2020 Horror Show


~ O, CANADA– Our country was founded on the British principles of “order & good government”, also presuming all the common law of the English & Scots tradition, Magna Carta, the Scottish Declaration of Arbroath, all of that.

Very few people really understood at the time the radical break with our past represented in the Trudeau 1.0 reset under his new crappy constitution. It meant activist judges, following current fads & fancies and the loudest activists, overthrowing the common law enshrined in the BNA act and all the past foundations of our law & society.

He Broke It

Thus, modern Canadian uniparty Prime Ministers & political parties all operate mostly by power, not by much principle, or precedent. As totalitarian impulses have risen in West over the past 70 years, we ordinary folk just kind of went along with it, presuming good will and trusting our leaders. Even when they have led us towards “basic dictatorship”, as the Trudeau & Liberal Party regimes have done.

Wake up, Canada. The war for freedom is now not on the Somme, or the Beaches of Normandy or in Korea, or peacekeeping somewhere else– but right here at home, in Parliament, in legislatures & communities across the country. Taking away our guns by dictate is a serious symptom of where we are, and are headed. Our self-appointed political deity PM Moistly & his minions & plans are not to be trusted in any way.

You bin warned.

Thus saith


T R A N S Horror Show, Canada




~ THIS HEROIC Canadian woman is risking her finances, her future– even possibly her freedom– to make sure the story of the t r a n s horror-show in Canada gets told.

What’s at stake? Permanent mutilation & hormonal mistreatment of children & youth, denial of parental rights, & legal & media harassment is being used to silence critics, questioners, journalists, and people asking why this bizarre activity is being allowed across the country.

SHARE this video & links, write your MLA, MP, the PMO, and cc: the letter to your local newspaper & TV news outlets.

It’s time to stand up, face the bullies & crazy ideologues, and to say “THIS far, and no farther!”


Intro Video

Her forbidden video:


Use the following link to download & save (in case it’s deleted): jsut copy the BitChute link above, drop it into the url spot, and save as mp3.



Fair’s Fair? BANNED AGAIN!


~ I’VE BEEN USING the elite’s evil control platforms to yell loud and long from the rooftops against the elites, the Promethean/ Luciferian Cabal, the Globalits, the Faux-Con fail, the creepers, pervs, liars & mutaters of our church, society, & world. Been doing so online since 1995-6.

Once in a while, they catch on, and you get the BanBat. THWACK! You know, for doing something right.

This time, it was most likely a link like the one below which tripped their trap, and rendered me a ban for.. well, they haven’t told me yet, nor how long. Might even be permanent….


Yeah, I’m pretty much incorrigible. I simply will not knowingly obey immoral rules & laws, for in such situations I will obey God, not man. So now, in addition to the FOURTEEN weeks of banning in 2019, I’m now rounding off The Year Of FB Banhammer as I spent a lot of it.. banned. Silenced. No recourse, trial, mercy, or exception.

Oddly enough, this sort of digital censorship is– in theory– supposed to let you cool your heels, think again, and come out of FaceBook Jail all meek, politically corrected, and obedient to the invisible constraints crushing our societies into silence & compliance.


Over the previous 14 weeks of 2019 silencing, I actually went looking about online, on YouTube, blogs, journals, and the like, and woke up a lot more politically, started watching outside the “Conservative Inc.” ghetto I’ve been in since 2007. I learned up a lot, made new friends & connections, and broadened my mind. Ironically, FaceBook helped wake me up even more, all via their abusive policies.

Further, this new embannening should remind us that there are MILLIONS of people forbidden from FaceBook, perma-banned, in and out of FaceBook jail over and over for not bending the knee to our Digital Overlords. This will not do.  These electronic tyrants and front-men for the elite cabal, these fake news purveyors & real news preventers, these false prophets of utopia & Globalist tyranny, these God-hating truth-hating would-be omnipotent moral busybodies are the past, not the future.


Not sure if I will be back on FaceBook, if ever. I might even just take up the news aggregation again, given the massive push against the spreading of facts, ideas, and truth on social media. WordPress may object at some point, so I’ll just migrate elsewhere.

You can’t stop the signal. You can’t silence God. You can’t erase the truth by an avalanche of lies, and you can’t kill faith, hope, and love implanted by God in the human heart. THAT is what Advent Christmas is Really All About™.

Still, I will genuinely miss my hundreds of FB minions, your jokes, comments, gifts & charitable donations, your stories to repost, and daily back and forth which means so much to a sick person at home. Pray for me.


