocating political and societal ideology and radicalism? Right, then. Regarding all social-justice oriented/ womens or gender studies/ etc. and similar fraudulent & ideological university “programs” and the professors & ‘educators’ of the same?



Radical enough for ya?

So saith

Teh Binks


Homemade Barbarians


~ ITEM: CAMPUS SJWs Threaten, Assault Attendees at Milo Yiannopoulos Speech at American University (vid)

~ ITEM: Milo Mocks Student Protesters Who Claim His Presence Is a ‘Threat to Their Physical Safety’ at UMass speech; and UMass Amherst students throw temper tantrum at free speech event

Steven Crowder and Christina Hoff Sommers at UMass

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“GNOTHI SEAUTON!” (Greek: γνῶθι σεαυτόν), said the ancient Greeks (we’re not sure which one, exactly)– Know Thyself! To this general idea, Socrates added: “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

That is, true wisdom (true authenticity with self, and others, and ultimately, God & reality), requires time, maturity, and effort– and a mirror. Some introspection. Some self-knowledge of strengths and weaknesses, fixable and unfixable, light & shadows, good and evil– OF YOURSELF. FIRST. With humility, and good humour.

Believe it or not, things like that Greek saying used to be taught on undiversity campuses. The Western way of knowing, of deliberation, moral action, of self-criticism and criticism of a society, of beauty, truth, goodness and right behaviour. Not so much in some sectors of the 21st Century modern college, though.


OK, so 2016– whither ‘Know Thyself’? The examined life? AWOL. Tantrums? Awesome!!


For many current and recent miseducatees, their radicalized professors fill them up with gross lies and half-truths and disproven faerie-tales and propaganda, get them all wound up and passionate, and release them like flying monkeys to accuse, judge, attack, grief, and mock– and even physically assaultThe Evil Other. Look outwards! Look over there! No mirrors needed! Smite!

For unreflective SJWism, all that is imperfect & evil is externalized: know thyself know the enemy! Blame & shame! Attack the ignorants! Down with the evil & wrong-thinks! Juden Raus!  Credere, obbedire, combattere! Smash the four olds! (破四旧). No think, just hate.

Know Thyself, Dude


Put down the bong, the feminist sociology textbook, and your smart-clickety– and grab a mirror, dear rads. Got mirror yet?

Dear SJWs, Campus radicals, progressives– you are the violent and dangerous ones. You are the assaulters, the silencers, the haters, the threateners, the fraud-artists, the no-platformers, the fanatics, the screamers, the interruptors.  The bullies who ignore the right of all to have a say.

Your ignorance-fueled moral fervor does not make you actual  heroes– it’s turning you into 1930s-style Leftist/ Socialist thugs. The fact that you may have nose-rings and tie-dye clothes and purple hair is utterly superficial– you are the Black, Brown, Green shirted barbarians you are claiming to warn everybody else about. You.


A Word To Students

Your radical profs are using, abusing, misusing, and cheating you. ‘Friendly’ and ‘cool’? Whatevs. You are expendable tools in their master-plan utopian games.

Truth– They are only teaching you 1/10th of 1% of the intellectual, philosophical, artistic, literary, and other facets of knowledge which are rightly your inheritance. What dribs and drabs of truth they ration out?  All bent and twisted through circus-clown mirrors of radical distortion.

Bad Radical Prof– Mizzou Extremist & Tuition-Gobbler Mz. Click

Moreover, these con-artists and their costly scam is stealing the formative years of your life, rewarding you with fools gold for your effort and money, and not preparing you for life, heaven & hell, work, adulthood & parenthood & citizenship.. nada.

How about… fact & truth based learning? The books your profs forbid?  Reading? Thinking & debate? Religion & faith? Uniting the passion of youth with the wisdom of the West? Unstoppable! World-changing!!

A Word To The Grown-Ups

Choose very carefully.. or you get a graduated job-free lunatic.

Parents, before you send your kid to college, find out what college will give you in return on your investment of life in the kid, and your investment of time and money for a college. You want a smart, educated, work-ready, well-read life-long learner and adult, not a lazy stoned propaganda-spewing basement commie being bitter on social media for the next 10 years.

Parents and prospective students– Does your proposed place of study have an active Women’s Centre? Safe spaces? Gender Studies Program? Black Lives Matters? Lots of radical campus groups? RED ALERT! No world-class or national-class scholars (or scholar-authors), or well-spoken of programs in real studies areas? RED ALERT! Learn the warning signs of SJW-brain-cancer growth places, and avoid them, as you would steer clear of live cancer soup, or a Nazi-decorated university setting.


Colleges? Take the hint from the Mizzou fallout. No more pandering.

Shut the radical ‘departments’ down, realize that pandering to the Radical Leftards will crush your school as word gets out, and parents wake up. Do what the awesome OSU leadership did— they told cry-bullies “No, you can’t trespass and harass our staff. Get out or get arrested and get completely off campus.” A tiny start.

So Saith,

Teh Binks