Over the years, I’ve shown you all how to do this. Where to look, what sites to look at, and which to ignore. Go forth, be a pain-in-the-butt Junior Binks. Head over to Vox Day’s Blog, sign up for his Unauthorized.tv, and watch his near-daily YouTube videos. Yes, he’s an acquired taste, but he’s a seeker, a truth-teller, and a weapon in God’s hand.

Be brave, take risks, rise up and let your light so shine before men, that they see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in heaven. Rejoice in victories, learn from defeats. Work out your salvation with fear & trembling, for it is God that works in you to establish His good will and purpose.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks

Once More Doing Hard Time in FB Jail


“You People”– Who People?


~ LINK–  Kate @ Small Dead Animals Blog: Hockey Night In Wokestan; and Because Pleasing Your Enemies Does Not Turn Them Into Friends; plus “Forget it, downtown Toronto? Nobody wears a poppy.” Finally, Hockey Night In Deplorable Land

~ LINK–  Twitter Search: Don Cherry

~ LINK–  One Godless Woman Nails It. MUST WATCH.


~ WELL NOW, THAT was a Remembrance day to remember.. or forget.

Vet-supporter and charity-booster Don Cherry gets fired over faux outrage over what some people imagine, wish, or suspect he said & meant (which he did not). What I want to know is: WHO & HOW MANY COMPLAINED ABOUT DON CHERRY? 1? 100? 1,000? 37,000,000?

Name names, or show tweets or e-mails. Was it all blue-haired weirdo women? Racist racism agitators? SJW special snowflakes?

And “you people”? Really? An American cliche or meme from their long tradition of race & culture & conflict? THIS IS CANADA, you Canucki morons.


“People were upset”? Oh noes! Let’s see who said what, before Rogers-SportsNet fires a man for something he didn’t say and certainly didn’t mean. As blogger Kate McMillan says, this is not only about one man in the media.

“Don’t any of you understand that WE are the Don Cherry’s of that narrative?”

I’ll take it further– WE are the ones the Social Justice Warrior (SJW) bullies want to cancel, silence, block, mock, deplatform, sideline, and falsely accuse until most of Canada is cowed under their power. I.E., the very kind of Hitlerian & Stalinist evils we fought in WW2 and the Cold War, come home to roost by totalitarians in our midst.

SJWs & their pestilential ideas are toxic & cancerous, in a home, business, office, or society. They must be pushed back against, shown no mercy, and put in their place.. or else Don Cherry is just another head they collected, with all the rest of us in line to be  beheaded. Start reading up now, and pass the word.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks


“K. G. McMillan
1 hr

“It’s ironic how many of my friends in the dog world are advancing the narrative of “Don Cherry is a remnant of the past whose views have no place in a modern, progressive society”.

I can understand why — it’s a lot easier to join forces with the like-minded to “cancel” people you disagree with than it is to actually debate their views on the merits (and run the risk of losing the argument.)

Yet, when the same “remnant of the past” narrative is applied to purebred dogs; when foreign rescues are celebrated and breeders blamed for pet overpopulation; when dog shows and horse racing and rodeo are attacked as cruel artifacts of a past that “cannot be tolerated in a modern, progressive society”… we cry foul?

Don’t any of you understand that WE are the Don Cherry’s of that narrative?”


Not Exactly D-Day, But…


~Spencer Fernando: We must honour our veterans with actions, not just words 


~ SO THERE I AM in early May 1995, on stage at the 1945 VE Day event for the entire province, in front of 1500 veterans, family, and guests.. only to realize I’d left my carefully crafted sermon… AT HOME, 45 minutes away. [BRAIN SPAZZ!]

Breathe!.. think!.. I normally wrote out my sermons as I’d speak them, if not for my moderate stage-fright. No time for that.


I start writing it out on a spare piece of paper, hoping the service I helped compose & the other observances will take a few minutes… Phew!
One of the most awkward but most rewarding moments ever, for a young first-time parish minister, proud to represent my grand uncles, my great uncle Gren who died in WW2, and my Grandfather, who served in Burma. Together with the men & women in front of the stage, I refused to fail them all, as they did not fail us.
Current national misleader (and Remembrance Day avoider) Trudeau & his petty minions do not represent or speak for me, or for so many families of veterans, who boldly say, down the years “WE WILL REMEMBER THEM.” Do it.

God gave me enough to preach as I’d intended that day, and I’ve tried to honour the memory of my own family veterans long years since. I also let the vets have their pick of hymns for local Remembrance Day services, without fussing too hard, as some clergy did back then.

Thus saith,

Teh Binks



What Did Jesus Mean, Exactly?


~ THE NEWS is out there about things which have apparently been said by the Pope. Even if he was somehow misunderstood, the verse in question is still a big deal.

When you’re a baby-Christian, verses like the one of Jesus on the cross crying out in Aramaic “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” can really unsettle you. “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” But how can the man Jesus, one person with God’s Incarnate Son, be forsaken by… Himself?!

Here’s The Thing

  • Maybe Jesus isn’t divine?
  • Maybe he was divine before he was made incarnate by the Holy Ghost in the womb of the Virgin Mary, and then again after He rose again?
  • What is that about, verse, anyway?

OK, let’s back up. Way up.


After His crucifixion, death, and resurrection, the risen Jesus speaks with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus:

Then He said to them, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.” [Luke 24:44]

That is, the teaching of Jesus is that He is the true subject and the fulfillment of the whole of Israel’s history, her longing in the Prophets, and her Scriptures and holy writings. Even the ancient hymns called Psalms are prophetic, pointing to Him; they are His prayer-book, revealing the inner life & meaning of His mission, death, and resurrection.


So when we find out that “My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?” is a quotation from the Psalms (22), it helps to understand that Psalm verse– spoken from the cross– is a window into the mind & heart of the dying King Jesus, Saviour of humanity.

Go and read the Psalm. Slowly.

Note that it is a very specific 1000+ year-old prophecy of the suffering & crucifixion of the Messiah of Israel, even down to the details. It’s amazing, and heartbreaking, and a testimony to the mercy of God.

The sufferings are real, even down to Jesus feeling that He is somehow cut off, forsaken, in the darkness with no obvious light. Although He is the Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world: yet that black avalanche of everything in us that cuts us off from God and one another falls on Him.

After the sorrowful verses, this Psalm is a great dawning glow of hope, faith, and trust in the Lord shines through Psalm 22. After the suffering comes joy. After death is hope. God hears the cry of His Son, the suffering servant (read Isaiah 53), and does not abandon or reject Him, or us as found in Him.

Feelings Are Not Facts

So Jesus felt cut off from God, yet quotes the Psalm to say what His crucifixion & death means, to preach from the Cross, to share with us what it is like to feel far from God.

But feelings are not facts. Jesus was still the man divine, the only-begotten Son incarnate in the man Jesus Christ, one person & two natures. The Word made flesh. God in a man like us.

In some crisis we might say “It’s totally hopeless! We’re doomed!” even as our help is about to arrive, unexpectedly, out of the blue, at the very last minute, or otherwise in time to save & help us. In that case, how  truly accurate were our feelings, versus the facts? Feelings must follow facts, else we get lost in a swamp of ever-shifting mirages.

Therefore, to wrongly imagine that “My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?” somehow means that Jesus isn’t God (or some other complicated bad idea) shows an ignorance of Jesus, who He was, what he lived & taught, and how the whole of the Hebrew Scriptures & holy writings were ultimately about Him.


There is no deep where God is not, be the night never so dark. There is no fear or sorrow or sense of abandonment which Jesus our High Priest has not taken into Himself, and burnt up in the fire of infinite love in the offering of Himself to atone for our sins, once and for all.

And beyond that forsakenness, even beyond what seems to earthly a final ending of death, Jesus has conquered sin, and death, and hell, and shared with us the eternal & holy life of God, that we might rejoice in Him who is the Lord of the living and the dead, who went on a head to prepare a place for us, that where He is, we might be also, and that as He is in God the Father, we may be in God the Son, sharing the eternal life & Joy of the blessed Trinity in all the saints, in the unity of God the Holy Spirit, forever in heaven.

Here endeth the preachment,

The Binks


Never. Not once.


~ Bernie Sanders tells crying baby to keep it down


~ NEVER. NOT once. A crying baby during a sermon is aggravating, but those parents made the effort, and they are welcome, too.

Once in a while I’d pause the preachment, and quip

“Looks like someone wants to preach!”


“I think we have a new choir member in the house!”


“You dislike the sermon? Me too!”

Parents– comforted. Irritated people– reminded that we want young people. Congregation– babies belong, too.


Telling an infant to shut up in a public setting is an unspeakably rude, imperious, snarky & humiliating thing to do to the parents. But we know that such Communist characters as Mr. Sanders only love “The People” in abstract.. actual humans are an inconvenience to their high & lonely destiny, and their glorious plans.

FFS, Bern, who do you REALLY think you are? Oh, right… rich & ill-tempered future dictator of USSRmerica. Whole crowds will be swept off to the gulags, including all the babies counter-revolutionary enough to interfere with the oracles of pure truth which drop from your thin & angry lips. You show us in this little instance who you really are under the faux-folksy wise “Grampa Bern” shtick by which you fool.. very few.

Contrast this with Jesus, the incarnate Word Himself, who said “Let the little children come unto me, and forbid them not. For such are of the Kingdom of God.” ~

Thus saith,

Teh Binks



Recent Takes: Unreal Canada, and Evil Mouse


~ IN 2019, Canada IS Clown land. Sad Johnny/ Jessica  kinda proves it, with his demand that strangers Wax His Balls, or else.

If the state can force you so say what it commands– on pain of fines, job-loss, business closure, a permanent criminal record & reputation, even imprisonment– you are no longer a free person living in a free land. Canada is not free. Trudeau & the radical Left have turned it into a land of evil, oppression, and law-enforced unreality.

This did not start with Jonathan, of course– it started with the state redefining homosexuality, then abortion, then saying that a pre-national institution such as marriage was ONLY what the state defined it to be, and that any combination of people was valid.

My wife & I being married & having kids is EXACTLY the same as Jim & Tim, or Betty & Veronica being joined in a same-sex “marriage”. Cuz the state sez so.

After an OK start, our Canadian place in history may end up being a cautionary warning to all other future nations, states, and would-be loony bin associations….

.. And to silly newcomers to the country, who erroneously thought they could just have a business and go about their work in peace & quiet. Nope: malicious lawfare– aided & abetted by government kangaroo kourts– enable broken people to hit you out of the blue, ruin your finances, shut down your company, and make you wish you’d never come here. ~



Devil Mouse & Sterile Stories


~ VOX DAY— “SJWs can be excused if they erroneously believe all is well with the Devil Mouse


~ WOW. JUST wow. They killed it.

It was the biggest movie-related cash-cow ever, and they allowed it to be tortured, then ritually sacrificed in public. Star Wars. The money is not over, but the joy & excitement  & fun is gone.

A built-in audience of 5-55, massive ongoing toy & merch sales, conventions & LARPing and video games and… and after the recent film debacles and actors & directors & such mocking the fandom online, and ruining the movies and… the new Star Wars DisneyLand park is nearly empty. The new lines of toys are remaindered into discount stores almost as soon as they are released, and this crash even helped kill Toys-R-Us.

They slew the cash cow. Cooked the Golden Goose. Punched all the fandom in the nads, and then laughed their sneering faces off. The woke-tards they’ve been pandering to are not the true fans, whose money kept the thing going all these years. Nope, most of the fandom is done.

Lurking Behind Devil Mouse

For Satan is a mocker, a twister, a mutilator, a defiler. Disney has separated itself from the Muses, from the Holy Ghost, from deep-rooted stories– and even biological reality– in order to tell lies & woke tales, and to cheerfully wreck things that men & kids love.

Like Satan, the 2019 DevilMouse can only feed; he cannot make anything true, good, holy, beautiful, inspiring, especially not anything that points to The Greatest Story Ever Told, about a Prince who died for his slaves, whose name means The Anointed Saviour, even Jesus Christ The Lord & King of All.

They will still make some money, which is all they care about. Screw DevilMouse, and the kingdom of Lies & predation. ~

Thus saith teh






Once And For All



~ THERE ARE CLEVER modernist people who make appeal to the simpler days, before Christians got all picky & narrow-minded. You know, like in the horrible narrow-minded so-called creeds. Hippy Jesus & his Dudes just sat around the campfire singing Kumbayah, and thinking clever but vague modernist thoughts, didn’t they?


Thus saith,

Teh Binks


Oh I saw Santa slapping Aaaarius..



Deep Breath!

The Nicean Creed of AD325 was a blunt instrument for a theological crisis that could have ended the Church. As it was, it divided Christianity in the worst crisis of the faith, until the Modernist Crisis of the 20th century in Protestantism & Christianity.

Arianism nearly won. Jesus is “divine”, but only in an honorific way. Homoiousios versus homoousios– like the Father, or of one being/ substance with the Father.

So what? Well, either Jesus is the Word of God incarnate, God & Man, or he’s an exalted kind of superhero, but human in the end. If he’s not God, he can’t SAVE us– if he’s not truly Man, he does not share our nature, and cannot save US. Thus, Arianism is a kind of spiritual and moral heroism, with Christ the holy Hercules showing us the way to try harder. And harder. Jesus can’t save you, so MORE EFFORT!

Arianism was popular, simple, had catchy ditties, most of the popular bishops liked it– but really was a dagger aimed at the heart of Christianity, and our salvation in Christ Jesus.

“The whole world groaned,
and was astonished
to find itself Arian.”

– St Jerome

Continue reading “Once And For All”